“Thy self is thy master. Hail Satan,” so says the ‘Satanic Temple video’ below at about the 2:13 mark. Hmmm…13 mark. The topic is an attorney who is a self-professed Democrat and supporter of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG). Jamie Smith posted an article wailing against RGB’s loss on the left-of-center Huffington Post. Inspired by the “fear” of the loss of “abortion rights” Smith mentions in her writing, it would seem that she was reacting to the flying rumors that conservative Catholic Judge Amy Coney Barrett would be President Donald J. Trump’s pick to fill the RGB vacancy.
Saturday afternoon, that selection of Barrett to fill the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) vacancy became official. Back to Smith’s thinking.
The headline for Smith’s HuffPo op-ed reads, “The Death Of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Pushed Me To Join The Satanic Temple,” and the opening paragraph says “I am a 40-something attorney and mother who lives in a quiet neighborhood with a yard and a garage full of scooters and soccer balls. I am not the type of person who would normally consider becoming a Satanist, but these are not normal times.”
HotAir writer John Sexton observed, “Maybe you’re thinking this is a gag but it doesn’t seem to be. A guest writer at HuffPost says that in the wake of Justice Ginsburg’s death she’s decided to join the Satanic Temple to protect abortion rights…”
MHProNews has asked Jamie Smith for a clarification of her stance, which if a reply is received, we plan to share with our readers.
Some pull quotes from Smith are insightful. Before proceeding, for those who are wondering why this is relevant to our industry or even the broader American economic, political, and cultural landscape, never forget what former HuffPo team member, the late Andrew Breitbart said. Politics – and all that politics influences – is downstream from culture. Smith is a stark example of how that point flows in multiple directions.
Let’s also note that starting tonight through tomorrow evening is Yom Kippur, the high holy day of atonement for serious Jewish believers. Or that for Christians, Sunday is always a reminder of the Easter Sunday which the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, known as Jesus Christ, is commemorated by over 2 billion believers. Or that the founders of our nation and the U.S. Constitution believed that without the supports of such traditional moral beliefs, the American Republic would not survive.
With those points noted, let’s consider a few more pull quotes from Smith’s thinking.
Says their new member Smith, “Members of the Satanic Temple do not believe in the supernatural or superstition. In the same way that some Unitarians and some Jews do not believe in God, Satanic Temple members do not worship Satan and most are atheists. They are not affiliated in any way with the Church of Satan. Instead, the Satanic Temple uses the devil as a symbol of rebellion.
Note that immediately after saying that most Satanic Temple members are atheists and don’t believe at all, she logically contradicts that claim by saying that “Just like other faiths, the Satanic Temple has a code that their members believe in deeply and use to guide their lives.” For longtime readers of MHProNews, if that doesn’t harken back to Saul Alinsky’s dedication of his leftist guidebook, Rules for Radicals, to Lucifer, the first rebel, what would?
Back to Smith’s narrative.
“These Seven Fundamental Tenets [of the Satanic Temple] include that “one should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason,” that “the struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions,” and that “one’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.” That coy argument fails to mention that the unborn child has rights for the protection of their body too, starting with the right to life. For thousands of years, a deliberate or procured abortion was deemed murder by Jews, later Christians, and Muslims too, among other major world religions.
Smith adds that “Reading through the Seven Tenets, I was struck by how closely they aligned with the unwritten code I had used to try to guide my own life for several years. I realized, happily, that these were my people and that I had been a Satanist for several years without even knowing it.”
Showing the video below is absolutely not an endorsement of Satanism or their temple. We reject Satan, all his evil works, and all of Satan’s empty promises. Rather, it is done to show their twisted, cunning thinking that is drawing new believers like Smith into their fold.
That brief backdrop is enough to remind readers that it was early this month that MHProNews spotlighted that Warren Buffett and his vice chairman and partner at Berkshire Hathaway had seriously pushed and created a literal church that promoted abortion.
“Revolutionaries” Warren Buffett Partner Charlie Munger Explains a Church They Created
MHProNews spotlighted Buffett’s support for millions of abortions over 2 years ago in the evidence-based report below.
Warren Buffett’s ‘Charitable’ Billions – Has Clayton’s Boss Funded Millions of Deaths by Abortion?
MHProNews has noted some 18 months ago in a previous report about a Buffett authorized video about himself and his beliefs that the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway is a self-professed atheist.
Warren Buffett “Oracle of Omaha” HBO Documentary Berkshire Hathaway #Advexon Video
The Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals and centuries of belief demonstrate that lying is no big deal to someone who is Satanic and isn’t a Christian, Jew, Muslim or other believer who thinks it to be a moral evil to deceive others, especially when the purpose of that deception is to deprive them of some good or rights.
While there are several well known Jews, Christians, and Muslims – think Senator Bernie Sanders (VT-Democratic Socialist), former VP Joe Biden (D), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA-D), Representative Ilhan Omar (MN-D) or scores of others that millions of members of their respective faith communities would reject. The issue of life and death is just that — life and death.
There were Nazis who were tried and convicted at the post-war Nuremberg trials for ethnic cleansing, abortion, euthanasia, and the like. Never forget that “Nazi” is a contraction of the words “National Socialist.” Despite the claims of some that Nazis are on the political right, they are more aptly on the political left, along with Marxists, Socialists, Communists, Bolsheviks, Jacobins, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, etc. These too were and are atheistic. See this Black Lives Matter (BLM) leader calling for attacks on Catholic and Christian symbols earlier this summer.
Our nation – and no other – has ever been perfect. Even believers in Christ plainly say that there are perhaps 2 sinless souls since the dawn of time. This is a reality that the founders understood. They sought a ‘more perfect Union’ and made provisions for the constitution to be improved over time, to foster more justice, not less.
Read this from Democrat activist & Hill staffer. Questioning whether #AmyConeyBarrett *illegally* adopted her children from Haiti, maybe snatching them from birth parents! This is the Dem gameplan. Nothing but raw bigotry and hate. I promise you, this will not stand pic.twitter.com/JEMqhe05dY
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) September 26, 2020
The Biggest Choice Election since World War II
What our nation will look like after the next Congress and President take the oath of office will be determined by the voting outcome following the November 3 general election.
Disgusting. The left now smearing Amy Coney Barrett for adopting children. pic.twitter.com/zFomehwwDW
— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) September 25, 2020
Even some conservatives find it uncomfortable to talk about the abortion vs. pro-life issue, because it is so divisive.
But attorney and writer Jamie Smith may have done Democrats, Republicans, and all others a favor. She has boiled things down to their essence. Every election is a choice between which candidate is better than the other. While some have historically called that type of vote as making the choice between the “lesser of two evils,” it can also be framed as which candidate will bring better and more justice.
Judge Amy Coney Barrett has led an impressive life of service. But the rivals of President Trump and pro-life, pro-Constitutionalist candidates (or SCOTUS justices) have already started to make her into a horrific person. It is “The Smear” at work. See the brief description of that concept on the book description below from Emmy Award winning journalist and bestselling author Sharyl Attkisson. Click the image below to learn more.
We have all known people who for a time lied through their teeth and seemingly got away with it. We’ve all known people who have attempted to smear others wrongfully. Sometimes, if we are honest with ourselves, we have personally bought into some deception, some lie, some smear tactic.
One topic at a time, MHProNews strives to shed light on issues that matter day-by-day in the lives of those who seek or want affordable housing. We strive to shed light on how it is possible that with so relatively few complaints received by HUD about HUD Code manufactured housing every year – a few dozen out of over 95,000 homes built annually – how can our industry be underperforming so badly during an affordable housing crisis?
The honest answer – when the evidence is examined carefully – is brutal. There is much deception, misinformation, and manipulation at play.
Smith, wittingly or not, made a public argument for people to become Satanists. While most Catholics, Evangelicals, Muslims, and other believers would agree that abortion is the taking of an innocent unborn life and is inherently evil, there are millions who have been convinced otherwise. Attorney Smith in Democratic supporting HuffPo makes the bold case that it is okay to join the Satanic Temple to protect abortion rights.
No. It is not okay. It may be legal, but not everything that is legal is right and just. That is why slavery was abolished in the U.S. That is why decades after Roe v. Wade was settled millions of Christians and others march and work to end legal abortion.
Per legal experts – the reality is that even if Roe v. Wade was overturned, it would be a legal issue that would go back to the various states. The likely outcome would be that states like New York or California would permit abortions, while other more conservative states would limit or ban the procedure of ending the life of an unborn child.
The cost of downplaying and ignoring morality and the truth has come home to roost in the 2020 election cycle. There is no way of having a just society that threatens the lives of those before or shortly after birth, the infirm, or those nearing their death. When someone rationalizes abortion, they must get comfortable rationalizing the death of political opponents, or business rivals for that matter. If you can justify the taking of a life that is innocent – the unborn – then it is far easier to rationalize the taking of the life of someone we find distasteful, mean spirited, or any other quality we want to use short of an actual crime to justify killing.
Right and wrong are near the heart of every good or bad business. These are knowable moral qualities, not merely a decision that someone makes for themselves.
If right and wrong are personal decisions, then your competitor can do whatever he wishes to undermine and destroy your business, career, or even your life.

The reason that history is so important is that it is a reminder that human nature doesn’t change, even though technology does. Rationalization occurs before every crime or evil is committed. People who have free will can always find a way to rationalize their behavior so that they can sleep at night.
Don’t miss today’s post-script following the headlines.
The headlines for the week that for September 20 to 9.27.2020 are below. With no further adieu, let’s dive into those reports and topics.
What’s New on Manufactured Home Living News

What’s New from Washington, D.C. from MHARR

The Latest on The Masthead

What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews
Saturday 9.26.2020
Alice Sparks, SSK Communities Partner, Dies Amidst Flagship Communities IPO Controversies
Friday 9.25.2020
Manufactured Housing Lending 2020 Re-Examination – FEDs, Lenders, and Advocates
Thursday 9.24.2020
Wednesday 9.23.2020
Tuesday 9.22.2020
“Home Sales Continue to Amaze,” NAR’s Lawrence Yun, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates
Monday 9.21.2020
Sunday 9.20.2020
Just days ago, another Catholic Church – this time in Tampa, FL – was set ablaze by an arsonist, caught on video. It is the latest in recent months, in the wake of unrest from the Marxist – by definition, atheistic – inspired Black Lives Matter movement.
For those unable or unwilling to see how these issues weave together, that serves the aims of those pushing these increasingly bold trends just fine.
With attacks on synagogues, churches, or mosques, isn’t it time to ask, aren’t these assaults on belief in God and an objective moral code Satanic at their core? Never forget the financial and other connections between these attacks on traditional beliefs and the billionaires such as Bill Gates, George Soros, Warren Buffett and others.
It may not seem so at first, but as someone peels back the support for this and that movement, a pattern begins to emerge.

Our society is being undermined from within. One must keep the historical insights of those who came before us in mind.

It pays to know instead of having a head buried in the sand.
There is always more to read and more to come. Stay tuned with the runaway number one source for authentic “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.com.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
Connect on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/latonykovach
Related References:
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