Most people don’t think – much less behave – in devious or treacherous ways. The trusting are thus susceptible to buying into the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing.
In politics, think RINO or DINO.
Understanding the notion of gaslighting as a form of propaganda and manipulation is important too.
So, what’s behind the term MHIno? Fair question.
It is becoming easier as time goes on to document that the manufactured home industry has its own version of RINOs and DINOs; let’s call them MHInos.
The reports linked further below lays out step-by-step the devilishly deceptive behavior of MHInos. They say the right things. They may even posture doing the right things.
But on closer examination, they have been undermining the industry’s independents, manufactured homeowners, and millions of affordable housing seekers for over a decade.
So, much like RINOs and DINOs are terms used to describe politicos who posture one thing, but do another, a MHIno is someone that pretends to be ‘for the industry,’ but magically fails year-after-year to show useful ‘good fruit’ to their so-called efforts.
The MHInos are often Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) members, affiliates, toadies and other supporters that posture being “for the industry” but in fact are slyly undermining the many to benefit the few.
Here’s how it can work. RINOs, DINOs and MHInos say the ‘right things’ to get the support that they crave and to cover malicious deeds. But if someone watches the details carefully enough for long enough, the deceptive behavior becomes ever more obvious. Thus, the wisdom of one MHI award-winner, Marty Lavin seemingly applies.

To that end, the MHInos have aligned propaganda organs that spew forth their manipulative vision for the industry. Think about it. Without manipulation, smiling faces doing devious tactics such as gaslighting, how would the Berkshire brands – for example – been able to get away with seemingly apparent violations of antitrust law for so long?

This is no longer merely economic harm being done in manufactured housing as well as in other industries.
To the degree that Bill Gates – with the support of Warren Buffett and others of kindred spirit – have given cover and support for Communist China and the World Health Organization (WHO), it is the most disruptive attack on America perhaps ever in our nation’s history; but most certainly in the last 100 years.
Conspiracy Theories?
If that sounds like a conspiracy theory, just look at easily documented facts and then ask some questions.
- It is no conspiracy theory that the Gates Foundation was the sponsor of Event 201. It says so on their website. Event 201 was a pandemic exercise that occurred in October 2019.
- It is no conspiracy theory that the Gates Foundation has as a board member Warren Buffett. It says so on their website.
- It is no conspiracy theory that the World Health Organization (WHO) has as a major supporter the Gates Foundation. It says so in a document that can be downloaded from their website.

- It is no conspiracy theory that Gates has given cover to the Communist Chinese and WHO, while de facto attacking President Donald J. Trump. That was reported by mainstream media.
What President Trump Missed?
There is an argument to be made that President Trump was blindsided to a degree by the failures of China and WHO to be honest about the looming threat.
There is an argument to be made that deep state types within the U.S. intelligence community failed to warn the 45th president early enough to have a proper impact. If it is true, as ABC News alleged in a report, that U.S. intelligence knew of the threat of the Wuhan Virus – a.k.a. COVID19, CCP Virus (Communist Chinese Party Virus), coronavirus, et al – in late November or early December of 2019, why weren’t alarms immediately sounded? Isn’t that the purpose of intelligence services? Why did they wait until reportedly just days before President Trump sealed off travel from China? By then, wasn’t it already too late?

The concerns raised months ago by MHProNews are arguably being confirmed step-by-step in mainstream media reports.
There will be years of debate about if it was the right policy to ‘shut down’ large parts of the U.S. economy in response to the CCP Virus. That said, that policy was in some measure the brain-child of American medial experts that the president and his team relied upon.
Rephrased, just as you don’t blame a mugging victim for being mugged, it isn’t the fault of the president if he was deceived or misled by members of the federal government. If there is an error made by the Trump Administration, it could be argued that it is in not connecting all of the dots NOW of the various deep state actors in America who have treacherously sold out U.S. interests.
As MHProNews previously reported, the pandemic response report on “Crimson Contagion” was being delivered to Congress in early December 2019. Why weren’t those who listened to, read, or delivering that report to Congress sounding the alarm on what was happening in Wuhan, China? That’s not a conspiracy theory, that’s a logical question that merits an evidence based an logical answer.
It remains to be seen if the economic restart plans will work as some hope. Given the hole that the U.S. economy – roaring in January, now on life-support in May – has been placed in, there are trillions of dollars of efforts being made to protect smaller businesses and millions of citizens from the apparent misdeeds of people in China and arguably in alignment with some here in the U.S. too.
There are wolves in sheep’s clothing in many places. Some are MHInos in MHVille. Some or DINOs or RINOs.
Others are just evil people who have duped, gaslighted and mislead millions for their own benefit. They won’t admit it, that’s not how a massive con game works. Recall the rule of the professional con artist. ‘Never give up the con.’
The Masthead and other reports found below shed light on all of these topics and concerns.
With no further adieu, let’s turn to the headlines from the week that was May 10 to May 17, 2020.
What’s New on the Masthead

What’s New from MHARR
What’s New on MHLivingNews
What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews
Saturday 5.16.2020

Friday 5.15.2020
Thursday 5.14.2020
Wednesday 5.13.2020

Tuesday 5.12.2020
Monday 5.11.2020
Sunday 5.10.2020

- “Hi Tony, Thanks for getting in touch. Personally, I think the amount of individuals tied to the Wuhan labs could be staggering. There’s a lot of potential corruption involved. As for Gates and the WHO specifically, I think it still needs investigation, but they do seem to align themselves closely with China...”
- Another mainstream reporter’s message said, “…I do think a lot of corruption will be exposed around these issues [about Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and other ‘Wall Street’ or big tech firms] within the next several months.”
Time will tell much on the issues that are raised in these reports. But it may not take months for the smoke around those topics to become better understood, according to another message into MHProNews this morning.
It will be worth studying how a looming major mainstream media report compares to what MHProNews has already published weeks in advance.

That’s a wrap on this Sunday installment of “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where we blend topics of business, culture, faith, politics and more in a manner where – “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, week in review, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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The text/image boxes below are linked to other reports, which can be accessed by clicking on them.

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