The Wilson Times said on August 10, 2020 that a “shooting at 5100 Archers Road in the Windemere Mobile Home Park” which locals say has reportedly grabbed international attention when 25-year-old repeat felon Darius Sessoms allegedly shot and killed 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant. “Police responded to a reported shooting on the 5100 block of Archers Road in the Windemere Mobile Home Park at 5:33 p.m. and found the victim suffering from a gunshot wound, according to Capt. Steve Stroud. Officers and Wilson County EMS medics performed emergency first aid and the child was rushed to Wilson Medical Center. Stroud said the 5-year-old [Cannon Hinnant] died from the gunshot injury,” said the Wilson Times.
Sessoms was convicted of felony larceny of firearms in Wilson County in March 2016, per that same source, as well as misdemeanor for maintaining a place for a controlled substance in Wake County in April 2016 and felony marijuana possession in Nash County in November 2016, according to N.C. Department of Public Safety records.
Sessoms probation was revoked twice in 2017, resulting in separate three-month stints in prison.
Court records show Sessoms has two pending counts of felony maintaining a vehicle, dwelling or place for a controlled substance in Wilson County.
Police said 25-year-old Darius Nathaniel Sessoms was arrested Monday. He’s charged with first-degree murder and is being held without bond.
According to The Wilson Times, Sessoms was found in a Goldsboro home Monday night, August 10.
A GoFundMe, created for the Hinnant family, shows Cannon was set to start kindergarten this year. It said that Cannon was shot “point blank” while riding his bicycle Sunday afternoon.
“One minute he is enjoying his life, the next it all ends because he rode into his neighbor’s yard,” the GoFundMe reads.
The videos that follow cover various aspects of the investigation and time-line.
Wilson police ID 5-year-old shot to death Sunday, suspect on the run, posted on Aug 10, 2020.
Aug 11, 2020, CBS 17 posted this video.
“Things you won’t see on CNN for 600” said Jason on YouTube in the comments section.
Another comment read: “Wow what kinda propaganda is this? 5yrs old gets shot you trying to cover up because killer black?”
Michael Scrilla, commenting on the first video above, wrote: “90% of the media ignored this incident. Sickening.” Also posted on the first video by “anony moose” was: “If the races were reversed…Imagine how big this would be.”
There were hundreds of comments posted on both videos, several of them were along the lines of what is quoted. One, that’s reality. But two, it shows that there are clear risks that stoking the fires of racial unrest can cut both ways. “And people still wonder why Trump calls the mainstream media “FAKE NEWS“!” posted “Ross Daniel.”
Daniel’s profile photo is of a younger looking black male. Daniel has a few videos of his own posted on YouTube, one of them is this one. Other blacks were outraged by this inter-racial incident, as the video and quotes further below the Fox News segment will make clear.
This video notes that Wilson police searched for Sessoms. Note that while there is overlap in some details, there are also unique insights from each of the videos posted in this report.
The tragedy shouldn’t be any more politicized than other alleged murders are. But a wide array of crimes are being politicized, and have been for years.
After arrest: “Suspect arrested in killing of 5-year-old boy in Wilson.”
Fox News filed this report. Cannon’s mother, per this report, says she hopes Sessoms “rots in hell.” The man may have been angered because the 5 year old Cannon road his bike earlier that day on Sessoms lawn. Neighbors say that Sessoms had dinner with his neighbor, Cannon’s father, the night before.
Zanéta Allen, a black woman, put together this video from mainstream news combined with her own comments. She asks, where is Oprah? Beyonce? Lebron James? Doesn’t this young boy’s life matter? Why isn’t this in the mainstream media she asks? She also makes the point that talk of reparations and stoking racial division could have contributed to Sessum’s act. It’s moving.
“Where are the riots and protests for this little boy?” said Zanéta Allen. “Where are the t-shirts?” – an apparent reference to George Floyd’s video-recorded death-by-cop. She talked in somber but apparently sarcastic tones about black’s being “oppressed” and “we need reparations” and “we are victims.” She used hashtags #blm #whitelivesmatter #blackonwhitecrime #hatecrime #wraltv. She said this act was “evil” and that she was so upset she felt the need to make the video above.
“That could be your child,” said Allen. She implies that Sessums killed Cannon Hinnant because he is black and he wanted to kill a white child. She called Sessums “a coward.” She said this “was nothing but division” causing “more anger and evil.”
“We have to stop this. We are free. All of us.” She said that people needed “to turn their TVs off and open up the word of God.” That was the only way that this would change. Allen said that she prays for the Hinnant family and prays that they and others won’t have hatred for black people as a result of this “evil” act. “Ya’ll, we have to come together through God…” saying that “reverse racism” is “evil” and that people – meaning, all people “have to stand up for what’s right.”
Her message of going “beyond color” is an echo of what the late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr used to famously espouse. People have to come together, said Allen, “under God” as “humanity.” While her words were soft-spoken, they clearly had passion and deep emotion.
Family mourns 5-year-old killed Sunday: Cannon Hinnant called a ‘beautiful soul’
— The Wilson Times (@TheWilsonTimes) August 10, 2020
Allen pointed to a right-of-center Fox News report, which said in part:
“Monday was supposed to be Cannon’s first day of kindergarten.
The motive for the shooting was under investigation.
Cannon’s family knew Sessoms for years, WNCN-TV reported.
“We used to play together and I never thought he’d kill someone,” Rachel Pipkin, a cousin of Cannon’s mother, told the station “A mother now has to lay her son to rest at 5 years old which she should never have to do. He’ll never be forgotten.”

It should be noted that crime in manufactured home communities, per a university researcher, is no more prevalent than mainstream housing. Sessoms is deemed innocent in the eyes of the law until proven guilty in court or by a plea agreement.
MHProNews will monitor this tragic incident along with others that touch upon our industry and the convergence of several national debates.

One wonders why post-production associations don’t touch on these matters, expressing compassion to the victim’s family? Stressing that manufactured home living isn’t dangerous, as some may be mistakenly led to believe?

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By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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