Manufactured Housing Institute Supported Bill Buffeted by Headwinds, Plus Recap and Look-Ahead

Showing the MHI logo – or others – should not be construed as an endorsement of that organization. Images are shown under fair use guidelines for media. As a disclosure, MHProNews has provided professional services to several manufactured housing associations, including MHI, which has demonstrably not impacted our editorial, fact-checks, news, and analysis.

Sources inside and outside of Washington, D.C. have told MHProNews that legislation backed by the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), Prosperity Now, and the National Association of Manufactured Housing Community Owners (NAMHCO) has stalled.

The reasons are many.  Even some of the sponsors of the bill are having second thoughts. The concerns could be summed up like this. New information provided to lawmakers and their staff have caused them to question the merits of the bill. As federal one source among others told MHProNews last week “Thanks for the update. We have taken a step back on the issue and are reevaluating…”


Lawmakers are Professionals Too

Lawmakers have certain interests, desires, goals and needs, just as other professionals do.  While some are willing to take political risks, most don’t want to make an avoidable mistake. They certainly don’t want to do something that might backfire or prove embarrassing. Thus, when they discover – or have pointed out to them – certain previously unseen landmines in their legislative proposals, the kind of response quoted above is no surprise.

Bear in mind that the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), MHProNews and our sister site have called this legislation backed by MHI into question.  One of our prior reports is linked below.


Federal Bill that MHI, Prosperity Now, NAMHCO Tout – MHARR Opposes, Why?


As MHARR’s president and CEO – Mark Weiss, JD – has said, Facts are stubborn things.”  Facts, evidence, reason and ‘following the money’ trail are convincing to legislative teams, so shouldn’t be just as convincing to independent industry professionals?

We’ve said previously that MHProNews, per direct input from legislative and bureaucratic sources in Washington and among the states, but also from 3rd party data tells us that a small percentage – but significant number of pageviews – come from federal researchers.  


What Are Federal Officials Researching About Manufactured Housing?


We weren’t joking about federal officials being on our website. That’s been true for years, but perhaps increasingly so more recently. We may do some satire, but even parody isn’t purely a joke – it is routinely serious business designed to convey insights in a different and fresh way.

When we craft an article or report, we naturally focus on the industry’s professionals.  But we are mindful that investors, media, public officials, advocates, and others have found the information here to be useful in informing their interests.


For example. A senior official with a multibillion-dollar brand – one most in MHVille would not think about getting into the industry – now has the tip of their toe in the water with manufactured housing. That senior official said, ‘Your (news/analysis) sites are the only ones that make sense when examined in the light of known facts.’

Other investors and researchers of various sizes have said similarly. So why is it a surprise when, like it or not, federal officials find compelling insights on MHProNews too?

Speaking about Manufactured Home Living News – a consumer group leader recently said, ‘You’ve won me over.’  There is a growing number of residents who are finding what’s on MHLivingNews meaningful to the challenges that they face. The same is true for those shopping for a manufactured home.  Or as our publisher has said, the following applies.



Some may be surprised to learn that a big MHI member community operation suggested that we show more of the bad and ugly, not just the good on MHLivingNews.  A similar request was made in writing by Ishbel Dickens with the National Association of Manufactured Home Owners (NMHOA).  They are both getting their wish.

Collage by MHProNews.

Inch by inch, life’s a cinch.  Just showing up, knowing the players, studying developments, keeping an open mind, and staying focused pays off.




Media With a Purpose

Our goal in trade media has always included the desire to support manufactured housing professionals in achieving their potential in an honest and ethical fashion.  When we launched MHProNews, now approaching 10 years ago, we did not for some time realize that the problems holding the industry back were often more than a lack of understanding of modern best practices. 

Sadly, over time – through news tips and experiences – it became apparent that there is a desire on the part of some in our industry to deliberately keep manufactured housing underperforming.  The goal of such a ploy?  So that larger firms could consolidate smaller ones at a discounted valuation, and at the same time, potentially avoid antitrust and other legal concerns.

Once the ‘big boys’ decide that the time is right for them, they can take their foot off the break peddle, and when that occurs, watch manufactured housing grow to the kind of levels that it has historically achieved. Those historically higher levels could perhaps be surpassed, in a sustainable way.  They know it, we do too, and a growing number of our readers grasp that reality as well.




Past and Recent Historic Revelations

There were reports last week, with new information ahead that shed additional light on how manufactured housing has arguably been manipulated by players inside the industry.  To learn more, see the related reports below.

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With no further adieu, let’s dive into the reports for the week that was, from 8.4.2019 to 8.11.2019.


What’s New on MHLivingNews

Manufactured Home Financing, Prosperity Now – Following the Money



Monopolization of American Dream, Telling the Inside Story of Home Ownership Gone Awry





The Latest in Washington, D.C. from MHARR

mharr logo
Credit: MHARR.

MHCC Regulatory Enforcement Subcommittee Advances MHARR Regulatory Reform Proposals



What’s New on the Masthead



What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews

Saturday 8.10.2019

Consumer Group Leader, Manufactured Housing Institute Rep Agree to Stall Federal Action

Consumer Group Leader, Manufactured Housing Institute Rep Agree to Stall Federal Action

Friday 8.9.2019

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Prosperity Now, “Following the Money” on Manufactured Home Lending Options

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Prosperity Now, “Following the Money” on Manufactured Home Lending Options

Bankrate Survey – Top Pick for Most Investors for Next 10 Years? Plus, Manufactured Home Stock Updates

Bankrate Survey – Top Pick for Most Investors for Next 10 Years? Plus, Manufactured Home Stock Updates

Battle Over “Mobile Home” Rent Control, Manufactured Home Community Owner’s Written Response, Analysis

Battle Over “Mobile Home” Rent Control, Manufactured Home Community Owner’s Written Response, Analysis


Stone Cold Killer – Video, Some of “Greats People on Earth” Healing, Comforting Wounded, Commending First Responders

Stone Cold Killer – Video, Some of “Greats People on Earth” Healing, Comforting Wounded, Commending First Responders

Thursday 8.8.2019

Castro Slammed for Trump Donor Info, plus Manufactured Home Investment Updates

Castro Slammed for Trump Donor Info, plus Manufactured Home Investment Updates


Manufactured Housing Independents Ponder, New Manufactured Home Hall of Fame

Manufactured Housing Independents Ponder, New Manufactured Home Hall of Fame

Housing Crisis – Metro ABC News Media Spotlights Modular Home Solution

Housing Crisis – Metro ABC News Media Spotlights Modular Home Solution


MHProNews Errata, Gaming the System, and What’s Coming Next

MHProNews Errata, Gaming the System, and What’s Coming Next

Wednesday 8.7.2019

Pain Before Gain, Kevin O’Leary, Trade War “Starting to Work,” plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates

Pain Before Gain, Kevin O’Leary, Trade War “Starting to Work,” plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates

FEMA’s Largest Manufactured Home Community Opens, Updates, Video

FEMA’s Largest Manufactured Home Community Opens, Updates, Video

Bombshells! Former HUD Manufactured Housing Program Administrator Bill Matchneer, Cavco’s Manuel Santana Statements

Bombshells! Former HUD Manufactured Housing Program Administrator Bill Matchneer, Cavco’s Manuel Santana Statements

Interest Rate Shift – Reason for Manufactured Home and other Housing Seekers to Buy Now?

Interest Rate Shift – Reason for Manufactured Home and other Housing Seekers to Buy Now?

Tuesday 8.6.2019

Prosperity Now’s “Manufactured Housing Policy Wins” List, Understanding Moving Pieces in MHVille

Prosperity Now’s “Manufactured Housing Policy Wins” List, Understanding Moving Pieces in MHVille

“Body Blow to Farmers and Ranchers,” Manufactured Home Customers, plus Manufactured Housing Stock Updates

“Body Blow to Farmers and Ranchers,” Manufactured Home Customers, plus Manufactured Housing Stock Updates

President Trump Cancels Visit to Manufactured Home Community After Dayton, El Paso Shooting Sprees

President Trump Cancels Visit to Manufactured Home Community After Dayton, El Paso Shooting Sprees

Manufactured Hypocrisy Institute – MHI Raised Fine Quotes, Points, But What About Actual Performance?

Manufactured Hypocrisy Institute – MHI Raised Fine Quotes, Points, But What About Actual Performance?

Monday 8.5.2019

Chinese Communists Strike Back, Stocks Worst Day 2019, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates

Chinese Communists Strike Back, Stocks Worst Day 2019, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates


Outrageous Manufactured Home Production Decline Persists – When Will Manufactured Housing Institute, ‘Big Boy Brands,’ Act? June 2019 Data

Outrageous Manufactured Home Production Decline Persists – When Will Manufactured Housing Institute, ‘Big Boy Brands,’ Act? June 2019 Data


Skyline Champion CEO Mark Yost on Manufactured Housing Market, SKY Performance, Analysis

Skyline Champion CEO Mark Yost on Manufactured Housing Market, SKY Performance, Analysis


El Paso Walmart Shooter’s Manifesto Text, Understanding Tragedy, Getting to Root Causes

El Paso Walmart Shooter’s Manifesto Text, Understanding Tragedy, Getting to Root Causes

Sunday 8.4.2019

Historic Bush – AOC Losses, Axelrod on Liz Warren’s ‘Brilliant’ Campaign, Kevin McCarthy’s House Plan, MHVille Review

Historic Bush – AOC Losses, Axelrod on Liz Warren’s ‘Brilliant’ Campaign, Kevin McCarthy’s House Plan, MHVille Review

That’s all she wrote this week, with a bit more help than usual from that other guy.  Thanks for checking in on the industry’s runaway #1 top trade news resource, your home for manufactured home  Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, weekly recap, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary.)

SoheylaKovachDailyBusinessNewsMHProNewsMHLivingNewsSubmitted by Soheyla Kovach for
Soheyla is a managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and Connect with us on LinkedIn here and here.

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