Shut Down DC’s twitter feed today included this post, opposing the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court. Clearly, the environment and “climate change” are not their only issue, as their own website and tweets like this one makes clear.
Who’s feeling PUMPED about their new affinity group!? Here’s a great way to take action with them >> meet us at #Scotus Thursday morning at 8 AM
— ShutDownDC (@ShutDown_DC) October 14, 2020

The Shut Down DC website has openly posted their call to action plan for an uprising across the USA if President Donald J. Trump is declared the winner of the balloting on November 3, 2020 election. The Shut Down DC website shows images from Black Lives Matter marches, that includes the ones shown above and below. Their call to action goes right to the edge of admitting that the protests they are calling for are thinly veiled invitations for violence by those who are so inclined. Their training and organization plan document is linked here.
Their funding comes from a range of leftist sources that are funded in part by billionaires who routinely back Democratic candidates. Are those coincidences?
On November 3rd. After you vote, get in the streets! Donald Trump must go and we must make it happen! Read our call to action and get involved! #TrumpMustGo #DefendDemocracy #ProtectTheResults
— ShutDownDC (@ShutDown_DC) August 31, 2020

Right-of-center Breitbart said:
“Under the guise of seeking to “prevent a constitutional crisis,” a massive network of well funded left-wing activists and progressive groups are training, organizing, and planning to mobilize millions of Americans” if President Trump is declared the winner or claims victory based on sources the group opposes. Breitbart notes the involvement of the nonprofit group, Indivisible.
Indivisible is a nonprofit group MHProNews has previously spotlighted. They are funded through various channels that include so-called dark money from leftist uber billionaires Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and George Soros, among others. Besides influencing American society at large, they have very specific influences on our industry’s part of the affordable housing industry. Buffett, for example, has numerous ties and power in the affordable housing field through its influence over manufactured housing brands that Berkshire Hathaway owns plus Buffett-funded various nonprofit groups. Those nonprofits operating in our industry, include, but are not limited to: the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), the Urban Institute, Prosperity Now, MHAction, National Manufactured Home Owners Association (NMHOA), the RV MH Hall of Fame, ROC USA, and Next Step USA. There are more, but that makes the point why this issue matters to professionals, investors, policy makers, renters, mobile or manufactured home owners, advocates, public officials, and taxpayers.
“More than 80 advocacy groups and grassroots organizations have joined in a broad coalition calling itself “Protect the Results” and proclaiming that “we cannot ignore the threat that Trump poses to our democracy and a peaceful transition of power,” reported Breitbart.
“The [Shut Down DC] coalition is a joint project of Indivisible and Stand Up America, two left-wing groups founded in response to President Trump’s 2016 election and whose goals are “to organize and resist Trump’s dangerous agenda” and “to defeat Trump and his enablers.” Seeking to “protect” election results by use of its millions of members, the coalition calls to “take coordinated action” and “prepare for a potential post-election crisis.” – stated Breitbart.

Rephrased, the warning of what has been occurring in our profession as well as other segments of the American economy are far from new here on MHProNews, nor are they limited to our platform. Reports from months or years ago have laid the foundation for this specific – and consequential – moment in time.
In early summer we published the report linked below.
That report is still near the top of articles being accessed, months later, with some 1.3 million hits on that that single report. In our industry that MHI claims has only 75,000 full time employees pre-pandemic, that means that the report above is attracting a far wider audience – many times larger than our industry’s professionals could account for alone. People are hungry for the details found here. Note too that it isn’t just Black Lives Matter, but other groups that target Hispanics or other ‘identity’ groups are getting similar funding from the leftist billionaire class.
MHProNews has other reports like that which are also drawing steady readership that are north of 500,000 hits. Each of these reports cites their sources, lays out the facts, and they routinely follow the money trail.

Rephrased, the evidence MHProNews and some others are presenting isn’t hyperventilating. The facts are there for those willing to see them.
Note that our sources include the range from the political left to the political right. MHProNews routinely quotes those planning or encouraging violence in their own words.
Additional Information, MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
First, let’s candidly note that there have been some complaints and some drop-offs from our email list that have at times included messages from readers who have said in their own words that they disagree with some of the ‘political’ nature of the content on MHProNews. That is their right, which we respect. It should also be noted that despite some dropout, our emailed headlines list of readers has continued to grow.
For those who want to have a free society that protects private property, personal liberties, and seeks to offer justice to all – not just the wealthy and well connected – this election is an obvious tipping point.
As comments quoted further below indicate, one of the common tactics being deployed by the left-against President Trump and his supporters is this. His accusers use tactics that they then project onto POTUS Trump and his congressional and other allies. They blame him for doing what they themselves are guilty of, see the illustration of that method and others in the MHProNews graphic below. That graphic was created by MHProNews to help readers spot the kinds of methods that are used to cloud or mask the truth.
Note once more that the organizing of such Shut Down DC and dozens of interconnected groups would not be posturing “disruption” and implied or expressed threats of violence – if they were convinced that their man Joe Biden would win on November 3. That’s not to say that some polling may prove correct, but there are several indicators that the polling could be wrong in 2016 as it proved to be in 2020. As Senator Rick Scott (FL-R) said recently, all three elections he won the polls indicated he was behind in. This isn’t just a Trump-phenomenon.
Readers can turn a blind eye to the images of months of riots, looting, and violence in cities and the threat of more to come if they wish to do so. In fairness, for those who watch only CNN, MSNBC or other left-of-center news, they may be seeing very little of that, unless it happens to be in their own backyard on local news. That’s the problem with what President Trump has called “fake news.” MHProNews has argued that there are times that the better term might be the Big Lie.
But there are reasons why Washington D.C. has remained the #3 metro in the U.S. which our readers – that software and messaging reflects includes scores of federal officials – has been so consistently high. While some have dropped off, others have signed up at a great clip. Who says? Third-party MailChimp data, which when compared to other sources reveals that most of our readers have responded by increasing their engagement of MHProNews reports. See that screen capture further above.
We still cover industry issues, but perhaps the biggest issue of all is what will happen to America on or after November 3?

It isn’t just MHProNews that has raised concerns about the voting outcome. The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), which is nonpartisan and has no PAC, raised their concerns as reported in the report linked above. The National Federations of Independent Businesses (NFIB) and the Job Creators Network are among other nonprofits that have raised the alarms too.

Given the fact that riots and violence have been occurring for months in various cities, which are routinely Democratically run towns, at some point thinking people must ask, what the devil is going on?
There has been riots and violence in American cities before. But not since the 1960s has there been this level of mayhem, arson, and planned violence in American cities. It must be noted that in the late 1960s, there was the Hong Kong Flu – a global pandemic – that year too.

A caller last week into the Rush Limbaugh show spoke about what is “Plan B” if President Trump loses the election? Limbaugh let him talk, but his response was pointed. “There is no Plan B.” President Trump and his supporters in Congress and at the state level have to be legitimately re-elected. The alternative is losing America as we have known it. As if in response to that call, Limbaugh had President Trump on air for two hours for what was dubbed a “radio rally.” Reportedly some 50 million people tuned into that broadcast. If so, for every 6.5 Americans of all ages, 1 was listening to Limbaugh interviewing President Trump in a way that the talk radio mogul hoped would wake up listeners.
“The activists with Shut Down DC staged an early morning “wake up call” outside the home of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy,” said CBS affiliate WUSA in Washington, D.C.
This tweet was posted on that page, which shows Shut Down DC protesters outside of the Postmaster DeJoy’s residential building.
Protesters are making their way to the Postmaster General’s house for what they call a “wake-up call”
— Kolbie Satterfield (@KolbieReports) August 15, 2020
Post-Election Challenge Discussion, near the end of the first Trump-Biden Presidential Debate Transcript
Presidential debate “Moderator” Chris Wallace, per sources a fellow Democrat as is Democratic nominee Biden had asked about accepting the election outcome, which sparked cross talk between President Trump and VP Biden.
…No one has established at all that there is fraud related to mail-in ballots, that somehow it’s a fraudulent process.
President Donald J. Trump: (01:10:07)
It’s already been established [that there have been problems with election fraud and ballots]. Take a look at Carolyn Maloney’s race-
Chris Wallace: (01:10:10)
I asked you [ex-VP Biden]. You [President Trump] had an opportunity to respond [crosstalk 01:10:13]. Go ahead [crosstalk 01:10:14]. Vice President Biden, go ahead.
Vice President Joe Biden: (01:10:15)
He [President Trump] has no idea what he’s talking about. Here’s the deal. The fact is, I will accept it, and he will too. You know why? Because once the winner is declared after all the ballots are counted, all the votes are counted, that’ll be the end of it. That’ll be the end of it. And if it’s me, in fact, fine. If it’s not me, I’ll support the outcome. And I’ll be a president, not just for the Democrats. I’ll be a president for Democrats and Republicans. And this guy – [i.e. President Trump]
President Donald J. Trump: (01:10:41)
I want to see an honest ballot cut–
Chris Wallace: (01:10:43)
Gentlemen, just say that’s the end of it [crosstalk 01:10:45]. This is the end of this debate–
President Donald J. Trump: (01:10:47)
I want to see an honest ballot count.”
MHProNews Note: the time shown are per REV,
but are too fast, as the debate was just over 90 minutes, not 70 minutes.
## End of part of POTUS Trump – VP Biden debate, per Rev Transcript. ##
While the COVID19 pandemic was picking up steam in Wuhan, China, here in the U.S. much of the mainstream media – and thus public – attention was transfixed by the partisan impeachment effort by House Democrats of President Trump. The claimed grounds for impeachment was the phone call with Ukraine’s then newly installed president. But ironically, while that almost purely partisan impeachment was occurring, the video below as posted on YouTube on September 20, 2019.
The comments that follow this video of former Vice President Joe Biden speaking to the Council on Foreign Relations are unedited. Watch the video, then read the comments, mindful of what House Democrats attempted to remove President Trump for allegedly doing.
Typos in the readers comments are in the original. While each are interesting, they are the words of those who posted them, not MHProNews. Don’t miss the last two in the thread.
The Gates Foundation – Philanthro-Feudalism
According to Influence Watch, “A 2016 report from the far-left British activist organization Global Justice Now analyzed Gates Foundation programs and concluded the foundation’s giving is far from a neutral charitable strategy, but instead an ideological commitment to “promote neoliberal economic policies and corporate globalization.” [55] The report authors called on an international investigation into Gates Foundation spending. [56]
The left-of-center LATimes has also criticized the Gates Foundation.
“A Los Angeles Times investigation published in 2007 found that $8.7 billion, or 41 percent of Gates Foundation assets, were invested in companies that countered the foundation’s charitable goals or socially concerned philosophy. [52] These include companies responsible for heavy air pollution in the Niger Delta to pharmaceutical firms whose pricing policies have hampered access to antiretroviral drugs for HIV/AIDS patients in developing nations, a primary Gates Foundation focus area. [53] “” So said Influence Watch
“The Gates Foundation has had repeated criticism for too much power, ‘accountable time no one,’ and all in the hands of three trustees, Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett. University College London Dr. David McCoy said in 2012, “allows it to leverage influence through a kind of ‘group-think’ in international health.” In 2008 the head of malaria research for the World Health Organization accused the Gates Foundation of being a “cartel” of suppressing diversity of scientific opinion, claiming the organization was “accountable to no-one other than itself.” [54]
Todd Pierce, a former Gates Foundation chief digital officer, filed a lawsuit against the foundation in April 2017, alleging he was misled about the scope of his job when he was recruited, and that he was fired for clashing with executives who didn’t believe in his new role. The complaint stated, “During his exit interviews with several co-workers, they admitted that the job he was expected to perform was not the job he had been promised and that he hadn’t been told the truth about his position.” [57]
The donor recipients are like a Who’s Who if left wing groups, including the Tides nonprofit.”
The above and below are also from Influence Watch’s research in depth research on the Gates Foundation.
- 50CAN (Non-profit)
- Abt Associates (For-profit)
- Africare (Non-profit)
- Alliance for Excellent Education (Non-profit)
- American Academy of Pediatrics (Non-profit)
- Aspen Institute (Non-profit)
- Bloomberg Family Foundation (Bloomberg Philanthropies) (Non-profit)
- Brookings Institution (Non-profit)
- Business for Social Responsibility (Non-profit)
- Center for American Progress (CAP) (Non-profit)
- Center for Investigative Reporting (Non-profit)
- Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) (Non-profit)
- Center for Strategic and International Studies (Non-profit)
- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) (Non-profit)
- org Foundation (Non-profit)
- City Year (Non-profit)
- Clinton Health Access Initiative (Non-profit)
- Code for America (Non-profit)
- Common Sense Media (Non-profit)
- Consortium for Educational Change (CEC) (Non-profit)
- Corporation for Public Broadcasting (Non-profit)
- Council for a Strong America (Non-profit)
- Council on Foreign Relations (Non-profit)
- DKT International (Non-profit)
- Economic Opportunity Institute (Non-profit)
- Emerald Cities Collaborative (Non-profit)
- Family Planning 2020 (Non-profit)
- Four Freedoms Fund (Non-profit)
- FSG (Non-profit)
- Georgia Budget and Policy Institute (Non-profit)
- Global Fund for Women (Non-profit)
- Guardian (For-profit)
- Gynuity Health Projects (Gynuity Institute) (Non-profit)
- Hudson Institute (Non-profit)
- International Center for Research on Women (Non-profit)
- International Rescue Committee (Non-profit)
- Justice at Stake (Non-profit)
- Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (LCCHR) (Non-profit)
- Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) (Non-profit)
- National Congress of American Indians (Non-profit)
- National Public Radio (NPR) (Non-profit)
- National Urban League (Non-profit)
- NEO Philanthropy (Non-profit)
- New America (New America Foundation) (Non-profit)
- New Venture Fund (NVF) (Non-profit)
- New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) (Non-profit)
- Obama Foundation (Non-profit)
- Opportunity Institute (Non-profit)
- Oxfam America (Non-profit)
- Participant (For-profit)
- Partnership for Public Service (Non-profit)
- Pathfinder International (Non-profit)
- PBS Foundation (Non-profit)
- Pew Charitable Trusts (Non-profit)
- Philanthropy Advancing Women’s Human Rights (PAWHR) (Non-profit)
- Public Advocates (Non-profit)
- Social Justice Fund Northwest (Non-profit)
- Solutions Journalism Network (Non-profit)
- Sundance Institute (Non-profit)
- Tax Policy Center (TPC) (Non-profit)
- Tides Center (Non-profit)
- UnidosUS (formerly National Council of La Raza) (Non-profit)
- UnidosUS (formerly National Council of La Raza) Action Fund (Non-profit)
- Washington State Budget and Policy Center (Non-profit)
- Western States Center (Non-profit)”
Capital Research Center has called the tactic that the left deploys as Misinformation and Distraction.

Rush Limbaugh’s program provides the pull quote at the end of the headline at the top of this report. Limbaugh told his listeners that there can be no plan be to President Trump winning.
There is no Plan B. The minor party candidates are getting almost no oxygen. This is a binary choice. It is for Biden-Harris, which these radical groups backed by the billionaires – like Shut Down DC, and dozens of others like it – or it is from Trump-Pence and those down ballot candidates who support them at the state, logical, or Congressional levels.

There is always more to know. Stay tuned with the runaway largest and documented number one most-read source for authentic manufactured home “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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Related References:
The text/image boxes below are linked to other reports, which can be accessed by clicking on them.
“More Punitive Regulatory” Regime Looms Warns New Manufactured Housing Industry Insider
Manufactured Housing Lending 2020 Re-Examination – FEDs, Lenders, and Advocates
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