Among the topics in an MHI memo was a same-day call for “our” state association executives to attend MHI’s “meet up.” Not enough registered or attending, perhaps? But of more interest and the focus of this report, analysis and commentary is what MHI labeled as their “Call to Action” on “MHI’s Appeal to the Associated Press to Properly Define “Manufactured Housing.” Recall that about 18 months ago MHProNews exposed the fact – based on an AP Stylebook personnel statement – that MHI had not reached out previously to get that terminology cleanup for manufactured housing done. As the timeframe approaches that AP Stylebook said they expect to act upon our publications’ request to properly define and advise reporters of what is the correct terminology, see report linked below, MHI steps in – now? Are they hoping to claim credit for something that MHProNews/MHLivingNews began over a year earlier? MHProNews reached out to MHI leaders and to the Associated Press Stylebook team, as those items are provided further below along with other factual reflection on this long festering issue.
Part I of today’s MHProNews report will feature the following two segments of MHI’s January 9, 2023 “Federated States Newsletter” – all of which was provided to MHProNews by an insider tipster. In Part II, the outreach to MHI leaders as well as a follow up to the Associated Press (AP) Stylebook team is provided. Part III of this article is our signature left-right (CNN-Newsmax) market-moving headline recap and manufactured housing industry (a.k.a. MHVille) connected stocks and REITs market summary reports for 1.10.2023 are provided.
Federated States Newsletter – January 9, 2023

Today at 3 PM EST – MHI’s Next “Monthly Mondays Meet-Up” for State Executives
As part of MHI’s ongoing commitment to support our state association executives, we are pleased to facilitate monthly virtual meetings exclusively for you. MHI’s next “Monthly Mondays Meet-Up” will take place today at 3:00 PM Eastern. To register for the meeting please click here.
Join MHI’s Appeal to the Associated Press to Properly Define “Manufactured Housing”
To support factual news reporting on manufactured housing, MHI is requesting the Associated Press (AP) include the terms manufactured homes, modular homes, off-site built homes, CrossMod® homes, mobile homes, and trailers in the AP Stylebook.
The AP Stylebook is the gold standard reference for journalists and editors, providing impartial, consistent guidelines that lead to uniformity and common understanding in news stories. Journalists refer to the AP Stylebook for guidance on using the correct language and terms when writing news stories, but the guide does not include any language related to manufactured housing. Inclusion of the correct terminology is one step we are undertaking as we work to change the negative portrayal of manufactured housing in the media.
Would you consider making a similar request? We hope that several requests will gain the attention of the AP and lead to a productive discussion. You can submit a request on the AP website at To keep this process as simple as possible, you can utilize MHI’s submission which is attached. … ##
MHProNews Note: the MHI attachment to the above memo to the Federates States Executives and other designated ‘Fed States’ delegates to that once-independent organization was the following item. So, from MHI to the Fed States was the following text in an attached document provided to MHProNews.
Associated Press Submission Example

The terms manufactured home, modular home, mobile home/trailer, off-site built home and CrossMod home mean different things. To improve accuracy in reporting, we are requesting the AP Stylebook include guidance on the use of these terms. As more journalists write about manufactured housing, clarity on the use of the terms is important.
- Manufactured Home: Manufactured homes are regulated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and adhere to the HUD Code that governs the federal building standards for manufactured homes. According to HUD, a home built in a factory after June 15, 1976 that adheres to HUD Code is a manufactured home. These homes are built in a facility and transported to land. A manufactured home can be placed on a permanent foundation, basement, blocks or metal piers.
- Mobile Home: Mobile homes were built prior to June 15, 1976—the date before the federal HUD building codes went into effect. Trailer is a colloquial term synonymous with mobile home and should only be used in a direct quote.
- Modular Home: Modular homes are built in a facility, with final assembly occurring where the home will reside. Modular homes are built to conform to all state, local, and/or regional codes based on where the home will reside. They are typically built on a crawlspace or basement.
- Off-Site Built Home: Off-site built homes refer to any home built in a facility.
- CrossMod® Home: CrossMod homes are a type of manufactured home, meaning they are built to HUD code inside a building facility. CrossMod homes include features that make them look more like a site-built home, such as an elevated roof pitch; a garage, carport or covered porch; and a permanent foundation.
Part II. Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
As was mentioned in the start of this article, MHProNews obtained a document in which MHI’s CEO Lesli Gooch told the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that ‘developers are moving away from CrossMods.’ See that in the 12.16.2022 report linked below. There are several possible takeaways from this admission by MHI, at least one of which is relevant to this recent outreach by MHI to the AP Stylebook.
More on that following this MHProNews emailed outreach to MHI staff and board leaders yesterday (1.10.2023).
from: | L. A. Tony Kovach for MHProNews |
to: | Lesli Gooch Leo Poggione |
cc: | John Greiner David Goch @ WC-B Law “Hodges, Tom” – General Counsel and prior MHI Chairman |
date: | Jan 10, 2023, 1:53 PM |
subject: | Media request for comment, Leo and Lesli or MHI legal team |
Lesli and Leo,
Your most recent Federated States Newsletter includes the information about MHI’s outreach to the AP Stylesheet editors. Given that your attorneys have said that you are monitoring our publications, surely you know that MHProNews provided AP tips that they said they were looking for? It is approaching a year since this article was published.
AP staff advised us in writing that:
1) MHI had not reached out to them previously. If they were mistaken in conveying that, please provide evidence that you contacted them well before this Federated States email of yours dated 1.9.2023.
2) Given that MHI email campaigns rarely seem to have the desired impact, why haven’t you asked Kevin Clayton, Tom Hodges or others involved in brands tied to Berkshire Hathaway to make this outreach? Surely, you realize that Berkshire has outsized influence with mainstream media?
3) Is there any evidence that Clayton Homes can provide that they or Berkshire have asked for the AP Stylebook to be updated and clarified?
4) What explains why MHI has waited so long to do something so common sense as contact the AP Stylebook?
You know the drill. Please email your reply to the inquiries above. You are also again invited to comment on any (or all) of the reports linked below or others found on our website. Kindly keep in mind the old English adage, that silence betokens consent.
Thank you.
L. A. “Tony” Kovach
Managing Member
LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC [parent company for and] … ##
A screen capture of the email above to document the outreach is linked here.
As of 1o:05 AM ET on 1.11.2023 MHProNews received several message confirmations but no formal reply from anyone representing MHI staff or board leadership.
Based on a suggestion from a BCC recipient on the above message to MHI leaders, yesterday late afternoon MHProNews messaged our contacts with the AP Stylebook and copied their generic email address too. The following was the core text sent by MHProNews.
Subject: Paula and Colleen, following up on the terminology discussion
Paula and Colleen,
Pardon me, but an issue was brought to my attention today about our periodic discussion about issuing guidance to reporters on definitions regarding HUD Code manufactured homes. The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) is a trade association in our industry. So too is the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform.
I can send the entire email, if you’d like, but MHI notified dozens of their state affiliates, asking them to reach out to you, in an astro-turf style effort (IMHO). Part of what MHI’s document said are the following bullets. My focus in what follows is the CrossMod segment of this and the highlighting below is added by me.
- Manufactured Home: Manufactured homes are regulated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and adhere to the HUD Code that governs the federal building standards for manufactured homes. According to HUD, a home built in a factory after June 15, 1976 that adheres to HUD Code is a manufactured home. These homes are built in a facility and transported to land. A manufactured home can be placed on a permanent foundation, basement, blocks or metal piers.
- Mobile Home: Mobile homes were built prior to June 15, 1976—the date before the federal HUD building codes went into effect. Trailer is a colloquial term synonymous with mobile home and should only be used in a direct quote.
- Modular Home: Modular homes are built in a facility, with final assembly occurring where the home will reside. Modular homes are built to conform to all state, local, and/or regional codes based on where the home will reside. They are typically built on a crawlspace or basement.
- Off-Site Built Home: Off-site built homes refer to any home built in a facility.
- CrossMod® Home:CrossMod homes are a type of manufactured home, meaning they are built to HUD code inside a building facility. CrossMod homes include features that make them look more like a site-built home, such as an elevated roof pitch; a garage, carport or covered porch; and a permanent foundation.
FYI. CrossMod was originally launched as a trademarked brand name, so it was CrossModTM.
There is no room for a separate ‘definition’ for CrossMod by AP, because it is a brand of manufactured housing, as MHI essentially admits “CrossMod homes are a type of manufactured home.” Decades before that brand name was introduced by MHI and some key members of theirs, there have long been manufactured homes that looked more ‘site built.’
The homes in the photo collage above are all HUD Code manufactured homes, built by both MHARR and MHI members, as well as by companies that are not a member of either trade group. The public perception is routinely that those ‘residential style’ homes all look ‘site built.’
It should be apparent that definitions are generic, rather than promoting something brand specific.
The Modular Home Builders Association (MHBA) Tom Hardiman published an article publicly objecting to MHI’s use of the term “CrossMod.”
You can do a Google or other internet search and find those remarks on the MHBA website blog.
Hardiman’s point was quite correct.
Any use of the term CrossMod by the AP Stylebook would arguably be mildly akin to using a brand name, say “Winchester” model built by XYZ Manufactured Homes. That simply isn’t appropriate for the purpose of definitions. Don’t you agree?
Furthermore, a reliable source at MHBA has told MHProNews that Hardiman’s public broadside of this MHI project only stopped because the CrossMods project was not getting any traction at the retail level. Sources at MHI, and at Fannie Mae have said similarly. Fannie and Freddie have to report CrossMod sales to the FHFA once a year. The results are so low they are essentially a rounding error, zero to single digits of national production sold, or in one case low double digits (teens) a year out of an industry that produced over 105,000 homes last year.
Not to be overlooked is the fact that MHI has indirectly admitted in a comments letter to HUD/FHA that CrossMods are failing in the marketplace. They were ‘begging,’ so to speak, federal regulators to give a separate appraisal for CrossMods because ‘developers are moving away from CrossMods.’ In short, the argument could be made that MHI is making this part of their ask from AP Stylebook for publicity purposes for a brand name of home that dozens of manufactured home builders don’t offer because they are costlier and do not sell well at retail.
Our publication’s position remains the same. There are proper, legal definitions of what a manufactured home is, what a mobile home is, what a modular home is, and what a trailer house is. There are specific cues that can be identified for these various types of housing construction. Recall the following that was provided to you.
To use CrossMods in that context of a definition is an error. While I don’t speak for MHARR, if you contact them, I suspect they would tell you something similar in their own words. Hardiman for MHBA has already said they think the term is deceptive and last I checked, that post on their website was unchanged.
Last for now. While I don’t strongly object to MHI suggesting the use of the term “off site built home” the accepted terminology that predates that one by decades are “factory built homes” or “prefab homes.” Those two terms can be used for any type of factory built housing.
If you wish to see the entire portion of the MHI ‘call to action’ regarding this topic with the AP Stylebook, please let me know. I’ll be happy to send it.
Kindly confirm this communication and let me know the latest on this, please?
Thank you.
L. A. “Tony” Kovach
Managing Member
LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC … ##
The message above received an automatic confirmation but it was late in the afternoon (4:30 PM ET), and no specific reply has yet been received. That noted, the AP Stylebook team have routinely been responsive to MHProNews’ inquiries and comments.
When MHI messaging is carefully examined, they are quite often on both sides of a topic. Longtime readers may recall that MHI bragged that CrossMods was a wildly popular term with a focus group that they commissioned. MHI claimed that CrossMods was several times more popular than the term ‘manufactured home’ or ‘manufactured housing.’ See the screen capture below as an example that illustrates from MHI’s own messaging that observation.

But in fact, FHFA data – which is provided by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, each of which have made clear as was mentioned by MHProNews in the AP Stylebook outreach shown above – that sales of CrossMods have been poor. MHI finally admitted as much in a document to HUD that was asking them for appraisal support guidance because ‘developers are moving away from CrossMods.’
Restating MHI’s own admissions to HUD, appraisers are treating CrossMods like any other manufactured home. Because the pricing for CrossMods are higher, the relatively modest break that they get on an interest rate from Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac may not make them a good investment from a retail buyers perspective as a choice over a residential style (non-CrossMod) HUD Code manufactured home.
Additionally, a top-level MHI builder’s executive told MHProNews that they had done the math, and were not building ANY CrossMods. Why not? Per that executive, CrossMods “don’t pencil out.” The added costs for CrossMod multi-sectional housing unit plus the added site costs to install the unit do not yield any savings for the modestly lower interest rate available in a land-home deal. Per that source within MHI, pay more for a CrossMod and get no net savings on the comparative (apples to apples) monthly payment.
These facts and insights all reflect failures in the design, planning, and rollout of CrossMod. That’s a bad reflection on not only MHI leaders, but also on Clayton Homes, Skyline Champion, and Cavco Industries – all of which touted the product at various times, and clearly continue to support the scheme, since it is ongoing.
That begs the question. Why would MHI’s ‘big three’ HUD Code builders promote a plan that one of their high-level management team leaders told MHProNews has no traction?

The argument can be made that CrossMods – previously known as the “new class of manufactured housing” always was a Trojan Horse. MHProNews predicted as much some 4 years ago. Pardon the moment of what may appear to be self-praise, that insight was prescient. It is mentioned because it is one of a series of examples that MHProNews reporting is routinely accurate, and our analysis is routinely on the money. But by implication, that means that MHI and their corporate leaders could or should have known better.
Furthermore, as MHProNews routinely noted, following the rollout of CrossMods, industry sales dropped instead of increased. Again, prior reports explain the possible reasons why.

Additionally, as MHProNews reported, following the highly touted (by MHI) ‘momentum’ for CrossMods, manufactured housing sales declined for the next 2½ years. It was only the extreme demand for housing following the COVID19 pandemic declaration that manufactured housing recovered and rose. Restated, CrossMods had precisely the opposite impact that it was supposed to have on manufactured housing acceptance.
Instead of dropping CrossMods like a failed hot potato, MHI and their corporate leaders have continued to give it an inordinate amount of attention. CrossMod promotions have been on their home page for years. MHI-friendly publications carry pro-CrossMod articles. Fannie and Freddie have spent money on their respective versions of CrossModTM (MH Advantage® for Fannie and CHOICEhome® for Freddie).
With all of that effort, the product has no traction. Who says? MHI to HUD. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and FHFA data all reflects the same sobering reality.
All of that is the context for this AP Stylebook issue. These facts and evidence beg the question: why is MHI muddying the waters on that terminology issue with the sinking ship of CrossMods?
The possible moral and legal issues that this raises are several. But it is striking in as much as it fits the mold of what was reported in the “leech class” report linked below.
That in turn is a remarkably good fit for the thesis of Minneapolis Federal Reserve researchers claims that manufactured housing has suffered at the hands ‘sabotaging monopoly’ tactics.

But there is more.
AP previously indicated in writing to MHProNews that they expected to do an update for their Stylebook that would include proper manufactured housing terminology. It is possible that in preparation for that the contact between MHI and AP occurred. Which begs several questions.
- As was asked directly to “Lesli and Leo,” why didn’t MHI reach out to the AP years or decades ago? Why did they wait until now?
- Is MHI trying to do something and claim credit for an MHProNews/MHLivingNews initiative that is about to come to fulfillment?
- Instead of asking rank and file industry members to contact AP Stylebook, why doesn’t MHI get Kevin Clayton to get senior leadership at Berkshire Hathaway to reach out to AP? After all, as MHProNews recently reported to readers, Clayton has said that Buffett told him he can have whatever he needs or wants, capital or synergistic support. Like MHI, Kevin and Clayton can’t have it both ways.
- Or instead of asking rank and file industry members to Astro-turf AP Stylebook, why didn’t MHI get their self-proclaimed ‘housing coalition partners’ to reach out to AP Stylebook, and insist on the proper use of terminology for manufactured housing?
Put differently, MHI and their corporate leaders have arguably painted themselves into a corner. After years of self-praise – that is backed up by tons of hot air, but with little-to-no financially measurable results in terms of robust industry growth – MHI flip-flops with posturing and paltering because the time for accountability for their apparent lack of performance is upon us.
There is more to this recent MHI ‘Fed States’ newsletter to unpack. But that will be reserved for another day so that this specific topic regarding terminology is clearly understood.
MHProNews/MHLivingNews has for years provided definitions to the public and to media through press releases. That said, while some effort is better than no effort, a publication’s perspective is obviously not the same as that of a trade group’s. For those who loathe MHARR for routinely pointing out facts that upset MHI’s narrative, they may ask, why didn’t MHARR reach out to AP? The answer is simple. MHARR is a producers’ trade group and media relations is a post-production issue that falls under the MHI umbrella. That said, once again the MHARR White Paper is an insightful resource for the pattern that MHI has followed for years.

In the exclusive Q&A’s with MHARR’s Mark Weiss or with MHARR’s Danny Ghorbani, those professionals have made it clear that they would work with MHI and/or a new post-production trade group. It is MHI that is oddly embracing the competitors of manufactured housing instead of MHARR. Why is that? Where is the measurable benefits that MHI can point to from their recent years of touting the MHI-housing coalition alliance. While those housing groups might get some marginal benefit from being able to say that MHI supports them, they must laugh or nod at each other know that “leech class” or “sabotaging monopoly” tactics are what is at play.

MHI and their attorneys are unable or unwilling to publicly respond in a direct manner to years of MHProNews’ pro-growth, anti-corruption, pro-ethical business, and pro-consumer efforts.

It is tragic that manufactured housing is operating at only about 30 percent of its last high, instead of surpassing that high as MHI’s prior president Richard “Dick” Jennison admitted was possible.
When Jennison first made this remark in the video below, it was shocking. But in hindsight, those remarks are now
seen as revealing. Jennison – then MHI President and CEO said it – slow growth vs. robust growth was their plan.
After the remarks above, MHProNews pressed Tim Williams at 21st Mortgage Corporation (Berkshire Hathaway owned and Clayton Homes, Vanderbilt Mortgage sister-brand)
to get Jennison to clean up his remarks shown in that video clip. After all, what normal trade group leader says they want slow growth? Another association might have fired him
for that remark. To Williams’ credit, Jennison did ‘clean it up’ by saying at a subsequent industry event – also video recorded remarks – that manufactured housing
could surpass its last high and achieve 500,000 new homes a year. Years later, manufactured housing shipments are still only about 21 percent of that half-a-million
new manufactured homes a year goal. By contrast, the RV industry which lagged behind manufactured housing in 1998 has long ago surpassed manufactured housing. See the infographic linked here.

MHI has painted themselves into a corner. Unwilling or unable to debate or openly explain their bizarre patterns of behavior, they have done all that they can to corral off MHProNews team members from any event that an MHI staffer is present at. A recent example is linked here. In a related segue, it is worth noting that per their most recent list of exhibitors, the Louisville Show does not appear to have any MHARR manufacturers. In years past, several used to exhibit. Have MHARR members decided unilaterally to stop feeding the hands that bite theirs whenever possible? When will manufactured home independent retailers and communities do the same?
While that may be irksome and potentially harmful on some levels, in another way, it is a backhanded compliment. As the airman’s mantra reminds thinking people, there is no flak encountered unless someone is over the target. Some examples may be useful.

Programming Notes: More on the recent MHI email will be on tap, as that same message had several other keen insights that help shed light on why the industry is underperforming. Additionally, another MHI document has been obtained that will further illuminate the industry’s underperformance. It may reflect why legal efforts could be over the horizon that target MHI and/or their dominating members. Other fact-packed reports on the community sector are pending, again, based on MHI member documents. Stay tuned for the only trade media source that doesn’t kiss the ample derrieres of those who have apparently worked to enriched a few through consolidation while harming thousands of industry independents and tens of thousands of industry employees. “We Provide, You Decide.”©

Part III. Daily Business News on MHProNews Markets Segment
The modifications of our prior Daily Business News on MHProNews format of the recap of yesterday evening’s market report are provided below. It still includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines. The macro market moves graphics will provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities.
In minutes a day readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that are impacting manufactured housing connected investing.
Reminder: several of the graphics on MHProNews can be opened into a larger size. For instance: click the image and follow the prompts in your browser or device to OPEN In a New Window. Then, in several browsers/devices you can click the image and increase the size. Use the ‘x out’ (close window) escape or back key to return.
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 1.10.2023
- World Bank’s warning
- The Marriner S. Eccles Federal Reserve building in Washington, DC, US, on Friday, Dec. 30, 2022. The Federal Reserve’s preferred inflation measures eased in November while consumer spending stagnated, suggesting the central bank’s interest-rate hikes are helping to cool both price pressures and broader demand, with more tightening on the way.
- Two global recessions in one decade? That hasn’t happened in over 80 years
- Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell speaks during a news conference following a Federal Open Market Committee meeting, at the Federal Reserve Board Building in Washington, DC, on November 2, 2022.
- Fed Chair Powell: Bringing down inflation requires ‘measures that are not popular’
- Bob Iger attends the “West Side Story” premiere at the Rose Theater at Lincoln Center on Monday, Nov. 29, 2021, in New York.
- Disney CEO Bob Iger orders workers to return to the office 4 days a week
- Tom Brady Gisele Bundchen SPLIT
- Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen’s FTX stake will probably get wiped out
- Twitter headquarters in San Francisco, California, US, on Tuesday, Nov, 29, 2022.
- Former Twitter employees get severance offer after months of waiting. Many are unhappy with it
- The Amazon Lab126, a research and development company owned by, headquarters in Sunnyvale, California, U.S., on Wednesday, April 21, 2021. Silicon Valley has the lowest office vacancy rate in the U.S., even as technology companies embrace remote work.
- Silicon Valley layoffs go from bad to worse
- A Rolls-Royce Spectre, their first fully electric car, is displayed during an unveiling at the company’s Goodwood headquarters near Chichester, southwest England, on October 17, 2022. Spectre heralds the beginning of an all-electric era for Rolls-Royce. In exhaustive testing, Spectre is being subjected to a journey of more than 2,500,000 kms, simulating more than 400 years of use for a Rolls-Royce. Preliminary data from WLTP testing shows that Spectre will have an all-electric range of 320 miles/520 kms.
- Rolls-Royce, Bentley and Lamborghini had record sales last year, again
- Blue flames rise from the burner of a natural gas stove June 11, 2003 in Orange, California.
- A US federal agency is considering a ban on gas stoves, report says
- People walk past an Abercrombie & Fitch store on Fifth Avenue on August 25, 2022 in New York City.
- Abercrombie & Fitch overhauled its marketing and stripped the old moose logo. Now it’s cool, again
- The first-ever all female limited-edition packs come as the next chapter in our newest character Purple’s US-debut, and will feature our three female characters – Purple, Brown and Green — on the packs, with purple, brown and green lentils within
- M&M’s new all ‘female’ package sparks outrage
- Pizza Hut is bringing back a fan favorite from the ’90s
- French President Emmanuel Macron looks on during a joint statement with Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson before a meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris, France, January 3, 2023.
- French workers can retire much younger than most. That’s about to change
- NICU mom stays by her son’s side after his nurses leave to strike
- Bruised tech investors are hedging their bets
- Coinbase to lay off 20% of staff as crypto winter continues
- Encouraging inflation news: Online prices keep dropping
- Bed Bath & Beyond is running out of time
- Musk’s Twitter restores accounts of prominent election deniers two years after Jan. 6 attack
- Asian stocks enter bull market as investors bet on China
- Onions are so expensive in the Philippines they’re being smuggled into the country
- Donors pledge more than $9 billion for Pakistan’s flood recovery
- Workers in China clash with police after reported layoffs at Covid test maker
- Chinese rocket startup Galactic Energy sends five satellites into space
- Virgin Orbit’s LauncherOne rocket suffers failure on first launch attempt from the UK
- US consumers increased their borrowing by $28 billion in November
- Deere gives farmers long-sought ability to repair their own tractors
- LinkedIn is having a moment thanks to a wave of layoffs

Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax 1.10.2023
- Biden Document Trove Involved Ukraine, Iran, UK
- President Joe Biden in Mexico City on Tuesday (Nicolas Asfouri/Getty Images)
- Biden Document Trove Involved Ukraine, Iran, UK
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- Dem Senate Intel Chair Wants Biden Docs Briefing
- Pence: ‘Double Standard’ Taking Place With Biden Papers
- Trump Appointee to Probe Classified Docs at Biden Think Tank
- Biggs Calls for Probe of ‘Compromised’ Jill Biden
- McCarthy: Dems ‘Overplayed Their Hand’ on Trump Documents
- Trump: ‘Is FBI Going to Raid’ Biden’s ‘Many Homes?’
- Newsmax TV
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- In a change from previous contracts based mainly on reliability and [Full Story]
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- Avoid These 5 Foods for a Healthier 2023
- If you want to lose weight this coming year, avoid low-quality “junk” foods. The 2022 State of Obesity Report found that 19 states now have obesity rates topping 35% and that 4 out of 10 U.S. adults are obese, says Eat This, Not That! The report notes that our obesity… [Full Story]
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- NOTE 1: The 3rd chart above of manufactured housing connected equities includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services, a manufactured home industry finance lender.
- NOTE 2: Drew changed its name and trading symbol at the end of 2016 to Lippert (LCII).
- NOTE 3: Deer Valley was largely taken private, say company insiders in a message to MHProNews on 12.15.2020, but there are still some outstanding shares of the stock from the days when it was a publicly traded firm. Thus, there is still periodic activity on DVLY.
- Note 4: some recent or related reports to the REITs, stocks, and other equities named above follow in the reports linked below.

2022 …Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory-built housing industry suppliers.
· LCI Industries, Patrick, UFPI, and LP each are suppliers to the manufactured housing industry, among others.
· AMG, CG, and TAVFX have investments in manufactured housing related businesses. For insights from third-parties and clients about our publisher, click here.
Disclosure. MHProNews holds no positions in the stocks in this report.
· For expert manufactured housing business development or other professional services, click here.
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That’s a wrap on this installment of “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, stock, investing, data, metrics, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship along with numerous awards in history. There have been several awards and honors and also recognition in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.