“For all its complexities, America’s nationwide housing crisis boils down to a problem of supply and demand: The country needs a lot more homes than it has, yet even ambitious reforms won’t provide developers with enough incentive to bridge the gap.” Those lines are from a left-leaning Bloomberg editorial published on the Jeff Bezos owned and left-leaning Washington Post. The title of that editorial is compelling: “The U.S. Can Solve Its Housing Crisis: It Just Needs To Start Building.” In about 800 words it is a typical mix of accurate and inaccurate information about manufactured housing. Nevertheless, it makes the point that more “mobile homes” (i.e.: HUD Code manufactured homes) are needed, plus more modular and prefab housing are needed. It also makes the point that more financing support should come from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for manufactured housing. Efforts are needed, said the editorial, to reverse the zoning barriers which limit the placement of manufactured housing. In other words, their editorial calls for some of the very solutions that MHProNews and MHLivingNews have spotlighted and called for over the years.
Their editorial will be more carefully unpacked in a planned special report. Watch for it.
In the meantime, one more takeaway from their report illustrates that our pro-white hat industry professionals and pro-consumer platforms are obviously on the correct track. The Bloomberg/WaPo editorial makes the points that millions of new homes are needed, conventional builders can not keep up, much less close the gap. Only factory building can produce enough numbers to meet U.S. housing demand. Manufactured housing, modular homes, and prefab builders used to produce far higher percentages of the U.S. annual single family housing construction. Since it was done before, it can be done again. Though there are terminology and other weaknesses to their op-ed, there is only so much that someone can do in 800 words.
But as one Marty Lavin, J.D., has previously observed to MHProNews a couple of years ago, such reports have been occasionally published by mainstream media or some researcher for decades. Where are the results? Why is manufactured housing performing at about a 70 percent lower level today than it was in 1998? Why are such relatively positive research or reports routinely not found on the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) website? Why were some such items available before on the MHI website? What has changed there? Why does MHI appear to say the right things, yet has failed for essentially all of the 21st century to recapture and surpass the industry’s prior achievements in the 20th century?
Those points and questions are a useful lead-in to the second half of our 2022 headlines in review, which will follow for the months July-December 2022. The recap of the top items for first 6 months of 2022, January-June, is found further below. That report is one of the articles found in our customary Sunday MHVille weekly review of headlines found exclusively for years on MHProNews. Not to be missed is our postscript for this weekly report which will look ahead at key issues for 2023.
One more point should be made for the sake of newcomers as well as for the regular readers of MHProNews. The known evidence strongly suggests that MHProNews dwarfs the traffic and engagement of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI). Additionally, wanna be publishing or blogging rivals of this platform won’t publicly directly dispute or debate the point that our platforms dwarf theirs too.
The reasons why our MHLivingNews and MHProNews platforms DOMINATE in engagement from industry professionals and others peering into manufactured housing land (a.k.a. MHVille) is precisely because we have the broadest, factually-focused, evidence- and reason-based trade media in modern manufactured housing history. These ‘readers choices’ for the most read linked items shed light on the issues raised directly or obliquely by left-leaning Bloomberg and Jeff Bezos owned left-leaning WaPo.
July through December 2022 Year in Review –
As with January through June 2022, what follows are the top 20 articles most-read on MHProNews per Webalizer’s metrics on our largest of over a dozen cPanels. Some high-ranking items/articles are withheld for proprietary reasons, but there is plenty of examples of the wide range of topics that readers like you ‘voted’ with their browsers, devices, and time as the most-read in that month. Typically thousands of posts are accessed during a month, so hitting the top 20 is metaphorically rare air. Well over 10 million of pageviews and well north of a million visits a year are recorded by Webalizer on that one cPanel to make these the apparent champions for the topics of most interest in that month in all of MHVille trade media, not just on our site. A bullet analysis follows each month. Readers have the option of clicking through to see any of the given reports. Items withheld for proprietary reasons are a catch-all that may include, but are not limited to, content posted for a client.
For the month of July 2022 top articles in review, per Webalizer 2.23 are as shown. Some articles get 6 figures in hits in a month, but more typically they will be in the thousands (tens of thousands) not hundreds of thousands of hits monthly. As a reminder and for comparison purposes, Forbes far larger website’s views counter registered under 20,000 for an article on Warren Buffett, Clayton Homes, and manufactured housing. MHInsider, considered by some to be the closer rival to MHProNews, often has just a few hundred views of a given article per their counter, which they finally disabled, apparently due to their embarrassment over low reader engagement. Put differently, for manufactured home focused content there is no known manufactured housing ‘industry news, tips, and views’ resource that attracts more readers than MHProNews. The diversity of topics is a testimony to the varied manufactured housing professional readers’ interest.
The first up for the back half of the year in review is July 2022. The following insights are per Webalizer 2.23.
Usage Statistics for manufacturedhomepronews.com
Summary Period: July 2022
Generated 01-Aug-2022 07:12 CDT
In no particular order of importance are the following observations.
- The Berkshire suit is a reminder that corporations, and nonprofits are willing to sue to get their rights enforced. So why has MHI failed to sue to get the industry’s rights enforced under federal or other useful laws?
- Apollo’s Leon Black, an investor in manufactured home communities, being probed for ties to Jeffrey Epstein made the top 20. Epstein connected reports have for some time been popular reads on MHProNews.
- Remarks about Nathan Smith, Flagship Communities, RHP Properties, Carville’s quip, Rollohome will be found in upcoming monthly segments. These reports – or similar ones about them – have often been ‘top 20’ in 2022. Perhaps some people like playing the role of ‘bad boys’ in MHVille?
- “We are all afraid.” This look at the New York Times and Washington Post reports on scandals involving the manufactured home land-lease community sector are useful for several reasons unpacked in that report.
- MHProNews was a leader in reporting the dip in mainstream housing in 2022 vs. 2021. The deal
‘cancellations report’ compared that trend in MHVille vs. conventional construction.
- How much potential exposure might Warren Buffett have if his Berkshire Hathaway were sued in a class action style litigation in manufactured housing? That’s the hypothetical but evidence based $200 billion dollar question probed in a report linked above. Note that this report has stayed popular for months since it was first published.
- Cavco Industries (CVCO) connected litigation and Palm Harbor (a Cavco brand) complaints made the top 20.
- Murex and the Northwest Mutual “Holy Crap” report was among the top 20. Interesting or ‘big’ deals get reader interest.
National and manufactured housing industry politics. Broadly national but industry-connected industry fact-checks. Reports that pull back the curtain on information that may seem obscure, even to some longtime manufactured housing industry professionals are part of the smorgasbord of research, reporting, and commentary that have long made MHProNews the runaway #1 in manufactured housing trade media.
For August 2022, according to Webalizer 2.23 are the following ‘top twenty’ most-read report insights.
Usage Statistics for manufacturedhomepronews.com
Summary Period: August 2022
Generated 01-Sep-2022 07:03 CDT
Some observations on the above, in no particular order of importance.
- While articles that include Warren Buffett or Clayton Homes are often in the top 20, that is not always true.
- In the articles above for August, UMH Properties, RHP Properties (x2), Nathan Smith (Flagship Communities x2), Skyline Champion (SKY), Triad Financial Services, Cavco Industries (CVCO), and BlackRock.
- Monthly manufactured housing production reports are routinely in the top 20. The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) also publishes a monthly production data report. MHARR maintains a data base that is publicly accessible for free of these monthly reports that goes back years for researchers on manufactured home production and the top ten states for new manufactured home shipments. By contrast, the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) hides their production and shipment data behind a members-only login. MHI does something similar with their so-called industry research. Time alone will tell if or when MHI will become more normative and join MHARR, MHProNews, the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA) and other trade groups which provide industry data and industry research reports free to the public.
- News tips can be received via “https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/ireport-news” or via iReportMHNewsTips@mhmsm.com. Apparently, MHProNews is trusted with reader input and feedback. While news tips may or may not be published, that is at our discretion, some of our ground breaking reports have been as a result of news tips from readers. That’s good news for white hat brands and may be irksome to black hat brands, problematic trade groups, nonprofits and public officials.
- Our Rollohome report “Creating 60,000 Factory-Built Homes in 2 Years” for one new company is a report dated June 1, 2018. It revealed from a historic perspective how many manufactured homes could be built from a large production facility from opening. As before, in fairness, note that some producers have been skeptical of this report, which is based on information from a cited mainstream source. That said, that 60,000 housing units in 2 years works out to an estimated 120 units daily, based on a 500 work days in 2 years. Per Study, “A car factory is able to produce 120 cars per day.” Cars and the mobile homes of yesteryear are apples and oranges. But the concept of producing a house or a car on a volume basis in a factory is well proven. A check of aircraft production history, per Wikipedia, reveals that “In 1939, total aircraft production for the US military was less than 3,000 planes. By the end of the war, America produced 300,000 planes.” These facts reveal that it is possible, although MHProNews has not heard from anyone associated with a plant which existed over 6 decades ago. Mobile homes were simpler in many cases then than they are today. A reasonable takeaway is that with a simplified production a HUD Code producer with a properly organized and efficiently operating factory may achieve significantly higher levels of production than dozens of modern plants currently produce. Another possible takeaway is that a brand-new company could hit the scene and with the proper plan, team, and execution, could take the industry by storm. Our ‘sniffers’ don’t see a specific visitor, so we don’t know with certainty what is the profile of the reader digesting that report. But thousands have found it compelling month after month and over 4 years after it was first published.
- Legal and regulatory issues often make the top 10, as the report above reflects.
- Broader housing market reports that provide context for manufactured housing are popular. In July 2022, such a report (linked above) hit the top 20.
- Political, economic, historic, and occasionally culturally focused issues – which MHProNews uses to provide context for other topics that matter to manufactured housing pros – are apparently popular.
For month in review is September 2022. Again, per Webalizer 2.23:
Usage Statistics for manufacturedhomepronews.com
Summary Period: September 2022
Generated 01-Oct-2022 07:13 CDT
- The fuel article in September topped the list of the most accessed report for the month. While much of that was economics 101, and thus could have ongoing value, frankly the price of crude oil price has dropped due to slowing global economics. Other ‘economics’ or politically focused reports hit the top 20 for the month on
- The IPS Gilded Giving report featured Warren Buffett and pulled back the veil on an issue that continues to be a mystery for millions. Because MHProNews invests the time to research and provide insights on these issues, among the sometimes-veiled drivers of corporate, political or economic policy gets revealed to readers. It should be noted that oftentimes it is left-leaning sources that may bring for research on such topics, but be it left or right, MHProNews aims to apply the wheat and chaff sifting process to every topic and source.
- Legal articles made the top 20, including the FeganScott class action suit against ELS.
- A recap of the top articles for August made the top 20 in September. It would not be a surprise if these annual recaps for 2022 make the top 20 in January 2023. Our weekly headlines for MHVille in review are often popular reports too.
- Comparing MHARR vs. MHI hit the top 20. As has been noted, reports that mention MHARR and/or MHI are routinely well read. Industry pros apparently want to know why one national manufactured housing trade association’s take and thinking may differ from the other.
- The 2018 Rollohome report made the top 20 again. Note that some articles periodically surge or often stay in the top 50 articles out of the thousands accessed/referral paths for the month.
- Legacy Housing made the top 20. Legacy is an MHI member, but in some ways is an outlier in terms of corporate behavior from other MHI member producers. When MHProNews publishes a report on Legacy, it is common that it hits the top 20 for that month.
- A report on issues related to Cavco Industries (CVCO) and MHI is noteworthy in the above.
- RHP Properties connected reports are often in the top 20. RHP claims they are the largest privately held portfolio operator of manufactured home land-lease communities. They appear in mainstream news several times a year, often due to complaints from their resident base, or public officials focusing attention due to RHP.
- When MHProNews ‘fisks’ or fact checks a mainstream media report, as in the case of the Yahoo report linked above on manufactured housing industry consolidation, those are routinely well read. Yahoo’s report was perhaps of particular interest on several levels, as that popular report with analysis revealed.
- It seems that others in MHVille trade media are routinely unwilling to critique a source. The Texas Real Estate Research Center (TRERC) report that is unpacked is an example of how popular such factual and expert analysis are among manufactured housing industry readers.
- Other topics for the month included nation, global, broader housing, and manufactured housing industry specific political and economic drivers. Curious minds want to KNOW. Professionals may or may not like what they read, but they still want to KNOW what is behind the curtain.
For month in review is October 2022. According to Webalizer 2.23.
Usage Statistics for manufacturedhomepronews.com
Summary Period: October 2022
Generated 01-Nov-2022 07:14 CDT
- For a variety of reasons, MHProNews is providing this specific hit-count on the FeganScott class action lawsuit article. One is to underscore that not every top article breaks the 6 figure engagement level monthly. Two, the FeganScott report was first published on MHProNews on January 20, 2022. Some 9 months later, it surged back to the top 20, and to the #1 spot. Readers apparently were less interested in the ELS ‘defense’ arguments than they were in the case being made by FeganScott on behalf of ELS residents.
- Cavco Industries’ (CVCO) settlement with their SEC suit hit the top 20.
- Cavco’s deal to acquire Solitaire Homes made the most popular readers choices for the month.
- Reports on publicly traded Nobility Homes (NOBH) are not common place here or anywhere else for that matter. But when they occur, they routinely end up in the top 20 for the month on MHProNews. The report linked above is an example of that phenomenon. Professionals want to know what Terry (chairman and president) and Tom (EVP and CFO) Trexler or Nobility have to say.
- Manufactured housing industry data is a routine top 20. It has been said by researchers that getting information on manufactured housing is not easy, so, that is not just a remark by legal researcher Samuel “Sam” Strommen. The popularity of MHProNews and/or MHLivingNews is due in part because ‘nature abhors a vacuum.’ Our reports fill a craving for evidence, facts, and understanding from an industry expert perspective.
- It is not easy to know specifically why the Rob Coldren-Joel Kotkin report resurfaced in the top 20 for the month. It was first published in December 23, 2020. That said, the enduring value of more in depth reports is demonstrated. While much of media today focuses on reports of 400, 800, 1200, or 1500 word length items, much of MHProNews in recent years has articles that run several thousand words. Curious minds want to We provide factual, evidence- and commonsense-based meat and potatoes that feeds that craving for understanding. Informed sources say that among the conglomerates, property and retail location managers are among our most dedicated readers. But so too are c-suite level pros, attorneys, public officials, educators, nonprofits, and others. Who says? In numbers of instances it is Webalizer’s sniffer, which detects .edu, .gov, and such generic information from visitors (we don’t ‘see’ a specific person).
- The Rollohome report from 2018 hits the top 20 again.
- The Institute for Justice (IJ) report that contrasts what tiny home supporters are doing, vs. what the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) is for whatever reasons failing to do.
- More principle based, philosophical musings that can enhanced professional performance is found in Tim Connor’s perennial favorite, Sorry but the world doesn’t revolve around you. Best selling author and speaker Tim Connor’s Words of Wisdom have been around for years on MHProNews and remain a popular inspirational feature. Connor’s longtime ties to factory built housing have made him a respected speaker in MHVille.
- Another Texas Real Estate Research Center (TRERC) fact check made the top 20, perhaps because it highlights the disconnect between what sources connected to the Texas Manufactured Housing Association (TMHA) and MHI are saying to TRERC vs. what federal and other sources have said. To put it bluntly, they don’t agree. Whose claims are to be trusted and why?
- MHProNews is a routine user of notable quotations from inside or outside of MHVille that shed light on an issue. Two quotation-connected topics made the top 20 for the month above. One from Warren Buffett, a routine Democratic backer. Another is by James Carville, who is a Democratic strategist that advised President Williams Jefferson “Bill” Clinton (D) among others. How what they said applies to MHVille is explored in those respective reports which have stood the test of time and remain popular months or years after they were first published.
- News on mainstream housing can be found in tens of thousands of sites. But what MHProNews does is explore data about mainstream housing and then connect the dots to what that could or should mean for manufactured housing. That is a rare commodity indeed, which explains why those reports often end up among the top 20 for a given month. That occurred in the above too.
For month in review is November 2022. According to Webalizer 2.23.
Usage Statistics for manufacturedhomepronews.com
Summary Period: November 2022
Generated 01-Dec-2022 06:17 CST
- ELS’ legal issues make the top and the bottom of the list above. Among the possible takeaways for detail minded professionals? When MHProNews links a report from an article, they often surge.
- Note that MHProNews’ unpacking ELS’ quarterly report is in the top 20. Our fact checks and analysis of manufactured housing connected equities are routinely big hits with readers, even though they are also among the longest articles published here. Inquiring professionals who thirst for knowledge want facts, evidence, and they like to see what others in their profession have said, even if they may disagree.
- For this month two of the top articles were on Legacy Housing (LEGH). Legacy connected reports, as was previously noted, are routinely among our most popular topics when we periodically cover them on MHProNews. Curt Hodgson has some memorable sayings that ought to speak volumes to industry pros, which may be a factor.
- James Carville’s quip, Buffett’s “Dark Secrets”, “Scandal Plagued Flagship” are among the returning reports to the top 20, even though they were published in the first two instances years before.
- Cavco, UMH Properties, RHP Properties, Skyline Champion, and ELS beyond their legal challenges made the top 20.
- The report on MHI ducking out on their apparent responsibilities to properly inform the industry and to deliver pro-industry litigation where needed made the top 20. The contrast between MHARR and MHI are routinely well read by industry professionals, despite the fact that the Ohio Manufactured Homes Association (OMHA) executive director Tim Williams’ ‘defense’ of MHI by accusing MHProNews of going ‘Scorched Earth’ against MHI. If it feels like scorched earth to Williams or other MHI defenders, it apparently because MHI provides so much evidence of apparently mishandled industry issues.
“Scorched Earth” Reply-Lesli Gooch, Tim Williams, and Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Claims
- Rollohome, again. Two more thoughts on this routinely favorite ‘blast from the past’ topic. Recall the insiders remark to MHProNews recently reported? There are supposedly some “5 or 6” previous producers of HUD Code manufactured homes that are perched to return to the industry if the production level hits near 200,000 new homes shipped annually. But keep in mind too that others are exploring factory built housing for the very reason that Bloomberg and WaPo’s editorial mentioned. Of course, some will be doing online searches for information that may tell them if they want to invest in a new production center and what the potential may be.
- Lifelong Democrat RFK Jr. supported Whitney Webb’s ‘One nation under blackmail.’ MHProNews has since early on its publishing provided information from sources that span the left-right media, political, and economic divides. Webb’s article was powerful, and MHProNews provided it with permission from RFK Jr’s “Defender” website. Politics and corporate behaviors are a nexus that savvy pros grasp influence the ‘rigged system’ that hamstrings various parts of the U.S. economy, including manufactured housing.
Finally, the top twenty for December 2022 – the readers choice as measured by engagement top ranked articles – according to Webalizer 2.23. Note that the most read for the month is a politically incorrect look at an issue MHProNews periodically touches upon.
Usage Statistics for manufacturedhomepronews.com
Summary Period: December 2022
Generated 01-Jan-2023 06:08 CST
The following observations of the above are in no particular order of importance.
- Readers seem keen on MHProNews/MHLivingNews ongoing efforts that connect the dots between companies that have a reputation as being predatory and membership in the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI).
- Brand name driven reports are often top reads. For instance, Deer Valley surged in December for the report shown above. NADA, never a client, hit the top 20.
- Who else in MHVille trade publishing connected the dots on some of these best-read issues? Almost none, for instance, could say they covered the 9 million young adults who returned to live with mom and dad. Yet that should be a reason why manufactured housing could be soaring instead of snoring, if, if, if, MHI were ‘doing its job properly.’
- Manufactured housing data is once again in two of the top 20 reports.
- MHI’s admissions on their apparently failing Clayton-backed CrossMods © project was a top 20 read. The reasons will be apparent to those who read or re-read that report.
- The Buffett-connected Arabella Advisors report was near the end of the month, but still made it near the top of the top 20 among thousands of referral paths accessed to MHProNews posts in December 2022. For those who want to grasp how the world works, and how that influences MHVille, that report is understandably a highly engaged topic for industry pros who want to know.
- Manufactured Housing Properties made the top 20 cut. Learn more about them via that report, fact-check and analysis.
- Pew’s research into manufactured housing challenges several attempted narratives by MHI, as MHI has essentially admitted in a follow up to that article.
- Senator Sherrod Brown (OH-D) and his ties to Democratic donor and Flagship/MHI connected Nathan Smith are examined in the course of that article on a brewing manufactured home issue.
- Warren Buffett’s pledge to Kevin Clayton came in at number 2, even though it was a report later in the month.
- The December 8, 2022 report on “How Long a Prison Term May Some Manufactured Housing Execs Get from Successful Prosecution? Law360 Clue-11 & 13 Year Prison Terms for Convicted Corp Criminal Fraud.” Could it be that scores of industry pros wanted to know what their personal risk might be? And that thousands wanted to know how long someone they may know personally might end up being behind bars?
- Even as thousands were focused on the holidays, shopping, family, friends, etc. MHProNews closed out December with over 1 million pageviews on our top cPanel alone: 1,052,317!! That cPanel, per Webalizer, logged 119681 visits in an industry that MHI previously claimed only has 75,000 full time equivalent (FTE) professionals working in it. There is simply nothing else in MHVille that is as popular as this publication.
The bottom line for 2022 is similar to prior years in this respect. Engagement on MHProNews is demonstrably higher than on MHI by far. Though mainstream CNN understandably makes MHProNews look teeny tiny, nevertheless, engagement by our readers is about 3 times higher than CNN obtains, per SimilarWeb data.
The review of 2022 reveals that the mix of news, tips, and views manufactured housing pros can use has been embraced by those who love or loath our coverage.
Don’t miss today’s postscript. It’s related to the Bloomberg-WaPo raised topic.
With no further adieu, here are the headlines for the week that was on the manufactured housing industry’s documented runaway leader in news and analysis, MHProNews and our MHLivingNews sister site for 12.25.2022 to today 1.1.2023.
What’s New on MHLivingNews
What’s New and Recent on the Masthead
Fascists and Fraud, Manipulated Information and Rigged Systems, Manufactured Housing, and the USA
What’s the latest from Washington, D.C. from MHARR

The Words of Wisdom from Best-Selling Author Tim Connor, CSP
What’s News on the Daily Business News on MHProNews
Saturday 12.31.2022
Friday 12.30.2022
The first 6 months of our 2022 Year Top Headlines in Review, ala what’s completed above for the second 6 months recap
Thursday 12.29.2022
Wednesday 12.28.2022
Tuesday 12.27.2022
Monday 12.26.2022
Sunday 12.25.2022
(Note: additional 2022 ‘year in review’ items from HUD and other sources are found in this weekly recap linked above)
Postscript – Looking Ahead at 2023
The Twitter Files do not yet reveal anything specific about manufactured housing. But what they have reflected is how government officials have colluded with private, big tech corporations to limit some stories while permitting (and thus amplifying) others that favor some preferred governmental narrative. For longtime and detail minded MHProNews readers that may sound suspiciously like the Iron Triangle at work. So, on one level, what the Twitter Files have revealed is a confirmation of a known pattern revealed here for the benefit of our readers. The fact that federal law enforcement-spy agency money flowed to Twitter (and perhaps by implication to other social media and big tech platforms) is also a confirmation of prior reports on MHProNews.

The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once said that “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
For years, MHProNews has brought readers like you the fact-packed, evidence- and reason-based reports that most others avoided or disdained. Along with facts, we’ve provided well labeled additional insights that are expert editorial viewpoints. In one sense, even ‘fact checks’ have some level of editorial perspective, as Facebook/Meta admitted in a deposition. MHProNews has never hidden that, rather, we proclaim it on the top right corner of most every page under the logo in our tag line, “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use.” ©
Our readers don’t necessarily like or want to agree with all that we publish. There are occasional glitches (we recently cleaned up (i.e.: purged) a Daily Business News tracked stock that should have been eliminated before, part of a company that once invested in manufactured housing but apparently stopped). We recently added another stock for a publicly traded firm that has moved into the industry, albeit obviously not at the same level as some of their larger rivals. The wisdom of the ancient and demonstrably brilliant principle of separating the wheat from the chaff ought to be applied to all human endeavors, including our own platforms.
That said, our platforms have articles that routinely stand up to the critical test of time. That is apparent when the year in review for 2022 is scrutinized. Some of those ‘readers’ choice’ articles that were tops among readers had been published in prior years!
In 2022, MHProNews/MHLivingNews increased our engagement with mainstream media through op-eds on other platforms and via press picked up by others releases too. Look for more of that in 2023.
In the closing weeks of 2022, MHProNews noted that an increase in interest from the legal community was anecdotally evidenced by contacts from professionals with various law firms reaching out to this writer at MHProNews for manufactured housing industry expert views. Time will tell if there will be more litigation in 2023 than in 2022 that targets some of the larger brands involved at the Monopolistic Housing Institute (MHI), err, Machiavellian Housing Institute (MHI), ahh, Manipulative Hypocrisy Institute (MHI), oops, their official name is the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI). MHProNews has previously reported why those other monikers have been applied, and MHI and their attorneys routinely decline comment on such stinging reports.

A closer, fresh look at key topics related to MHI is planned as new evidence about MHI that is from MHI is in hand. Watch for it exclusively on our industry leading platform.
What the Twitter Files revealed, or perhaps more aptly confirmed, is that the system is indeed ‘rigged.’ The system has been rigged against and within manufactured housing too. That unstated by self-evident conclusion should be apparent even from the 800 words from Bloomberg-WaPo. How so? Because something caused the industry’s share of new single family production to fall over the course of 40+ years from about half of all housing starts being factory built to only around 12 percent of all housing starts (with about 9-10 percent for manufactured housing in recent years) being factory-built, using Bloomberg-WaPo’s numbers.
The ’failures’ of MHI are replete. It is simply not plausible that people with the education, experience, and resources available to MHI could do such a poor job. Because when even documents are made public that demonstrate conflicts of interest among key MHI top staff were ignored instead of resulting in a termination or discipline, that apparently implies that MHI’s corporate board likes the status quo.
Will 2023 bring litigation, regulatory or legal probes to MHI’s doorstep? Time will tell. But MHLivingNews/MHProNews have led the charge for just such a probe, based in part on third-party legal research and our own factual, evidence- and reason-based investigations.
- What Sam Bankman Fried (SBF) and FTX demonstrated in 2022 is that a scam can operate in plain sight for years, but that the wheels often eventually fall off. Billions of dollars were involved.
- What Theranos and two longer sentence convictions for their corporate leaders demonstrated is that schemes that rip of investors for hundreds of millions of dollars that also dupe larger, bigger corporations occur. As careful readers noted above, that was the hottest read articles for December 2022.
- MHProNews led the way with reports that connected the dots to possible parallels in past massive corporate schemes (Enron, WorldCom, Madoff, to name but a few) to the light those scandals shed on manufactured housing.

need to wait years for legislation that in the past has often led to little or no discernable benefit. https://www.wnd.com/2021/05/solution-big-tech-oligarchs/
When will the harmful-to-millions scandal of the internal and external manipulations of the manufactured housing industry become national headline news? Only time will tell. But should that occur, these platforms may be viewed as one of the reasons that those scandals were exposed and God willing will be brought to justice.
If some die of whatever causes before justice is done on earth, one can rest assured that justice will be meted out by God Himself. Who says? “It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them.” (Deuteronomy 32:35 NIV) Other versions use the word revenge or vengeance instead of “avenge” but the sense is the same. No one escapes God’s wrath on individual judgment day that we all face. Even the saintly who make it to heaven pay for their sins, that’s Biblically and theologically true. So, even if justice on earth may seem delayed, an array of Scriptural evidence makes it plan that judgment is swift and with no possibility of appeal at the moment of an individual’s death.
God doesn’t laugh in the human sense. But the Bible makes it clear that in an anthropomorphic way, God gets the last laugh on those mortals who dare to think themselves above reasonable human laws as well as Divine Law.
Believers and all people of good will want a just society. Evil may seem to have an upper hand at the moment. But the battle lines for the future of American society are engaged. To the degree that affordable housing plays a part in that struggle, we are in those trenches. As the artificial or real smoke of battle may cloud the vision of soldiers, the smoke of the battle for our society, and MHVille’s place in it, is metaphorically ongoing. Count on our industry-leading trade publications to blow away as much smoke as possible in report after report so that you can better navigate reality. Count on ‘all the best’ – the good, the bad, and the ugly to wonderful truth that can be found day by day on MHProNews. ###
PS 2: Corporate and nonprofit executives are among those providing us with news tips. The above recap reveals that reporting news tips is one of the most routinely accessed pages on MHProNews. Join those who pass along their thoughts, insider insights, comments, documents, and more (on or off the record) via: ireportMHNewsTips@mhmsm.com.

Again, our thanks to free email subscribers and all readers like you, our tipsters/sources, sponsors and God for making and keeping us the runaway number one source for authentic “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.com.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
Connect on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/latonykovach
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