Business Insider and MSN on 12.9.2023 said the following. “Large majorities [of the public] say they support policies that would facilitate more — and denser — housing, according to a Pew Research survey conducted in September and published last week. The survey asked respondents about 10 different pro-housing policies. The most popular included streamlining the permitting process; legalizing apartments in commercial areas and near transit; allowing basements, garages, and attics to be turned into accessory dwelling units; and allowing student housing and affordable homes on property owned by non-profits, including churches. The least popular policy — which got 49% support — involved allowing smaller home lot sizes.”
Manufactured homes were not specifically mentioned in the Business Insider (BI) report, but one or both of our trade publications (i.e. and/or plan on exploring the Pew Research firsthand in greater depth in the days ahead. In the meantime, pivoting pack to the Business Insider takeaways via MSN were the following remarks.
* Restrictive zoning has made it illegal to build dense, mixed-use neighborhoods in many places.
* The American public wants policymakers to do something about it, according to new polling.
Notably, support for pro-housing policies also crossed partisan and demographic lines. Majorities of Republicans, Democrats, and independents supported the eight most popular policies. And majorities of both renters and homeowners supported nine of the 10 policies.
The survey data aligns with the growing popularity of YIMBYism, the pro-building “yes in my backyard” philosophy, which advocates abundant housing to bring down costs. States across the country, including California, Washington, Montana, and Maine, have passed housing policies similar to some of those described in the Pew poll.”
“The poll’s findings come amid rising concerns about homelessness and high housing costs. Two-thirds of Americans say it’s hard to find an affordable home where they live, according to a recent YouGov poll. Homelessness is on the rise and a growing share of Americans are rent-burdened or can’t afford to buy a home.”
Note that MHProNews has periodically examined the connections between the lack of affordable housing and homelessness. See reports like those linked below for more details.

This next quoted remark is rather inane, given that California has some of the worst homelessness in the country. That noted, here is what BI and MSN said.
“California, which is experiencing one of the country’s worst housing crises, has become something of a national model, passing policies ranging from streamlining the building approval process to legalizing housing in church parking lots.”
“Red states are also looking to boost housing construction. Montana recently passed a slew of laws loosening zoning regulations, including to allow multi-family buildings and mixed-use development in commercial areas.”
“About three-quarters of respondents in a June Bipartisan Policy Center/Morning Consult poll said that a lack of affordable housing is a problem, and that insufficient home supply has contributed to higher housing costs.”
As the reader can see, manufactured housing isn’t named in their reporting, but Pew Research has done reports involving manufactured home, including some recent study. As noted, either MHProNews and/or will explore these topics in greater depth in the days ahead.
That said, even based on the popular Business Insider snapshot, these reports beg the question. Where is the recently revised Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) website on the often hotly discussed NIMBY vs. YIMBY topic? Let’s look, because it only takes seconds to do so. Two screen captures performed on 12.9.2023 summarize MHI’s extensive (or not…) coverage of NIMBY and YIMBY.
Note: to expand this image below to a larger or full size, see the instructions
below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

For an organization whose new website look boast the tag line: “Elevating Housing Innovation; Expanding Attainable Homeownership” it may seem curious how “expanding attainable homeownership” via modern HUD Code manufactured housing has actually reversed in the last year. Meaning, manufactured home sales that MHI claims to champion aren’t expanding. They are declining.
As MHI corporate and staff leaders like Cavco Industries CEO William “Bill” Boor know, the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (MHIA) was legislation that the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) and MHI cooperated on about a quarter of a century ago to get enacted into federal law. The MHIA included a provision commonly known as “enhanced preemption.” That “enhanced preemption” authority could be used to overcome zoning barriers (and thus, NIMBYism) in a fashion that might broadly appeal to those who take the YIMBY stance. While on paper, MHI seems to support the broad use of “enhanced preemption,” a curiosity is evident. Those words can’t even be found on MHI’s own website.
To further illustrate the issue, the following question was put to Bing AI on 12.9.2023.
> “MHProNews contacted the Manufactured Housing Institute recently. Can you find any evidence that the Manufactured Housing Institute has begun promoting the enhanced preemption provision of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (MHIA)?”