HUD Admits Decades of Delay as Election Approach-Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) say HUD Took 10YRs to OK Multi-Family Manufactured Homes After They Raised Issue
Housing Affordability Ranks High Among Voters-‘Forever Renters,’ Rising Homelessness, Out of Reach Housing Costs, and Most Proven Solution to Affordable Housing Crisis; Facts-Analysis
Patrick Waite – Equity LifeStyle Properties EVP COO and Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Executive Committee Member – Dumps over $1.4 Million in Shares of ELS; William Lutz on Doublespeak
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Affordable Housing Crisis Solution Made Easy – 9 Minutes of Facts with Applied Common Sense
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“Federated States Newsletter” Uncovers Manufactured Housing Institute Behavior and Lack of Effectiveness at Their Own Claimed Advocacy – MHI’s Own Words, 3rd Party Facts, Plus Expert Commentary


An October 2022 “Federated States Newsletter” is perhaps more aptly a euphuism for a Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) “newsletter.’ Evidence for that point includes the fact that it opens with plugs for MHI backed events. The third event they plugged was this: “MHI’s Next “Monthly Mondays Meet-Up” for State Executives – November 7, 2022.”

As part of MHI’s ongoing commitment to support our state association executives, we are pleased to facilitate monthly virtual meetings exclusively for you. MHI’s next “Monthly Mondays Meet-Up” will take place on November 7, 2022, at 3:00 PM Eastern.” What MHI didn’t say is perhaps more important, because MHI affiliated state executives told MHProNews about the heavy-handed tactics that was reportedly exercised by Tim Williams, a prior MHI chairman, but still a board member who is president and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway owned 21st Mortgage. For those who don’t know the related insights or who need a refresher, see the report “How Gold Rules.”


Per informed sources to MHProNews, MHI’s so-called Monthly Monday Meet Ups is a way to keep state associations in line with MHI talking points. See the report linked above for additional insights.

With that tee up are the following so-called ‘news’ items from the Federated States Newsletter, i.e.: what MHI itself calls ‘a division’ of MHI. Each of these segments will have a brief analysis and commentary that follows, plus a lagniappe related to the MHProNews 10.24.2022 Daily Business News item which will be referenced below.

The highlighting below is added by MHProNews. This Masthead editorial that follows will unpack the ironies and fumbles involved.




MHI Calls on MHCC to Reject HUD’s Adoption of MH Energy Efficiency Standards into the HUD Code

QuoteMarksLeftSideIn advance of tomorrow’s Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC) meeting to align the HUD Code with the Department of Energy’s (DOE) manufactured housing energy conservation standards (Energy Rule), MHI submitted comments strongly urging the MHCC to reject HUD’s proposed revisions which adopt and incorporate by reference energy efficiency standards into the HUD Code while deleting corresponding sections. Instead, MHI urged the MHCC to draft specific language into the HUD Code imposing energy standards that adhere to the realities of manufactured home construction instead of adopting and incorporating wholesale the Energy Rule by reference to the exclusion of existing HUD Code provisions. This meeting of the MHCC, and another meeting scheduled in November, are a result of MHI’s ongoing strong advocacy efforts and part of MHI’s multipronged strategy to stop the DOE standards for manufactured housing from being implemented until properly incorporated into the HUD Code to ensure feasibility and cost effectiveness. Click here to read the letter.

MHI continues to argue to the Administration and Congress that the DOE did not abide by its statutory requirements to consult with HUD or implement standards that are cost effective when considering the new energy efficiency standards and that there are substantial flaws in DOE’s cost analysis. MHI provided its own cost analysis to DOE and proposed revisions to the standards, including an incremental approach to increased energy efficiency that balanced efficiency with affordability and took into account the specific design and construction standards of today’s manufactured homes. MHI will be an active participant in this week’s meeting providing MHCC members with recommendations and data analysis to ensure any proposed changes to the energy efficiency standards in the HUD Code do not harm consumers looking to purchase manufactured homes.


Need to Continue to Push for More Cosponsors on H.R. 7651

Exerting pressure on the Administration through Congress is a critical part of MHI’s multipronged strategy to stop the Department of Energy (DOE) standards for manufactured housing from being implemented until properly incorporated into the HUD Code to ensure feasibility and cost effectiveness. H.R. 7651, “The Manufactured Housing Affordability and Energy Efficiency Act” introduced by Representatives Kustoff (TN-08) and Bucshon (IN-08), ensures the DOE’s final rule on new manufactured housing energy efficiency standards does not harm manufactured homeownership affordability. We urge you to continue to ask your state delegations to cosponsor this legislation. Current cosponsors include Representatives Mary Miller (IL-15), Byron Donalds (FL-19), Michael Guest (MS-03), Morgan Griffith (VA-09), Andy Barr (KY-06), Tim Burchett (TN-02), Randy Feenstra (IA-04), Glenn Thompson (PA-15), Ken Calvert (CA-42), Ben Cline (VA-06), Jake LaTurner (KS-02), Tom Emmer (MN-6) and Diana Harshbarger (TN-01).

H.R. 7651 requires that before any new DOE energy standards can become effective or be enforced: (1) DOE must fully consult with HUD, (2) DOE must document that the rule is cost-effective based on the impact of homebuyer price and cost increases, (3) the standards must fully take into consideration manufactured housing construction methods and transportation requirements, and (4) the standards must be adopted by HUD as part of the HUD Code.

There are two ways to take action:

  1. Share MHI’s Grassroots Call for Action.Click here for a link to MHI’s grassroots Call to Action, which is directed to the members of the House of Representatives urging them to cosponsor H.R. 7651, the “Manufactured Housing Affordability and Energy Efficiency Act”. It is critical that your Representative hear from all sectors of the manufactured housing industry about cosponsoring this bill. The letter to your Representative has already been composed – all you have to do is insert your home address and click submit. Please share with your members and colleagues.
  2. Submit a State Association Letter.Thank you to those state executives who have already contacted their Representatives. MHI encourages all states to reach out to their Representatives directly. Attached is a sample letter for you to edit and email to your House Representatives. You can either place the letter on your letterhead or within the body of an email. Please contact Kara Beigay at to obtain the list of your state’s congressional contacts.


New Survey Finds Strong Interest in Manufactured Housing among Gen Z Consumers

Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Inc. released results of a recent survey that found that nearly 3/4ths of Gen Z had a positive impression of manufactured housing. This sentiment is driven largely by the affordability of factory-built housing, though many Gen Z consumers also report prioritizing the use of renewable materials and sustainable building practices as important features of manufactured homes. These attitudes reflect a shift among younger consumers indicating an openness to manufactured housing as a homebuying option that has moved past traditional stigmas surrounding manufactured homes. These findings are consistent with MHI’s internal research that has found that the affordability of manufactured housing presents an opportunity for Millennials and Gen Z to enter into the homebuying market. Further this has been validated by MHI’s finding that Millennials and Gen Z are actively engaged in the manufactured housing market as evidenced by the share of manufactured home mortgages they hold relative to other generational cohorts. Click here for more information about the survey.


Cavco Industries Opens New Homebuilding Facility in North Carolina

Cavco Industries has opened its newest manufacturing facility in Hamlet, North Carolina. Known as “Cavco Homes of North Carolina,” the 184,000 square-foot-plant will produce homes built under the standards of the HUD Code. With the addition of this new facility, there are now 144 homebuilding facilities in the United States. Click here to learn more.



To keep you informed of what is being said in the media, below are news stories and articles about manufactured housing that appeared in publications across the country.

That segment of the Federated States Oct 17, 2022 newsletter was followed by a pitch from MHI to use their events calendar.


Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary

MHI arguably deserves five stars out of five for chutzpah and their ability to confidently project their narrative despite the obvious evidence to the contrary. MHI says of themselves that they have deployed “strong advocacy” – really? Why is it that third party GovTrack and Skopos Labs has now reduced the odds that MHI’s HR7651 will pass. It was previously at 3 percent odds of enactment, but the current (10.23.2022) analysis says the odds are now down to 2 percent. In the topsy-turvy, upside down, Alice in Wonderland style world of MHI, lowering the odds of passage somehow translates into “strong advocacy” – how does that work?!?

H.R. 7651-Manufactured Housing Affordability and Energy Efficiency Act of 2022, Skopos Labs, GovTrack Reveal Duplicity or Madness of Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Advocacy Claims

On June 9, 2022, MHProNews confidently predicted that the MHI bill (see linked item above) would go nowhere. The reasons why were stated.

Saul Alinsky Meets the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), Saturday Satire for MHVille Applies Alinsky's Classic Rules for Radicals; plus Manufactured Home REITs, Stocks Update

"Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals is a 1971 book by community activist and writer Saul D. Alinsky about how to successfully run a movement for change," says left-leaning Wikipedia.

Despite MHI routinely urging their members and those on their email list to ‘email their congressional representative’ only 14 representatives – all Republicans – are signed up in support of the legislation.


Per GovTrack on HR 7651 are the following facts.

QuoteMarksLeftSideMay 3, 2022
117th Congress (2021–2023)


Introduced on May 3, 2022

This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on May 3, 2022. It will typically be considered by committee next before it is possibly sent on to the House or Senate as a whole.

Other activity may have occurred on another bill with identical or similar provisions.


14 Cosponsors (14 Republicans)


2% chance of being enacted according to Skopos Labs (details)



Also per GovTrack, here is the list of lawmakers that have signed on or are a ‘no’ on the bill from the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee.


Cosponsor? Legislator Committee Assignment(s),
Bills Sponsored
No Pallone, Frank [D-NJ6] Energy and Commerce Chair
No McMorris Rodgers, Cathy [R-WA5] Energy and Commerce Ranking Member
No Armstrong, Kelly [R-ND] Energy and Commerce
No Bilirakis, Gus [R-FL12] Energy and Commerce
May 11, 2022 Bucshon, Larry [R-IN8] Energy and Commerce
No Burgess, Michael [R-TX26] Energy and Commerce
No Carter, Earl “Buddy” [R-GA1] Energy and Commerce
No Crenshaw, Dan [R-TX2] Energy and Commerce
No Curtis, John [R-UT3] Energy and Commerce
No Duncan, Jeff [R-SC3] Energy and Commerce
No Dunn, Neal [R-FL2] Energy and Commerce
Jun 8, 2022 Griffith, Morgan [R-VA9] Energy and Commerce
No Guthrie, Brett [R-KY2] Energy and Commerce
No Hudson, Richard [R-NC8] Energy and Commerce
No Johnson, Bill [R-OH6] Energy and Commerce
No Joyce, John [R-PA13] Energy and Commerce
No Kinzinger, Adam [R-IL16] Energy and Commerce
No Latta, Robert [R-OH5] Energy and Commerce
No Lesko, Debbie [R-AZ8] Energy and Commerce
No Long, Billy [R-MO7] Energy and Commerce
No McKinley, David [R-WV1] Energy and Commerce
No Mullin, Markwayne [R-OK2] Energy and Commerce
No Palmer, Gary [R-AL6] Energy and Commerce
No Pence, Greg [R-IN6] Energy and Commerce
No Scalise, Steve [R-LA1] Energy and Commerce
No Upton, Fred [R-MI6] Energy and Commerce
No Walberg, Tim [R-MI7] Energy and Commerce
No Barragán, Nanette [D-CA44] Energy and Commerce
No Blunt Rochester, Lisa [D-DE] Energy and Commerce
No Butterfield, George “G.K.” [D-NC1] Energy and Commerce
No Castor, Kathy [D-FL14] Energy and Commerce
No Clarke, Yvette [D-NY9] Energy and Commerce
No Craig, Angie [D-MN2] Energy and Commerce
No Cárdenas, Tony [D-CA29] Energy and Commerce
No DeGette, Diana [D-CO1] Energy and Commerce
No Dingell, Debbie [D-MI12] Energy and Commerce
No Doyle, Michael [D-PA18] Energy and Commerce
No Eshoo, Anna [D-CA18] Energy and Commerce
No Fletcher, Lizzie [D-TX7] Energy and Commerce
No Kelly, Robin [D-IL2] Energy and Commerce
No Kuster, Ann [D-NH2] Energy and Commerce
No Matsui, Doris [D-CA6] Energy and Commerce
No McEachin, Donald [D-VA4] Energy and Commerce
No McNerney, Jerry [D-CA9] Energy and Commerce
No O’Halleran, Tom [D-AZ1] Energy and Commerce
No Peters, Scott [D-CA52] Energy and Commerce
No Rice, Kathleen [D-NY4] Energy and Commerce
No Ruiz, Raul [D-CA36] Energy and Commerce
No Rush, Bobby [D-IL1] Energy and Commerce
No Sarbanes, John [D-MD3] Energy and Commerce
No Schakowsky, Janice “Jan” [D-IL9] Energy and Commerce
No Schrader, Kurt [D-OR5] Energy and Commerce
No Schrier, Kim [D-WA8] Energy and Commerce
No Soto, Darren [D-FL9] Energy and Commerce
No Tonko, Paul [D-NY20] Energy and Commerce
No Trahan, Lori [D-MA3] Energy and Commerce
No Veasey, Marc [D-TX33] Energy and Commerce
No Welch, Peter [D-VT] Energy and Commerce

Furthermore, there is no companion bill in the Senate. Skopos Labs and GovTrack may be generous when they give MHI’s flawed bill and flaccid strategy that is all for show (because it is an obvious no go).  Last and not least, Joe Biden - for better or worse, right or wrong - occupies the Oval Office and claims the title of president. If by some magic MHI's HR 7651 suddenly gained life in the House, and was quickly joined with a companion Senate bill, it would still face a Biden veto.

The bottom line is that there are broadly speaking two logical possibilities with respect to MHI's HR 7651 'advocacy effort.'

  • MHI is being incredibly naive. If so, that's a form of association malpractice. It is also a difficult claim to make that MHI's leaders are 'naive,' because there are numbers of seasoned professionals in their mix.  Which leaves the second possibility.
  • MHI is merely posturing an effort which their staff and board leaders should know is going to fail. That begs the question, why would they do that?

To answer that 'why' about a possible motivation asked above, turn to the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) for some evidence-based insights. MHARR documented how MHI has deftly been working for years to get this DOE energy plan enacted. See MHARR's shocking to some, but evidence based researched report and analysis, click the article linked below.

Former MHI and MHARR Executive Danny Ghorbani’s Keen Insights on History and Value of ‘Homes on the Hill’ for Manufactured Housing – Exclusive Q&A


MHI ignores in the Federated States Newsletter the fact that they had been calling via their bill for HUD to implement the energy standards. Yet, paradoxically, MHI’s own Federated States Newsletter demonstrates that trusting HUD could also be flawed. After all, HUD is already preparing to implement the DOE plan. Once again, it is MHARR that sounds the alarm, while MHI postures, preens, palters, and pretends that all is well with their supposedly “strong” advocacy.

To dot the i on those points, here is part of the language of HR 7651, Section 2 says: “Clarification of HUD final authority over manufactured housing energy efficiency standards.” One has to blindly trust MHI whose own newsletter, properly understood, demonstrates why the entire HR 7651 "advocacy" is a proverbial fool's errand. Even if it magically passed, HUD's leadership is already proving to be as blindly 'green' as is DOE's leadership is at this time.

Said MHARR on 10.20.2022: “The statutory Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC) held the first of two scheduled meetings in Washington, D.C. on October 18-20, 2022, to address the incorporation and supposed “alignment” of U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) “energy conservation” standards for manufactured homes with the HUD Federal Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards (FMHCSS). A second meeting is currently scheduled for mid-November.

The so-called “alignment” of the HUD and DOE energy standards for manufactured housing, which currently differ, was noted by HUD in the Federal Register notice for the meetings, which stated: “given that manufacturers have to comply with the Department of Energy’s Energy Conservation Standards for Manufactured Housing and the [FMHCSS],” the Department has deemed it “imperative to promptly proceed with rulemaking to align” the FMHCSS with the DOE standards.”


So, if MHI’s advocacy was truly as strong as MHI claims, wouldn’t they have already stopped the DOE energy rule? Since when is ‘strong’ defined as mere words without actual, measurable results for what they claim they want to accomplish?

Washington, D.C. Updates on Manufactured Housing Issues Including - DOE Energy Assault, HUD Moving on DOE Standards, MH Financing, MH White Paper and More - Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform

The fifteen-year battle over U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) "energy conservation" standards for HUD Code manufactured homes....

Or as international writer, speaker, and multi-year factory-built housing advocate Tim Connor, CSP said in a recent Words of Wisdom column: “Life happens at the level of action, not words.” Alfred Adler. I wonder if any politicians are familiar with this quote? Probably not. "

Washington D.C. Updates on DOE 'Energy Assault' HUD is 'Already Moving' on DOE Standards MH Financing MHARR White Paper 'Validated' Again and More - MHI Side of Story, Facts & Analysis

In a release on 9.28.2022 from the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) to MHProNews are the following 'Washington, D.C. Updates.' - The Manufactured Housing Institute 'side' of the story is provided following the MHARR release. An MHProNews Analysis and Commentary in brief will follow.

MHI’s Federated States 10.17.2022 then essentially brags in the newsletter cited further above about two of their larger members. Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance (VMF), which is the captive finance company for Clayton Homes, subsidiaries of Warren Buffett led Berkshire Hathaway. The other plug was for Cavco Industries, which recently was fined some $1.5 million dollars by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), a news item that MHI conveniently missed sharing.

But also missing from MHI was any mention of specific “L” words. L words? Yes, like “litigation” or “lawsuit(s)” by MHI’s inside or outside “lawyers” in support of their apparently faux claimed “strong advocacy” for “all segments” of manufactured housing. To harken back to the notion shared by Connors quoting Alfred Adler - Life happens at the level of action, not [mere] words [that lack commensurate and proper action].”

MHARR offered to sue in conjunction with one or more MHI affiliated states to get the industry’s “enhanced preemption” provision of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 enforced. MHI’s CEO Gooch has claimed they want that provision enforced. Seriously? If so, where is the lawsuit either by MHI and/or in a joint effort with MHARR?

MHARR has offered to sue to stop the DOE energy rule so long as MHI caries its fair share of the load. MHI remains publicly silent on that too. But what MHI has done is slyly aide DOE’s press for the energy rule, per documents and other evidence that MHARR has exposed. MHI seems to be a classic case of what the Capital Resource Center (CRC) calls “Deception and Misdirection.” MHI appears to say the right things, and MHI postures the right things, while doing (or failing to do) the truly correct things. Why? Apparently to keep the industry underperforming in historic terms so as to foster the consolidation of the industry by larger MHI members.

Thus, MHI has arguably earned monikers such as the Machiavellian Housing Institute, the Manipulative Housing Institute, and perhaps the most apt of all the Monopolistic Housing Institute.

Saul Alinsky Meets the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), Saturday Satire for MHVille Applies Alinsky's Classic Rules for Radicals; plus Manufactured Home REITs, Stocks Update

"Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals is a 1971 book by community activist and writer Saul D. Alinsky about how to successfully run a movement for change," says left-leaning Wikipedia.

The links above and below spell out evidence for those fact-based allegations.


Once again the Institute for Justice (IJ) recently took on a local jurisdiction in Florida over tiny house related matters.


Having already launched a similar suit in Calhoun, GA – IJ’s legal actions ought to be an obvious embarrassment to MHI, but they appear to be unable to appreciate why they are an embarrassment.

If others can sue for their rights, just as MHARR supported several state attorneys general and even a U.S Supreme Court Amicus Brief in support of stopping the DOE Energy Rule, what excuses can MHI offer?

Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform Files Supreme Court Amicus Brief, Why Is Manufactured Housing Institute MIA on DOE Energy Rule Legal Effort? Plus, MHMarkets Update

Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform Files Supreme Court Amicus Brief, Why Is Manufactured Housing Institute MIA on DOE Energy Rule Legal Effort? Plus, MHMarkets Update, 5.16.2022, REITs, mobile home park investing, manufactured homes, production, factories, retail, dealers, communities, finance, suppliers, brokers, 220411_4883-4326-0958, Number No. 21A658, STATE OF LOUISIANA, et al., Applicants, v.

Much of the industry’s so-called trade media is apparently in the pockets of MHI’s dominating brands, so they are routinely silent on such matters. If they mention MHARR’s efforts at all, they might do so in a flip-flop or outright disparaging way. The only one that allows MHARR to speak in their own voice, so to speak, by running a MHARR media release is Kurt Kelley’s quarterly digital publication, MHR. But a quarterly is simply insufficient to move the needle on serious issues.

The American Dream is being threatened by insiders in manufactured housing. The American Dream is also being threatened by other billionaires and deep pocketed corporations too. So says several voices across the left right spectrum, some of whom have specifically pointed to the tragic occurrences in MHVille as examples.

$13 Trillion in U.S. Wealth Lost Hit 401Ks, Retirees, Middle Class - 'For Suburbanites Making $100,000, Nation's Economy 'Not OK' per RealClear; 'Gaslighting;' plus MHVille REITs, Stocks Update

Athan Koutsiouroumbas via RealClearWire is the author of the first curated news item today via the WND NewsCenter. It hits a topic harmfully impacting a growing number of MHVille buyers and residents and tens of millions of others. Next up is the sharp and critically acclaimed prose of C.J.



Shock Green Agenda Poll; Gates' MSN-'Global Recession Driven by Higher Rates in U.S., Abroad' 'Housing, Stocks Reeling' 'Orwellian' 'Inflation Reduction Act' - plus MHVille REITs Stocks Update

Shock Green Agenda Poll; Gates' MSN-'Global Recession Driven by Higher Rates in U.S., Abroad' 'Housing, Stocks Reeling' 'Orwellian' 'Inflation Reduction Act' - plus MHVille REITs Stocks Update 10.4.2022, mobile home park investing, manufactured home Community REITs, manufactured housing, production, factories, retail, suppliers, venders, brokers, finance,

But all is not lost.

Throughout history, God has raised up sometimes unlikely champions who have fought the good fight. The ancient mantra of “ora et labora” meaning “prayer and [good] work” is the antidote to doing all that is necessary to not only expose but to end the tragic sabotage of manufactured housing. God who has given humanity free will, which means that some will follow the serpent’s lies as in the Garden of Eden, or will cling to the false promises of Satan or Lucifer. Meanwhile, others respond to God’s grace to do sometimes miraculous or extraordinary things for the good.

‘What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?’ By God, If We Can Do It You Can Too! Anniversary Reflections, Viewpoints, MHVille Pro Inspirations

'In the Business World, the Rear-View Mirror is Always Clearer than the Windshield'-Warren Buffett MHVille Leader Showcases Efforts to Renew American Dream; plus Sunday Weekly Headlines Recap

"In the Business World the Rear-View Mirror is Always Clearer than the Windshield", Warren Buffett, quote, MHVille Leader Showcases Efforts to Renew American Dream, plus MHVIlle, manufactured housing industry, manufactured home industry potential, Sunday Weekly Headlines Recap, 10-9.2022 to 10.16.2022, 1 trillion in 10 years, over 100 billion in profits over 10 years, Bill Gates, Blackstone, BlackRock,

“Lawfare” – legal action – is how others, not yet counting MHI – often fight serious battles.

'In the Business World, the Rear-View Mirror is Always Clearer than the Windshield'-Warren Buffett MHVille Leader Showcases Efforts to Renew American Dream; plus Sunday Weekly Headlines Recap

"In the Business World the Rear-View Mirror is Always Clearer than the Windshield", Warren Buffett, quote, MHVille Leader Showcases Efforts to Renew American Dream, plus MHVIlle, manufactured housing industry, manufactured home industry potential, Sunday Weekly Headlines Recap, 10-9.2022 to 10.16.2022, 1 trillion in 10 years, over 100 billion in profits over 10 years, Bill Gates, Blackstone, BlackRock,

'Why I Am Suing Google and YouTube' - Lawfully Challenging the Status Quo - Facts, Insights, Reflections and Wealth Building Manufactured Housing Relevant Musings

'Why I Am Suing Google and YouTube', Lawfully, Challenging, Status Quo, Facts, Insights, Reflections, Wealth Building, affordable housing, Manufactured Housing, manufactured homes, Relevant Musings, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Joe Biden, White House Fact Sheet on Competition, Andy Gedo, ManageAmerica, Manufactured Housing Institute, legal action, lawsuit,

As Lt. Governor Mark Robinson (NC-R) recently said to the WND NewsCenter, and what has been previously said by Robinson in his tome, “We are the Majority!”

'We are the Majority!' 'Dirt Poor' to Viral 2018 'Raise Hell' to Lt Gov in 2021, Mark Robinson Vids w/Exclusive-'Our Rights Being Taken!' Rousing 'Constitutional Rights' v Thugs; plus MHVille Stocks

'We are the Majority!' From 'Dirt Poor' in 2018 to Lt Gov in 3 Years, Mark Robinson Videos w/ Exclusive 'Our Rights Are Being Taken Away!'

It is time to fight back. It is obviously always a good time to expose MHI in digital print.

But once the midterms are completed, it is going to be time to press public officials and perhaps contingency attorneys to sue MHI and their leaders for false advertising, deceptive trade practices, or as Samuel “Sam” Strommen from Knudson Law said, to press a case for “felony” antitrust violations.


Strommen was acting as a legal researcher - an outsider looking into MHVille and MHI's role in it. In a relatively short period of time, he came to the conclusion that MHI's "lobbying efforts" is "stultifying at best, and an abject failure at worst." Since his thesis, those pragmatic as well as legal observations by Strommen continue to be relevant.

Strommen's, Schmitz's and other outsider researchers have provided in their own words concerns that routinely are supported by what MHARR, MHProNews, MHLivingNews and other MHI critics have hammered on for years.  The fact that outsiders looking in can come to the conclusion that MHI is either a failure or a fraud ought to lead to this reminder. Once proud and well-connected billionaire Bernie Madoff ended up dying in federal prison.  Even with powerful billionaires in MHI's 'corner' that doesn't mean they will 'get away with it' forever.

Enron and WorldCom are other examples of the once powerful being broken by a just application of the system.

Documented Massive Rip-offs, Official Failures – ‘Lying to Investors, Regulators, Clients’ – Theranos, Enron, WorldCom, Solyndra, Madoff, WeWork – Investigating Tips Warren Buffett led Berkshire and Manufactured Housing Woes


History is filled with examples of the oppressed finally successfully turning on their oppressors. Ancient Israel includes such cases. But so does modern history in Christian lands like Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and others that tossed off the shackles of Soviets and other Communists. Several of those examples are directly tied with sometimes years of prayer combined with action (i.e.: ora et labora).

Manufactured housing professionals, advocates, homeowners, and those who desire a robust future and not the anemic remains of a hollowed out and increasingly consolidated profession must be willing to do the same. The absolute fraud that MHI’s phony advocacy was during their failed Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing campaign and other paltering, posturing but feckless ‘efforts’ are now quite well documented and exposed. Or it can be viewed through the lens of what MHARR’s President and CEO Mark Weiss, J.D., has called a “shell game.” MHI and its dominating brands are an apparent fraud to anyone who invests the time to look at the evidence objectively.

“Shell Game“ Affordable Manufactured Home Threats “On Steroids“ – Exclusive Probe into Manufactured Housing Industry’s Twin Crises — a One-on-One Interview with MHARR President and CEO, Mark Weiss


FHFA Public Listening Session: Enterprise Housing Goals ANPR | Federal Housing Finance Agency

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Nevertheless, as Lt. Gov. Robinson said, “We are the Majority!” But perhaps more aptly, “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:28-39 (NIV-per Bible Hub). ##

Manufactured Housing Institute Urges HUD, Federal Policy Support Preservation of Land-Lease Manufactured Home Communities - Explore MHI's 'Advocacy' for 'Mobile Home Parks' - Friday Facts and Follies

Manufactured Housing Institute, Urges, HUD, Federal Policy to Support Preservation of Land-Lease Manufactured Home Communities, Explore MHI's 'Advocacy' for 'Mobile Home Parks' - Friday Facts and Follies, Innovative Housing Showcase 2022, Homes on the Hill, Monopolistic Housing Institute, HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge, William Bill Boor, Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000, MHIA, Enhanced preemption,


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They may have wildly different political views, but on the above phrase, they have word for word said the same thing at various times. That discovery was made in part by reading sources and people I didn't necessarily agree with.

Stay tuned for more of what is 'behind the curtains' as well as what is obvious and in your face reporting that are not found anywhere else in MHVille. It is all here, which may explain why this is the runaway largest and most-read source for authentic manufactured home “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested with the discussion of manufactured housing related issues on our 12.3.2019 meetings. But Texas Congressman Al Green's office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son's hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States and other goodies. MHProNews has worked with people and politicos across the left-right divide.

By L.A. "Tony" Kovach - for

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.

For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He's a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and

This article reflects the LLC's and/or the writer's position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.

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Related References:

The text/image boxes below are linked to other reports, which can be accessed by clicking on them.

Pondering ‘The Only Place Success Comes Before Work is in the Dictionary’ – Vince Lombardi – How it Applies in All Professions, Including Manufactured Housing – Life Hacks Analysis

Bloomberg says Insiders Dumping Stocks, Economic Collapse by Michael Snyder–Shocking Drop in Mortgages with Layoffs, Closures Ahead – MHVille Opportunities, Obstacles, Viewpoints & Expert Exam


