Each aspect of the headline will be addressed in this lemons or lemonade examination of the decades of mendacious hypocrisy used by America’s so-called corporate and political elites, much of which are on full display this week. For decades, American working class, middle class, retirees, independent smaller business owners – including people from all backgrounds and beliefs – have swallowed the bitter dregs of programs and policies that postured one thing but delivered another. Thanks to voices across the left-right divide, that problematic pattern is now out in the open. It is on full public exhibit, thanks in part to the revealing deeds of the billionaire and big corporate-backed Civic Alliance and their Biden-Harris led political front team. Ironically, it is Sun Communities Inc (SUI) Chairman and CEO Gary Shiffman who perhaps unwittingly exposed how a key element of the White House Resident Biden tax hikes plan benefits consolidators, that includes Shiffman’s own virtue-signaling ESG embracing firm.

Here is a key pull quote from Shiffman’s recent Sun Q1 2021 earning’s call. More on that later below.
“I think that we’re seeing a little bit more outreach than we even expected with some of the discussion about change in capital gains and things like that moving forward by the current [Biden] administration, with obviously uncertainty as to where that’s going.”
~ Gary A. Shiffman — Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), emphasis added by MHProNews. Apr 27, 2021, Q1 2021 Earnings Call, available on Motley Fool and MHProNews. Put differently, Shiffman has revealed how fear of higher taxes and more regulations are being used as a barrier of persistence that are driving more selling by independents, which benefits consolidators.
Let’s note this insightful pull quote from the Biden-Harris Campaign website: “In Washington, the ability to schedule a meeting with an elected official or his or her staff is a form of currency.” That’s demonstrably true. Biden-Harris pledged a new era of transparency and accountability. It begins with this guarantee. Not a promise or pledge, but a guarantee.

“We the people.” Those words changed everything. Power rested in the people, not the government. Freedom to think, to speak, to act, to criticize your government, all protected. We became the model for the world. […] Our Constitution doesn’t begin with the phrase, “We the Democrats” or “We the Republicans.” And it certainly doesn’t begin with the phrase, “We the Donors.”
– Joe Biden, 2020 presidential campaign kickoff, May 18, 2019
But as MHProNews previously reported, White House Resident Biden began delivering favors to his political allies, backers, and donors literally on his first day in office.
Those favors included an obvious day one gift to the Warren Buffett led Berkshire Hathaway conglomerates various tentacles can be fed or deployed as desired.

Before digging into more specifics on affordable manufactured housing impacts and implications, let’s pivot to several aspects of the Biden address to a deliberately thinned out gathering in the Capitol Building last night and Senator Tim Scott’s (SC-R) response. These will be laced and followed with pull quotes that illustrate and highlight what this means for our industry’s savvy and freedom-loving professionals of whatever party, belief or background. Because the bold, big lie, mendacious hypocrisy is so stunning it simply begs for being highlighted in this factual, evidence-based fashion.
Biden says @FLOTUS, will be “deeply involved” in leading the effort in his American Families Plan to provide 2 free years of preschool for all 3- and 4-year-olds, and 2 free years of community college after they complete high school.
— darlene superville (@dsupervilleap) April 29, 2021

Calling for boosted federal funding to research and fight disease, @potus Biden says: “This is personal to so many of us. I can think of no more worthy investment. And I know of nothing that is more bipartisan. Let’s end cancer as we know it. It’s within our power.” #JointSession
— Ed O’Keefe (@edokeefe) April 29, 2021
Biden calls on public education to begin at age 3: “We add two years of universal high-quality pre-school for every 3- and 4- year-old in America.” Cites research that the sooner a young kid goes to school – not daycare – they are far more likely to graduate” from HS and college.
— Ed O’Keefe (@edokeefe) April 29, 2021
How will @potus pay for this? “I will not impose any tax increases on people making less than $400,000. It’s time for corporate America and the wealthiest 1% of Americans to pay their fair share.”
— Ed O’Keefe (@edokeefe) April 29, 2021
The Sun CEO Shiffman insight reveals that the claim that only the rich will pay comes into focus as this list of supposedly ‘free stuff’ is made by Biden. Indeed, similar claims were made during the Obama-Biden ere regarding healthcare. They proved to be false promise. Yet, conservative or libertarian thinkers said in advance that it would prove to be false. The quote below by Thomas Sowell shows one of several reasons why these faux promises can not work. It is simple math or economics 101. There is no free lunch. Someone always pays. That someone is routinely the middle class and smaller businesses.

The laundry list of Biden-Harris promises are a parallel to what occurred with ObamaCare. Just listen to what ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber explained why it was a lie from the start. Gruber was defending the lie, saying it was necessary to get the bill passed into law.
The Real State of the Union: Joe Biden chose Paris over Pittsburgh.
Rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement.
Blocked the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline, eliminating 11,000 jobs.
Blocked new oil and gas leases and drilling permits. pic.twitter.com/1InphRUtE5
— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) April 29, 2021
Among the [already broken] promises from the Biden-Harris campaign website was the following items. These are not necessarily in the sequence displayed in their document, which can be accessed originally posted at this link here.
- Reduce the corrupting influence of money in politics and make it easier for candidates of all backgrounds to run for office;
- Return integrity to the U.S. Department of Justice and other Executive Branch decision-making;
- Restore ethics in government;
- Rein in Executive Branch financial conflicts of interest; and
- Hold the lobbied and lobbyists to a higher standard of accountability.
Part of how they pledged to make this happen? “…the Commission on Federal Ethics (CFE) will be tasked with establishing an ethics.gov, a new one-stop destination for Americans interested in learning about the elected and appointed officials who serve them, and those who seek to influence that service.”
100 days in, how is that “guarantee” to the American people going? This screen capture below by MHProNews this morning tells the tale at a glance.

Pres. Biden: “Throughout our history…public investment in infrastructure has literally transformed America.”
“These are investments we made together as one country—and investments that only the government was in position to make.” https://t.co/C9Fo91RNwe pic.twitter.com/3nOLvwdaIh
— ABC News (@ABC) April 29, 2021
The Real State of the Union: Joe Biden has systemically embraced China.
Biden’s Commerce Secretary refused to commit to keeping Huawei, a global espionage operation masquerading as a tech company, on the Entity List that blocks malign companies from getting access to US tech.
— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) April 29, 2021
for the first time ever two women will be standing behind the president when he makes his #JointAddress tonight pic.twitter.com/WhMIEeA4P2
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 29, 2021
Biden to refer to Jan 6 insurrection as “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War” in speech tonight. pic.twitter.com/rW6L2ybDRQ
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) April 28, 2021
What CNN’s Jim Acosta and “lunch bucket Joe” who has multiple mansions, somehow magically ‘earned’ while in public office, is not mentioning is how leftist billionaires like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and George Soros have been documented to have funded literal insurrection in America for much of the last year, following the tragic death of George Floyd.

Nor does CNN mention that the Capitol riot insurrection narrative is falling apart. Who says? Liberal attorney-turned-journalist and openly homosexual Glenn Greenwald.

Put differently, the blinding blizzard of lies and faux promises that are flowing from Joe Biden and the Biden-Harris ‘led’ team reveal themselves to be little more than sock puppets for corporate interests. Who says? In several cases, those claims and concerns come from Democrats. The examples below make the point.

Voices on the left and right are blowing the whistle on the increasingly open efforts to subvert the rights of Americans by making promises that history repeatedly shows are not kept, nor could they be kept.

This video was GOP Senator Tim Scott (SC-R) response to the Biden address. Scott was a key figure in the passage of the Trump-tax cuts, Opportunity Zones, and criminal justice reform. Note, several of the tweets that follow the video below were identified by Breitbart.
“I get called Uncle Tom and the N word by progressives,” Tim Scott said. Of Dems blocking his policing bill last year: “My friends across the aisle seemed to want an issue.”
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) April 29, 2021
Senator Tim Scott pic.twitter.com/2CDSVrT5qo
— Alex Plitsas 🇺🇸 (@alexplitsas) April 29, 2021
“I get called Uncle Tom and the N word by progressives,” Tim Scott said. Of Dems blocking his policing bill last year: “My friends across the aisle seemed to want an issue.”
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) April 29, 2021
Senator Tim Scott was a speaker at the Western Conservative Summit. He is a great leader and did a fantastic job this evening! pic.twitter.com/l30DbnX5qs
— Jeff Hunt (@jeffhunt) April 29, 2021
Tim Scott absolutely crushed it.
— Parker Hamilton Poling (@parkerpoling) April 29, 2021
— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) April 29, 2021
“I get called Uncle Tom and the N word by progressives,” Tim Scott said. Of Dems blocking his policing bill last year: “My friends across the aisle seemed to want an issue.”
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) April 29, 2021
Ahead of Biden’s address tonight just a friendly reminder that it was Trump, not Biden, who developed multiple proven vaccines in record time — one of history’s greatest medical, scientific and industrial marvels.
— Stephen Miller (@StephenM) April 29, 2021
“Our nation is starving for more than empty platitudes. We need policies and progress that brings us closer together.”
Sen. Tim Scott said that three months into the Biden presidency, “the actions of the president and his party are pulling us further and further apart.” pic.twitter.com/CIOV8Z1ULP
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) April 29, 2021
It is equally disingenuous to take credit for the GDP growth delivered by President Trump’s economic policies, vaccines and rescue plans (and the easing of blue state lockdowns).
— Stephen Miller (@StephenM) April 29, 2021
So far, President Biden has successfully outlined a radical, socialist agenda for the next 4 years. That should trouble every freedom-loving American.
— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) April 29, 2021
Here’s what Biden forgot to mention. On day one he:
❌ halted border wall construction
❌ revoked the national emergency declaration
❌ ended the remain in Mexico policy
❌ returned to the failed Obama-era policy of “catch and release”End result? #BidenBorderCrisis
— Rep. Kevin Brady (@RepKevinBrady) April 29, 2021
President Biden’s open-border policies and promises of amnesty have caused illegal immigration to skyrocket. Hundreds of thousands are flooding across the border with no consequences, and it’s only getting worse. This is a crisis of his own making.
— Tom Cotton (@SenTomCotton) April 29, 2021

The Trump Shadow over Biden-Harris’ D.C…
The Trump team has been working for weeks on putting into place their counteroffensive against what some have called an American coup.
There is no guarantee that President Donald J. Trump will run again. Some were so impressed with Tim Scott’s reply to Biden’s presentation that they are talking about a Gov Ron DeSantis and Scott ticket for the White House by the GOP in 2024. Some of this may appear at first blush to be partisan. But upon closer examination, this is a battle between the powerful vs. the rest of society. While the powerful have demonstrably coopted much of the Democratic Party in the past few decades, they also held sway over numbers of Republicans too. It was the Trump tornado that challenged the Washington, D.C. and broader American status quo. Only 100 days into a Biden-Harris regime, and all of the concerns raised by MHProNews and MHLivingNews during the 2020 campaign and aftermath are now obvious and in the open. The evidence is clear. These are moat-building tools for oligarchs and plutocrats who are trying to turn American into a new form of feudalism.
What Shiffman, perhaps innocently, did was reveal once more what Carol Roth and other thinkers long ago made plain. High taxes, high regulations, these are barriers that benefit the rich and powerful. What these patterns are revealing is highlighted in our industry in how the FHFA has dodged on a relatively simple ethical and disclosure question. If they think they can dodge disclosure on something important – but relatively easy to fix – why should rationale people think that others in the Biden regime behave differently?

No objective person believes that President Trump was a paragon of perfection or an icon of saintly virtue. But he was demonstrably better for the working and middle class than Obama-Biden or now Biden-Harris are proving to be. The facts do not lie.

Once the basic principles are understood of how people and the system are being manipulated, then clarity can replace the blinding propaganda that so many have been warning about that is bringing a ruling class to power in America. The lemons that are being found in every direction can be turned into lemonade. But it will take understanding and then a prudent, organized pushback by people of good will from many backgrounds to make that happen.

Stay tuned for more of what is ‘behind the curtains’ as well as what is obvious and in-your-face reports. It is all here, at the runaway largest and most-read source for authentic manufactured home “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.com.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
Connect on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/latonykovach
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