Matt Stoller is an antitrust writer/researcher. Stoller is the author of the book Goliath and of the BIG newsletter which are focused on the problems and news associated with monopoly power in America. In his 12.5.2022 issue, Stoller asserts as his theme that increasingly political leaders on the right are pushing for serious antitrust action. Stoller has made the argument that Republicans are joining those Democrats who have long claimed they want to reign in abuses of corporate power. While there are strengths and weaknesses to Stoller’s arguments and evidence, some of which will follow herein, the implications of the notion that millions of citizens from the left and right are increasingly holding similar views on monopoly power is an important topic for the ever-more apparently market-manipulated manufactured housing industry. Other evidence of this trend to reign in corporate abuses of economic and political power in this post will be the 13-year prison sentence handed down by a federal judge for “defrauding investors” reported by Law360. Law360 also reported that Theranos’ former CEO Elizabeth Homes got “over 11 years” for white collar corporate crimes. While the picture that emerges is not crystal clear, these pieces of reported evidence are added to by the growing outcry from among GOP lawmakers – who in turn are being pressed by their increasingly populist voting base – to explore “antitrust” and ‘fiduciary responsibilities’ actions along with other federal/state violations with legal efforts taking aim at aggressive corporate practices including ESG practices. While Cavco Industries settled their SEC claims for a relatively modest $1.5 million, the legal issues raised research conducted by Samuel Strommen with Knudson Law make it clear that “felony” “antitrust” with possible RICO and other legal claims could go beyond money to include prison time for several possible manufactured housing industry professionals. Pieces of reported evidence related to such risks will be the unifying theme for this article.
Actual cases past and pending cases plus prior convictions for business misbehavior in MHVille are linked herein as additional reasons to consider the potential for criminal as well as financial penalties for corporate malfeasance.
Our final segment of today’s report will include the Daily Business News on MHProNews update on manufactured home community REITs and other manufactured housing connected stocks. One of those manufactured housing connected equities cited in a third-party report herein connected to this theme of pending and ongoing probes of corporate giant BlackRock, which holds interests in manufactured home land-lease communities, among their other investments.
With that introduction and outline are the following news items.
- 1). From Law 36O is this in an email on 12.7.2022 to
By Dorothy Atkins
A California federal judge sentenced former Theranos executive Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani to almost 13 years in prison for defrauding investors and patients with bogus blood-testing technology on Wednesday, a month after the company’s former CEO Elizabeth Holmes was sentenced to over 11 years for related crimes.”
- 2). From Matt Stoller’s Big Newsletter on 12.5.2022 are the following pull-quotes.
… How real is the anger at big business on the right? And how are conservative politicians wielding this anti-corporate rhetoric?”
Stoller provided this insight.
![]() |
So during the 4th quarter of 2022, Pew Research documented what Stoller calls the mood-shift by supporters of the right (generally Republicans) which he said mirrors similar sentiment among those on the left (generally Democrats) that rail against apparent abuses of corporate power.
For those who listen to talk radio for anecdotal evidence from callers and pundits alike, it is apparent that anger over big tech, big social media, big news, and big corporations is increasingly tied to their billionaires who not so long ago were celebrated by many on the right. But today there appears to be increasing evidence that ‘the elites,’ their political and public official cronies are being viewed as the enemies of the interests of tens of millions of everyday Americans.
Stoller noted: “It’s more than just Congress. Last year, conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, attacked the power of dominant firms, arguing monopoly power was upstream from censorship. Texas Republican Ken Paxton is leading a suit to break up Google, and Ohio Attorney General David Yost is seeking to have Google declared a public utility. I could go on, suffice to say there’s a lot of evidence that a faction on the right is disdainful that monopoly power exists.” Stoller’s point illustrates recent reports on MHProNews/MHLivingNews the include several figures among Republicans/the right pressing these issues, but also includes example of how Sun Communities and others in MHVille have been publicly criticized Democratic attorneys general.

Stoller remarked that: “In 2016, Trump attacked big business, offering a chaotic anti-establishment message. While corporate concentration increased under Trump, his administration was not without anti-monopoly successes. For instance, during Operation Warp Speed to create Covid vaccines, the White House handed out contracts to not just one but six pharmaceutical firms, which meant there was actually competition. Under Attorney General Bill Barr, the Antitrust Division brought the first monopolization suit in 20 years, against Google. And the Trump FTC also brought a monopolization suit against Facebook.
Trump’s anger at Big Tech, considering he was de-platformed, has only risen.” Stoller went on to state that: “I do not know how Trump will run his 2024 campaign, but corporate power will likely again fit in.” The BIG author asserted that: “And [Florida Governor Ron] DeSantis [R], following Trump, has a track record of putting big corporations on the defensive, most famously Disney. Unlike Trump, who bashed firms like Carrier for offshoring jobs, DeSantis’ disdain for corporations is much narrower, focusing only on conflicts over ‘woke’ capital.”
Whether this is “chaotic,” to borrow Stoller’s term above, or an increasingly clear image of emerging dissatisfaction-to-anger from the left and right will be clarified in time.
But what’s more certain is that the intersection between some in big politics across the left-right spectrum publicly taking aim at abuses in corporate power, examples of that pattern have been reported by MHProNews for years. They have played out in actual cases and claims. Some of those cases have been settled. Some were successfully litigated. Others are still developing or are pending at the state and national levels.

One of the world’s wealthiest billionaires, Jeff Bezos led “Amazon is hated on the right as a bulwark of progressivism,” said Stoller’s article. “And you can find an endless number of right-wing critiques. Conservatives distrust Amazon.”
But it isn’t just giant Amazon.
It is giant Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg.
It is Google and their corporate leaders.
And it isn’t just conservatives who are calling out left-leaning corporations and their often wealthy leaders. Microsoft founder William “Bill” Gates III is among the targets by serious advocates among Democrats – and Republicans – who are taking aim at big pharma, big tech, and corporate collusion with public officials.

While Stoller didn’t mention this next point either, MHProNews/MHLivingNews periodically points out the apparent business and philanthro-feudalism ties between Gates and Warren Buffett led Berkshire Hathaway. Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage Corporate, Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance (VMF) are just some of the Berkshire brands that also includes Shaw’s floor coverings or previously more independent Joanne Stevens in community brokerage operating in the manufactured housing industry.

- 3). This report provided by the WND NewsCenter to MHProNews provides another possible piece of evidence for the emerging picture.
Green movement put on notice over alleged antitrust violations
Climate agenda is a ‘radical partisan activism masquerading as responsible corporate governance’
By Bob Unruh
Published December 6, 2022 at 4:53pm
U.S. Reps. Dan Bishop, R-N.C., Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., Tom McClintock, R-Calif., Scott Fitzgerald, R-Wis., and Cliff Bentz, R-Ore., have written to leaders of the Climate Action 100+ activist group requesting key documents surrounding the use of Environmental, Social, and Governance policies.
The letter warns that the coordinated scheme involving banks, money managers and Climate Action 100+ to “restrict investments in coal, oil, and gas is driving up energy costs across the globe, empowering America’s adversaries abroad, and may violate United States antitrust laws.”
“ESG is, at its heart, radical partisan activism masquerading as responsible corporate governance,” said Bishop. “These corrosive practices may violate our nation’s antitrust laws, and we must be relentless in investigating them.”
The letter to a list of leaders of the organization explained, “We are writing to you because of your roles coordinating how some companies pursue environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies in ways that may violate antitrust laws.
“Each of you is on the Steering Committee for Climate Action 100+, which seems to work like a cartel to ‘ensure the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change.'”
It continued, “In addition, Ms. Lubber leads Ceres, a non-profit co-founder of Climate Action 100+. Ceres runs a regional corporate network for Climate Action 100+, advancing ESG policies by encouraging and helping drive ‘collective action.’ Mr. Nzima works for the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS), the largest U.S. public pension fund. CalPERS—a board member of Ceres—also co-founded and now helps govern Climate Action 100+.”
The letter said, “In short, you and your organizations appear to play major roles in efforts to advance ESG policies. We therefore write to request information about related conduct or agreements that may be unlawful under U.S. antitrust laws.”
The letter explained that multiple domestic corporate interests are increasingly in unison on “advancing progressive policy goals.”
“Some companies and executives promote these left-wing views and policies even when doing so runs counter to consumer sentiment or robs Americans of hard-earned income. Certain large companies—some of which are involved in the work of Climate Action 100+ or Ceres, or may have connections to CalPERS—appear to be important players in these efforts. For example, Larry Fink, who chairs one of the world’s largest asset managers, BlackRock, is infamous ‘for his annual letters to America’s CEOs chiding them to adopt the latest MSNBC-approved wisdom on politics and policy,'” the letter said.
But in fact, ESG is nothing more than “partisan politics masquerading as responsible corporate governance. A major ESG ‘policy centerpiece’ is stifling investments in oil and gas, and Wall Street firms have ‘bragg[ed] about their coordinated efforts to choke off investment in energy.’ Boycotting certain energy investment, however, is just a subset of the types of ESG-related goals. The list includes, for example: ‘climate change (e.g., reporting on climate change, risks of climate change, greenhouse gas emissions goals),’ ‘sustainability reporting,’ and other ‘energy-related’ issues. ESG goals can also include other policy concerns, such as ‘fake news dissemination’ or ‘gun control.’ Access to abortion has even become part of ESG.”
The letter is addressed to Mindy Lubber, of Ceres, and Simiso Nzima, of CalPERS.
“Corporate America’s collusion in pursuit of ESG goals may violate federal or state antitrust laws. Antitrust law is generally ‘skeptical of cooperation among competitors’ over certain matters, and that includes coordination over ESG goals. The ‘traditional principles that prohibit cooperation among competitors in ways that restrict price, output, or quality’ apply ‘regardless of their values-based intent.’ As one antitrust expert has explained, ‘[t]he loftiest of purported motivations do not excuse anti-competitive collusion among rivals. That’s longstanding antitrust law,'” the letter warned.
“No matter how firmly a company or its executives believe in the goals of ESG, that belief does not excuse anticompetitive agreements or unlawful conduct to advance progressive policies. The Committee on the Judiciary has jurisdiction to examine unlawful restraints of trade and commerce. Accordingly, to help us better understand the roles you and your organizations play in facilitating and coordinating companies’ efforts to achieve ESG-related goals, we request that you produce the following documents and information, for the period December 1, 2016, to the present.”
The Biden administration just days ago said companies with legal and ethical obligations to make the best return for investors, such as owners of retirement accounts, now can disregard their clients’ priorities in exchange for green agenda priorities.
The request for information from Republicans is significant, in that their party will be the majority in the U.S. House starting in January. ##
That 12.6.2022 letter from Congressional lawmakers to that nonprofit coalition was obtained by MHProNews from one of those lawmaker’s offices and is linked as a download here. Note that several manufactured housing industry-connected firms including ESG related talking points that may be found in their investor presentations.
Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
While it is not yet settled, a state university has contacted this MHProNews author about presenting in 2023 to their students on corporate power as it relates to possibly illegal behavior operating in manufactured housing.
That source said in part: “There are already some graduate students starting to work on manufactured housing” including interest in apparent antitrust violations.
That source previously stated to MHProNews their view that real change come when more university graduate students take an interest in exploring the realities of manufactured housing vs. the outdated myths. But that university level interest also includes an apparent desire for understanding why manufactured housing is underperforming in historic term when there is an affordable housing crisis in America. That leads to the exploration of apparent evidence of corporate collusion with public officials connected to specific nonprofits and trade groups that apparently include Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI).
As MHProNews/MHLivingNews has spent years developing the facts and evidence on such topics. In contrast these issues and related evidence are largely ignored, downplayed, or dismissed by bloggers and publications associated with MHI. That lack of honest intellectual or journalistic curiosity may help explain how MHI and their state affiliates apparently get away with their poor handling of key issues facing MHVille. The ‘amen corner’ of spin, paltering, and posturing by MHI and their various mouthpieces may shed light on why their readership is reportedly far lower than here on MHProNews, per evidence from third-party metrics. It is worth mentioning that public officials, educational institutions, and a range of nonprofits are among the reported readers of MHProNews, per sources deemed reliable. For some time, MailChimp reported that the Washington, D.C. metro is one of the top locations for occasions with MHProNews emails.
It must be emphasized that all people, information, and sources should be treated with an eye on separating the proverbial wheat from the chaff. Stoller may have a blind spot when it comes to spotting paltering and posturing theatrics, especially in what may be biased thinking that Democratic political figure or public officials are always sincere, any more than he correctly observes that not all Republicans (candidates, elected or appointed officials) are populists who automatically back Trump-style populism.
That noted, Stoller specifically mentions in the pro-corporate camp of the GOP a figure that MHProNews cast doubt nearly 18 months ago, namely, now Virginia Governor Glenn Younkin.
Per Stoller: “For instance, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin, a potential 2024 Presidential nominee, quietly sent his wife to the opening of an Amazon Web Services skills center three weeks ago. He also appointed Jeffrey Palmore to be chairman of the Virginia Compensation Board, which sets pay for the various state officials overseeing Amazon’s financial concessions from the state. Amazon then immediately hired Palmore, giving the firm immense leverage over the government officials making decisions about how much Amazon profits. These pro-Amazon signals aren’t such a big deal for Youngkin, as he’s less a populist and more a wealthy plaid pants wearing finance dork. No one’s shocked by a Carlyle Group exec doing nice things for Amazon.
DeSantis is cut from different cloth. He is not wealthy, with a net worth of only $318,000, stunningly low for a politician. (And it actually dropped last year in office.) DeSantis has positioned himself as a socially conservative quasi-populist, a guy who won’t take guff from ‘woke’ corporate America.”
Our manufactured housing “Industry News, Tips, and Views” © platform articles have continued to report research that demonstrates the enduring value, need and thus importance of modern manufactured homes as an obvious part of the solution for the U.S. affordable housing crisis.
But in this platform’s seeking to understand and report on the historic level of underperformance of the manufactured housing industry led to the evolution of MHProNews/MHLivingNews. That underperformance must be connected to evidence from across the left-right spectrum that MHI and certain corporate players are to a significant degree behind throttling industry growth.
While that may seem odd at first to a newcomer, when the known facts and ample evidence are carefully absorbed and weighed, it makes sense as a moat-building ploy that serious statements from Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Kevin Clayton have voiced. Meaning, one would have to ignore the weighty evidence in order to come to a different conclusion than MHProNews editorially has spotlighted in recent years.

In trying to publicly debate and deflect from that concern, pro-MHI and “proud member” of MHI, Andy Gedo instead provided useful remarks that reinforced this platform’s evidence-based thesis.

When outsiders looking in, such as Strommen and James A. “Jim” Schmitz Jr., and others have made similar evidence-based arguments, it serves to strengthen the case that antitrust, RICO and other legal actions could occur as the political and regulatory climate shifts.
As WND framed it: “The Biden administration just days ago said companies with legal and ethical obligations to make the best return for investors, such as owners of retirement accounts, now can disregard their clients’ priorities in exchange for green agenda priorities.
The request for information from Republicans is significant, in that their party will be the majority in the U.S. House starting in January.”
The fractures on the left between posturing populist stances and performance vs. the emergence on the right of those who are not just saber rattling but are taking measurable steps to reign in corporate power among ‘woke’ or other financial powerhouses is significant.
If the GOP ever gets their messaging act together as well as Democrats have done, an authentic tidal shift that creates a coalition across the left-center-right could occur.
Whatever Elon Musk’s actual motivations may be, he is shedding light on the dark ties between corporate, governmental, and political malfeasance.
Because “We the People” from all backgrounds and walks of life still have a significant say in America’s sagging republic, the emerging picture from otherwise disconnected puzzle pieces could yield the awakening that might tame the crony capitalist corporate beasts in or beyond MHVille. The day may come when more cases are brought against manipulative insiders who are often involved with MHI.

As the celebration of the birth of RV MH Hall of Fame inductee Danny Ghorbani is nigh, it is good to recall his expert observations alongside those of other industry professionals.

Their years of closely following and reacting to MHProNews/MHLivingNews reports and analysis help explain why millions of pageviews are consumed annually on this website plus more on our sister site. It is not hubris, but cold hard facts that are made clear by simply comparing the content found here and elsewhere that nothing else from pro-MHI trade publishers/bloggers comes close to the coherent understanding of the realities found in MHVille. Who says? Several of our rivals.

The case for today is closed by MHProNews on these developments. The silence from MHI, their corporate masters, and their respective attorneys is deafening.

As a programming note, watch for upcoming reports on new legal issues that have developed in MHVille. Those pending reports will likely link back to this article for additional background and support. Don’t miss them. ##

Daily Business News on MHProNews Markets Segment
The modifications of our prior Daily Business News on MHProNews format of the recap of yesterday evening’s market report are provided below. It still includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines. The macro market moves graphics will provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities.
In minutes a day readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that are impacting manufactured housing connected investing.
Reminder: several of the graphics on MHProNews can be opened into a larger size. For instance: click the image and follow the prompts in your browser or device to OPEN In a New Window. Then, in several browsers/devices you can click the image and increase the size. Use the ‘x out’ (close window) escape or back key to return.
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 12.7.2022
- Billionaire blues
- Elon Musk attends The 2022 Met Gala Celebrating “In America: An Anthology of Fashion” at The Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 02, 2022 in New York City.
- Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images
- Elon Musk is on the verge of losing his status as the world’s richest person, at least according to one metric
- General Motors Ultium electric vehicle charger installed in cooperation with Wheelers Chevrolet GMC in Marshfield, Wisconsin.
- GM to put thousands of electric vehicle chargers in rural America
- The Disney+ Marvel website home screen on a laptop computer in the Brooklyn borough of New York, US, on Monday, July 18, 2022. Walt Disney Co.’s ESPN will raise the price of its streaming service by 43% next month, betting that it can help cover the escalating cost of sports rights without losing subscribers who are grappling with soaring inflation.
- The media business is in turmoil — but its stocks may be close to bottoming
- An Amazon driver loads packages into a delivery van at an Amazon delivery station on November 28, 2022 in Alpharetta, Georgia. Amazon is offering deep discounts on popular products ffor Cyber Monday, its busiest shopping day of the year.
- DC attorney general sues Amazon for allegedly misusing driver tips
- People walk by a sign on the Meta campus In Menlo Park, California on Friday, October 28, 2022.
- Meta avoids showdown over news content in US after journalism bargaining bill shelved
- Wordle internet word game
- Guess what the most-searched term on Google was in 2022
- Huggable teddy bears have no age limit. Teens and grownups are buying them too
- JP Morgan Chase & Co. Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon testifies before the House Financial Services Committee on accountability for mega banks in the Rayburn House Office Building on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC on April 10, 2019.
- MANDEL NGAN/AFP/AFP via Getty Images
- JPMorgan CEO: Crypto is like ‘pet rocks’
- Former Theranos COO set to be sentenced
- Coca-Cola has an unexpected marketing strategy this holiday season
- The very last 747 jumbo jet just rolled off Boeing’s assembly line
- Amazon’s checkout page stopped working for some users
- Companies can’t imagine life without the CEO. That’s a problem
- Video: TikTok’s ‘How much is your rent?’ is the new MTV Cribs
- UK strikes to hit ambulance services, hospitals and trains in the run up to Christmas
- US oil plunges below $75 for first time since just before Christmas
- UK tries to shore up energy supply with US deal
- Congress wants to grill Live Nation’s CEO over the Taylor Swift Ticketmaster fiasco
- Women sue Apple alleging their exes used AirTags to stalk them
- Apple now lets developers charge as much as $10,000 for an app
- RISK TAKERS: This former tech worker is helping change laws for people who get laid off

Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax 12.7.2022
- Congress Drops Key Journalism Measure After Big Tech Blowback
- Lawmakers have ended an effort to let media organizations bargain collectively with Big Tech over the distribution of content by leaving out a provision of a spending bill amid pushback from the tech industry and advocacy groups. [Full Story]
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- NOTE 1: The 3rd chart above includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services, a manufactured home industry finance lender
- NOTE 2: Drew changed its name and trading symbol at the end of 2016 to Lippert (LCII).
- NOTE 3: Deer Valley was largely taken private, say company insiders in a message to MHProNews on 12.15.2020, but there are still some outstanding shares of the stock from the days when it was a publicly traded firm. Thus, there is still periodic activity on DVLY.
- Note 4: some recent or related reports to the equities named above follow.

2022 …Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory-built housing industry suppliers.
· LCI Industries, Patrick, UFPI, and LP each are suppliers to the manufactured housing industry, among others.
· AMG, CG, and TAVFX have investments in manufactured housing related businesses. For insights from third-parties and clients about our publisher, click here.
Disclosure. MHProNews holds no positions in the stocks in this report.
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That’s a wrap on this installment of “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, stock, investing, data, metrics, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship along with numerous awards in history. There have been several awards and honors and also recognition in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.