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Touting Public Officials Praising Manufactured Homes, Manufactured Housing Institute Ironically Urges ‘Take Action to Support Cost-Effective MH Energy Efficiency Requirements’ – Facts & Analysis


The Biden-Harris 2020 campaign website aptly noted that in Washington, D.C. “access” to public officials can be a ‘form of currency.’ For years, the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) has demonstrated their ability to obtain ‘access’ to various lawmakers, appointed officials and members of the federal bureaucracy. MHI has even demonstrated White House access during the Trump Administration. Examples of that access to Congressional representatives and other federal officials are illustrated in a video included in the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) emailed update on Wednesday, July 13, 2022. To restate and underscore, perhaps the most important feature in that recent MHI email to their members was that it included ‘video opportunities’ with various public officials – which demonstrates their access to high-level Washington, D.C. elected and appointed officials. That begs the question.

What has MHI done for the manufactured housing industry with their demonstrated access?

By examining MHI’s most recent email, that timely question can be asked and answered. Because MHI has themselves admitted that the industry faces a downturn if the DOE manufactured housing energy rule is put into effect. Not only has MHI made that assertion, but an MHI state affiliate in the largest manufactured housing producing state in the nation has made a similar point. More on that further below.

That introduction helps frame the text below provided by a tipster who shared the recent MHI email. The top emailed MHI ‘news’ item to their members. Note MHI often turns their headlines and subheadings purple in their messaging.


Missed MHI’s 2022 Homes on the Hill? Get the Full Recap Here!

A word for word quotation from the MHI email dated 7.13.2022.

2022 Homes on the Hill was a huge success and MHI and its members once again successfully showed policymakers and the general public what quality, attainable housing really looks like. The three HUD Code homes showcased on the National Mall have now been sited in manufactured housing land-lease communities where three families were able to achieve the American Dream of homeownership.

HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge, FHFA Director Sandra Thompson, members of Congress and many other leaders from across the federal government were impressed by the quality, design, and attainable price point of our homes. Above is a recap video highlighting all the action that took place. MHI will continue to amplify the success of this event over the coming months with policymakers and encourages you to share these videos as well.” ##


Related Facts and MHProNews Analysis and Commentary

Ironically, MHI has apparently stopped posting their videos on YouTube. There is no visible evidence that they posted the video noted above on YouTube – certainly not on the MHI page there. But the video below from HUD that features an MHI leader was found via a search on YouTube.

Part of the takeaway? If MHI posted their videos on YouTube, or some other website – that could make sharing their content on other manufactured housing websites – think producers, retailers, communities, finance, or other websites – possible. Such a strategy is commonly used by other video producers. Meaning, it could increase the reach of the MHI videos.

But instead of following that routine pattern employed by others, MHI apparently wants people to share their website and their webpage.

Additionally, MHI apparently wants manufactured home industry professionals to see their emailed video recap. By including that in their email, it not-so-subtlely shows MHI leaders hob-knobbing with public officials – i.e. posturing.

By contrast, HUD didn’t do what MHI did. Rather, HUD posted a video on MHI President Mark Bowersox.



The HUD video reveals something else that MHI may be seeking to avoid in posting their video on YouTube. HUD’s low priority for this effort is reflected in the lack of a news media release that featured their video above. When MHProNews first looked at the HUD video featuring MHI President Mark Bowersox, weeks after this video was posted on June 28, 2022, there were a total of 80 people mid-afternoon on 7.14.2022.

Ponder that miniscule level of engagement/views of the HUD/MHI’s Bowersox video.

Congress has 535 elected members, and thousands of staffers.

HUD has thousands of employees.

MHI claims 1000 members that has thousands of employees.

Thus, that 80 views occurred in the first weeks is effectively a yawn from public officials, industry members, and beyond to the HUD/MHI video message.

  • But note the cozy relationship between MHI and HUD that this video reflects?
  • When did HUD invite a MHARR leader for a similar video interview?

Given previously low engagement with MHI videos, are they avoiding YouTube so that fact-checkers (such as MHProNews/MHLivingNews) won’t know how few views have occurred on MHI’s digital films?

Next, MHI’s 7.13.2022 ‘newsletter’ also asked for support to “Take Action to Support Cost-Effective MH Energy Efficiency Requirements.”


A word for word quotation from the MHI email dated 7.13.2022.

Ask Your Representative to Cosponsor H.R. 7651 to Ensure DOE’s Manufactured Housing Energy Efficiency Standards Do Not Hurt Homeownership Affordability

Nearly 700 industry professionals have already called on their House Representatives to cosponsor, H.R. 7651, “The Manufactured Housing Affordability and Energy Efficiency Act” introduced by Representatives David Kustoff (TN-08) and John Bucshon (IN-08), which ensures the DOE’s final rule on new manufactured housing energy efficiency standards does not harm manufactured homeownership affordability. The following Representatives have signed on as cosponsors: Mary Miller (IL-15), Byron Donalds (FL-19), Michael Guest (MS-03), Morgan Griffith (VA-09), Andy Barr (KY-06), Tim Burchett (TN-02), Glenn Thompson (PA-13), Ken Calvert (CA-42), and Randy Feenstra (IA-04).

H.R. 7651 requires that before any new DOE energy standards can become effective or be enforced: (1) DOE must fully consult with HUD, (2) DOE must document that the rule is cost-effective based on the impact of homebuyer price and cost increases, (3) the standards must fully take into consideration manufactured housing construction methods and transportation requirements, and (4) the standards must be adopted by HUD as part of the HUD Code. …##


Danny Ghorbani, in an exclusive Q&A with MHProNews, pointed out that MHI has been an ongoing cause to the current dilemma that MHI now belatedly claim to want to redirect to a different – supposedly less costly plan – that MHI proposed. Ghorbani provided a list of MHI actions that MHI has not denied in their prior or current email.

Manufactured Housing Institute ‘Response’ to Explosive Allegations by Manufactured Home Industry Insider – Exclusive Facts & Analysis Includes MHI, Other Sources; plus MHMarket Update

Manufactured Housing Institute, Response, Explosive Allegations, Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform, MHARR, Danny Ghorbani, Manufactured Home Industry Insider, Exclusive Facts & Analysis Includes MHI, Other Sources; plus MHMarket Update 6.29.2022, REITs, manufactured home production, communities, factories, retail, dealers, suppliers, finance, brokers, mobile home park investing,

Restated, Ghorbani’s allegations remain publicly unchallenged by MHI. Nor has MHI refuted the concerns raised by MHProNews in the reports linked below. Namely, that their HR 7651 has no Democrats on board while Democrats are in charge of House, Senate, and White House. HR 7651 is a ‘dead letter,’ more posturing and showboating than serious effort that aims to do what it claims.


H.R. 7651-Manufactured Housing Affordability and Energy Efficiency Act of 2022, Skopos Labs, GovTrack Reveal Duplicity or Madness of Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Advocacy Claims

Shock! Manufactured Housing Institute Boldy Gives ‘Unforced Error’ Doc After Favorable Court Ruling, MHI Charged ‘Throwing Lifeline’ to DOE Energy Rule MHI Admits Harms MH – MHI, MHARR Analysis


So, MHI’s latest ‘news’ – when objectively examined – reveals no practical solutions to what they admit is a problem that will undermine claims by the Biden Administration that they are promoting more housing and more affordable housing, including manufactured homes.

Manufactured Housing Institute Admits ‘DOE’s Manufactured Housing Energy Efficiency Standards Rule Conflicts with Administration’s Plans to Ease Housing Costs,’ MHARR Reacts – Facts & Analysis

MHI is therefor in the awkward position of admitting that the current administration is undermining manufactured housing.

Yet, MHI is not yet doing what MHARR has said is the most likely pragmatic solution. Namely, legal action by MHI against the DOE to stop the regulations that MHI themselves claim violate provisions of federal law. Either MHI leadership is being revealed as being inept at their own claimed role of defending and promoting manufactured housing, OR they are being revealed as having an unstated agenda while they are posturing advocacy for “all segments” of manufactured housing. It is difficult to find any other reasonable thesis that fits the known facts.


More MHI Oddities that Pits MHI Against Consumer Interests

Former MHI President and CEO Chris Stinebert in his exit message urged the trade group that supporting manufactured home resident interests and making sure that they are satisfied and build equity is a key to future industry growth. But that sound, common-sense advice by Stinebert is effectively being publicly challenged by MHI. They admit they have come out against tenant protections in manufactured home communities and against ‘renters rights’ in other forms of conventional housing too. Here is that in their own words from two segments of their recent email to their members.


A word for word quotation from the MHI email dated 7.13.2022.

MHI Expresses Serious Concerns About a Federal “Renters Bill of Rights”

Several weeks ago, MHI met with Administration officials to express concerns about their discussions around creating a federal bill of rights for tenants. Now MHI has joined its coalition partners in submitting a formal letter to the Administration reiterating and expanding on these concerns. ##

MHI Tells FHFA Expanding MHC Tenant Protections are Counterproductive

MHI CEO Lesli Gooch participated in a Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) listening session about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s (the Enterprises) Duty to Serve manufactured housing. ##


Those two MHI briefs above ironically prove the point exclusively reported by MHProNews, when a Democratic staffer told this publication that a common view on Capitol Hill is that MHI is ‘anti-consumer.’ Ouch, but isn’t that a reasonable takeaway from MHI opposing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac offering more resident (tenant) protections? More on this further below.

Just as MHI in their emailed ‘news’ failed to mention that all of their supporters for HR 7651 are Republicans, MHI fails to mention that the bill that threatens manufactured home retail sellers is coming from Democrats. By leaving out key pieces of information, such as party affiliation, MHI is apparently trying to obscure or hide the full truth. See the MHI warning below.


A word for word quotation from the MHI email dated 7.13.2022.

Legislation Introduced Would Rollback Protections for Manufactured Housing Retailers 

Today Representatives Suzanne Bonamici (OR-01) and Jesús “Chuy” García (IL-04) introduced legislation to repeal the exemption for manufactured housing retailers from the definition of mortgage originator under the Truth in Lending Act. MHI and its members worked closely with both Senate and House leadership and congressional champions of manufactured housing to secure passage of this important provision in 2018. MHI is reaching out to our Congressional champions to strongly oppose this legislation. ##


What MHI fails to mention in their ‘news’ item above is that the protection given to retailers was enacted during the Trump Administration. It was the only part of what was once called the Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act to become law. MHProNews alone reported that resident-advocate Ishbel Dickens, attorney for the National Manufactured Home Owners Association (NMHOA).

MHI reportedly spent millions in the years that focused on getting that bill enacted and never got it into law. That was during the Obama-Biden Administration. By leaving out such details, MHI’s troubled history on that issue is being obscured by - you guessed it - MHI.


Summing Up Facts, Analysis, and Commentary on MHI 7.13.2022 “Newsletter” - Takeaways

Here are the obvious, fact- and evidence-based takeaways from the above:

  1. MHI’s supposed ‘solution’ for what they admit is a harmful DOE rule – HR 7651 - is no solution at all. A close reading of their own report reveals that MHProNews’ analysis weeks ago have been entirely vindicated.
  2. MHI’s current and prior messages do not directly contradict any of the assertions by MHARR’s Danny Ghorbani, nor recent or prior MHProNews research and reports on the DOE steadily approaching issue.
  3. MHI is in the odd position of supporting conventional housing rental providers. Why aren’t those conventional housing sources working with MHI to support HUD enforcement of “enhanced preemption” under the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000?
  4. MHI is in the troubling position of opposing tenant safeguards. That means that MHI is de facto coming down in support of ‘predatory’ behavior by several of their larger brands. That in turn contradicts their own so-called Code of Ethical Conduct. A recent example of that is found below.

Ross Partrich, CEO of RHP Properties, Responds to Resident Complaints Reported by Mainstream Media - MHProNews Fact-Packed Exclusive - plus Manufactured Home Stocks, Markets Update

On Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at 3:44 PM, Ross Partrich at RHP Properties wrote MHProNews the following message via email. "The health and safety of our residents is a top priority for RHP Properties. The emergency water repair referenced in the Patch article was caused by a water leak that was quickly repaired and did not negatively impact the community's water supply.

  • 5. MHI admits that a partial victory obtained during the Trump Administration on a measure supported by MHARR is now threatened with a roll-back under in Congress by allies of the so-called Biden junta. This demonstrates that Democrats have increasingly become the party of the elites who posture policies that sound good for minorities and those with more modest incomes, but are in fact lining the pocks of their wealthy backers instead. More on that in a recent instance is shown below.


'F-Word' - William 'Bill' Gates III Updates His-Warren Buffett's Multi-Billion Dollar Plans, Gates Talks Buffett More in Own Words, Philanthro-Capitalism; plus, Manufactured Home Stock Update

The F Word, William Bill Gates III, Updates Multi-Billion Dollar Plans, Warren Buffett, Gates Foundation, The Giving Pledge, philanthro-feudalism, philanthro-capitalism, Peter Buffett, Laura Flanders, Bill Gates Tweets, plus Manufactured Housing Stocks Updates 7.15.2022, REITs, manufactured housing, production, factories, retail, suppliers, brokers, finance, Poverty Inc documentary,

  • 6. As the housing market slows, manufactured housing has in theory an opportunity for growth. Indeed manufactured housing has continued to increase even as conventional housing has slowed.

Is Manufactured Housing an Exception? 'The Deal is Off' Home Sales Getting Cancelled at Record Pace, Redfin, ZeroHedge, Media Raise U.S. Housing/Economy Alarms; and MHMarkets Update

Redfin recently reported with the ZeroHedge financial/news site and others amplifying the rising numbers of cancelled housing sales recently. So, it is not only the Texas Manufactured Housing Association (TMHA), but also the Texas A&M Real Estate Research Center (TERERC) that noted lower consumer traffic on manufactured home street retail centers.

State-by-State, Regional, National Manufactured Housing Data for Production, Shipments for May 2022, Compare Manufactured Home to Conventional Housing, Other Research Reports; and MHStock Updates

State-by-State, Regional, National Manufactured Housing Data for Production, Shipments for May 2022, Compare Manufactured Home to Conventional Housing, Other Research Reports; and MHStock Updates, Manufactured Housing Assoc Regulatory Reform, MHARR, IBTS, HUD, HUD Code manufactured homes, National Association of Realtors, NAR, National Association of Home Builders, NAHB, Manufactured Housing Institute, MHI,



But meanwhile, MHI affiliate – the Texas Manufactured Housing Association (TMHA) is publicly saying that a slowdown is coming. They cite rising rates, the DOE energy rule, and more.

'Quite Obvious U.S. Economy Slowing,' TRERC Research Economist Harold Hunt, Ph.D. Manufactured Housing Demand in #1 Texas Slips, Slowdown in 2nd Half of 2022 Expected; plus, MHStocks Updates

'Quite Obvious U.S. Economy Slowing,' Texas Real Estate Research Center, TRERC, Research Economist, Harold Hunt Ph.D., Manufactured Housing Demand in #1 Texas Slips, Slowdown in 2nd Half of 2022 Expected, plus, MHStocks, REITs, 7.5.2022, manufactured homes, production, factories, communities, retail, suppliers, finance, brokers, dealers,


Summing up, on issue after issue, MHI is time and again failing “all segments” of manufactured housing, save one obvious exception. That one? MHI is working successfully if their goal is to benefit the consolidators of the manufactured housing industry.

Those consolidators have said time and again in public statements that they want to consolidate the industry and are pleased with MHI’s efforts.

Exploring HousingWire Editor Sarah Wheeler, Manufactured Housing Institute CEO Lesli Gooch Op-Ed, Support MHI Claims But Affordable Housing, Manufactured Home Industry Woes Mount

On 9.7.2021, HousingWire's editor Sarah Wheeler authorized and published an opinion column (op-ed) by Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) CEO Lesli Gooch at this link here. This MHLivingNews editorial viewpoint will lay out several facts that shed light on why manufactured housing is underperforming during an affordable housing crisis.


Apparently, MHI has no plausible reply to the various concerns raised by MHProNews, so, instead of reply - they posture instead.

4 Quick, Documented Examples of Manufactured Housing Institute Leaders Publicly Ducking Out on Explaining Their Performance – or Lack Thereof – ELS’ Howard Walker

In conclusion, the apparent need for an authentic post-production trade group is more apparent than ever.

While it would be nice – even commendable – if MHI pivoted and began to use their legal resources to file suit on behalf of issues that would defend and/or advance the sale of more HUD Code manufactured homes, their email reveals no hint that this is on their agenda. The stance by the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), while logical, has served to illustrate MHI’s failure to deliver on their claim of representing “all segments” of manufactured housing.

"Political Payoffs" Modular Home Builders Association (MHBA) Compared to Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) on Biden Plan - 'Turns American Dream into American Nightmare' - Analysis - plus, Manufactured Housing Stocks Updates

There is significant effort invested in comparing positions and actions by the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and the smaller, but feistier watchdog and advocacy efforts at the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR). Against the backdrop of that routine drumbeat of MHI efforts vs.


Years of MHARR alerts and concerns are being demonstrated in living color. Even non-producers owe a debt of gratitude to MHARR for a steady stream of reliable reports that have provided the industry with alerts and evidence of concerns.  MHARR has been revealed to be the primary reason why the DOE energy rule has been successfully delayed so long, and MHI has been revealed by MHARR as being the reason that the DOE energy rule has and continues to plague the industry.

Touting Public Officials Praising Manufactured Homes, Manufactured Housing Institute, Ironically, Urges, ‘Take Action to Support Cost-Effective MH Energy Efficiency Requirements’, HR 7651, Facts & Analysis, Dept of Energy, DOE Manufactured Housing Energy Rule,

That said, the time for next steps may be rapidly approaching. MHARR has done more than their job in warning the industry, because they are a production-focused association, not a post-production and/or production/umbrella focused association as MHI claims to be. Without legal and related action, in a matter of months, producers of HUD Code manufactured homes will have little or no choice but to begin to comply with the DOE mandate that will take effect in about 10½ months.

MHProNews supports and encourages the notion of a new post-production trade group being formed, one that authentically advocates for ‘all segments’ of the post-production sector and can work in tandem with MHARR to stop harmful regulations such as the DOE energy rule. It should also work in conjunction with MHARR to cause the full and proper implementation of good existing laws that MHI has apparently allowed to languish and which MHI admits has not been properly enforced. See the MHI CEO Gooch quotations, posted and linked from the above.

One more possible takeaway? MHI board members should be considered for legal action for their apparent failure to act on behalf of ‘all segments” of the industry. They may be guilty of a range of legal violations that could include felony violations of RICO and antitrust laws.

Strommen "Felony" "Conspiracy" Case-"Monopolization" of Affordable Manufactured Housing and Manufactured Home Communities "Rube Goldberg Machine of Human Suffering" by Manufactured Housing Institute Firms - Knudson Law

Sam Strommen, Felony, Conspiracy, Case, Monopolization of Affordable Manufactured Housing and Manufactured Home Communities, Manufactured Housing Institute Firms, USD, Knudson Law, , The Monopolization of the American Manufactured Home Industry and the Formation of REITs: a Rube Goldberg Machine of Human Suffering,

Stay tuned to MHProNews for ongoing reports and related analysis that pulls back the veil on the facts and realities that are occurring that impact manufactured housing.  ###

Touting Public Officials Praising Manufactured Homes, Manufactured Housing Institute Ironically Urges ‘Take Action to Support Cost-Effective MH Energy Efficiency Requirements’ – Facts & Analysis

Former MHI and MHARR Executive Danny Ghorbani’s Keen Insights on History and Value of ‘Homes on the Hill’ for Manufactured Housing – Exclusive Q&A

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Stay tuned for more of what is 'behind the curtains' as well as what is obvious and in your face reporting that are not found anywhere else in MHVille. It is all here, which may explain why this is the runaway largest and most-read source for authentic manufactured home “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested with the discussion of manufactured housing related issues on our 12.3.2019 meetings. But Texas Congressman Al Green's office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son's hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States and other goodies. MHProNews has worked with people and politicos across the left-right divide.

By L.A. "Tony" Kovach - for

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.

For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He's a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and

This article reflects the LLC's and/or the writer's position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.

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Related References:

The text/image boxes below are linked to other reports, which can be accessed by clicking on them.

December 2021 Monthly New Manufactured Housing Data with 2021 Annual Manufactured Home Production Totals, Compare to NAR, Conventional Housing Starts, RVs – Opportunities & Obstacles Special Analysis

‘A Pimple on an Elephant’s Ass’ – White House Manufactured Housing Lending Listening Session ‘Logic’ Comments as Prepared


Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Lashed by Current, Past Members; Odd Defense of Arlington VA Based MHI Association, Suggested Meeting for New Post-Production National Trade Group Considered

