“The Honorable E. Scott Turner, Nominee to be Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development” (a.k.a.: HUD) specifically mentioned manufactured housing by name in the prepared opening remarks which are provided in Part I of this report with facts, evidence, and analysis (FEA). Turner also notably said during this hearing that: “My job [as HUD Secretary] would be to uphold the laws on the books.” Turner said he wants to make current budgets work and to maximize current spending. He believes HUD is failing in its role, per his remarks. Ranking Member Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA-D) didn’t mention manufactured housing in her formal remarks, but the senator from deep blue Massachusetts did cite her concerns in a prepared set of questions about ‘predatory’ landlords, specifically naming manufactured home communities (see Part II). Committee Chairman Senator Tim Scott (SC-R) alluded to manufactured housing in his prepared remarks by mentioning his proposed ROAD to Housing Act (see Part III). In Part IV will be linked remarks from the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) along with the latest Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) ‘coalition letter’ in support of Turner’s nomination, with those two will be explored in Part V. Various cited media reports will be provided in Part V plus manufactured housing industry expert analysis and commentary, all part of what promises to be the most complete report on this confirmation hearing of HUD-Secretary Nominee Turner anywhere in the world of HUD Code manufactured homes. The short version? Turner’s confirmation process appears to be moving in a good direction but replies to questions by Sunday and additional possible pushback by Democrats could lead to a different perspective next week. So, what follows will be useful context for all that lies ahead.
Part I
Prepared Statement of the Honorable E. Scott Turner,
Nominee to be Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban
Development, before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing,
and Urban Affairs on January 16, 2024
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you to all the Members of the Committee for your thoughts, your engagement, and your ideas on rebuilding the American dream for our nation’s forgotten communities. It was a pleasure to visit with nearly all of the Committee Members. I hope the conversations we had are just the beginning of what I trust will be a true partnership.
I would also like to take a moment to thank my wife, Robin, for her unwavering support over the last nearly three decades that we have been together.
And I want to thank President Trump for his confidence and for nominating me for this pivotal position.
I sit before you today as the nominee to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
But deep down, this opportunity is very personal to me.
You see, I grew up a kid in Plano and Richardson, Texas.
Who worked as a dishwasher at Spring Creek Barbeque.
Early on in childhood, whose family was broken due to divorce, with the odds stacked against him.
Who overcame adversity and bucked the status quo to attend and graduate from college.
Who, in spite of being drafted in the 7th round, went on to have a successful career in the National Football League.
Who went on to serve in the Texas State Legislature, which was a great honor.
And work in the White House to advance the Opportunity Zone initiative.
As I sit before you today, I am humbled by the call to serve my country as a member of President Trump’s cabinet.
I know my upbringing and background are not completely unique. There are many in this country — some sitting in this room today — who at one point or another had to overcome adversity of all kinds. We have all been there. And recognizing this, I hope we can work together for the betterment of all Americans and the American Dream.
I share my story with you because the challenges that HUD faces are vital to our nation as well as personal to me. They’re not just things I hear about and read about. These are experiences that members of my family and I have seen and lived. And that perspective is something I can bring to the table.
HUD’s mission is to create strong and sustainable communities and support quality affordable homes — serving the most vulnerable of our nation.
Yet, as we sit here, we have a housing crisis in our country, where American people and families are struggling every day. HUD is failing at its most basic mission.
Take the Point-In-Time homelessness figures HUD released several weeks ago. On one single night, there were 770,000 Americans experiencing homelessness. Let that sink in: 770,000 homeless Americans. That’s not only an all-time high, it’s an increase of 32 percent from just two years ago. That’s a national embarrassment and something that cannot continue.
As a country, we’re not building enough housing. We need millions more homes of all kinds, single family, apartments, condos, duplexes, manufactured housing, you name it, so individuals and families can have a roof over their heads and a place to call home.
Then there’s the HUD workforce. Every report I’ve seen shows HUD at the bottom when it comes to employees returning to work. We need to bring the HUD staff back to the office so that they are empowered to serve the American people.
But this moment is not just about fixing what’s broken, it’s about continuing and expanding the policies from the first Trump administration — policies that worked. I was fortunate to help lead the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council. There, I saw firsthand the impact of Opportunity Zones, policies that give Americans in distressed communities an opportunity. A foundation. A chance to start a business. To build new homes. To be self-sustaining. To be self confident and to unleash that promise and potential that I know the Lord blesses us all with.
When I played in the NFL, we relied on game films to identify our mistakes and areas for improvement. I spent hours poring over the tapes to identify the smallest weaknesses in my game and determine what I could do to improve. The film told the story of my performance — cutting through the noise and focusing on results.
If I am confirmed as Secretary, I want to bring this same approach to the work we do at HUD because each day we have an opportunity to improve and better serve the American people.
Senators, this is a clarion call. Poverty has no party. Homelessness has no party. It doesn’t see red or blue. My call is to be a steward, a champion, an ambassador. I want to lift up the stories of all the forgotten Americans. And I want to work with you to do it.
My heart is ready to serve. I thank God for allowing me this opportunity. And I want to thank all of you on the committee for your kindness and consideration.
Thank you.
(MHProNews Notes: PDF of Eric Scott Turner’s formal remarks as prepared and obtained from the U.S. Senate by MHProNews are found at this link here. MHProNews has video from the hearing posted in Part V).
Part II
HEARING MEMO – 2025.01.16 Turner Nomination… |
Opening Statement
Mr. Chairman,
Today is our first hearing together as Committee Chair and Ranking Member. I want to offer my congratulations to you, Mr. Chairman. While I don’t want to paper over our differences, I want to assure you – and every member here – that I will work with you to advance our shared policy priorities.
We can find some common ground. As Ranking Member, my focus will be the same as all Democrats: We will work to unrig the economy and make life affordable for working families.
There are three critical areas where we should focus.
First, we must make sure the financial system works for all Americans. Preventing “too big to fail” banks from loading up on risks and growing even bigger. Protecting community banks. And making our financial regulations simpler and stronger.
I support action here. But not all action is good action. I will fight tooth and nail against attempts to make it easier for Wall Street to rip off consumers or crash the financial system.
We all remember what happened under the first Trump Administration. Congress and the President weakened rules on big banks. The nation’s financial regulators took the hint and went to sleep. Executives got greedy, and – no surprise – a few years later, in 2023, we had the second, third, and fourth largest bank failures in our nation’s history. Those mistakes cannot be repeated.
Second, we must advance the nation’s economic and national security. We must use export controls, trade policy, sanctions, and other levers to support economic security at home and promote our values abroad. We must protect our financial system from being exploited by criminals, rogue states, and terrorists. And we must grow American industry, invest in critical infrastructure, and build resilient supply chains at home.
Third, we must focus on lowering costs for working families. The Committee must hold giant corporations accountable when they gouge families. We should partner with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and other law enforcement agencies to continue the fight against junk fees and anticompetitive pricing.
We also must work to fix our housing system. All across this country, housing costs too much. This is Econ 101: supply and demand. We are not building enough housing. We need more housing everywhere, for everyone: big cities, small towns, first-time homebuyers, renters, seniors, veterans, students, people with disabilities. Everyone, everywhere.
We need to make some big changes. To really move the needle, the federal government needs to be a good partner, investing in affordable housing and spurring local innovation to cut red tape.
And we can – and should – do even more. It’s time to crack down on corporate landlords that engage in illegal price fixing to drive up rents. To stop private equity firms from squeezing families and buying huge swaths of housing they turn into overpriced rentals.
Solving the housing crisis will require an all-hands-on-deck effort. And that brings us to today’s hearing, on the nomination of Scott Turner to be Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Mr. Turner, if you are confirmed, you will lead the response to our nation’s housing crisis.
I have appreciated our conversations so far. And if you are confirmed, I will work with you however I can. But we face an enormous task to reduce the cost of housing. Our work is urgently important for tens of millions of American families.
You have a limited public record. The American people need to hear details about your plans to make housing affordable.
- They need to hear your plans for building the millions of homes that America needs.
- They need to hear how you will support renters and make sure that seniors and families that can’t afford rent will receive the assistance they need.
- They need to hear your plans to help the 800,000 Americans experiencing homelessness.
- They need to hear your plans to enforce the nation’s fair housing laws.
- They need to hear how you will crack down on greedy corporate landlords and manage an agency that provides critical support for homeowners, renters, and communities across the country.
This hearing is an opportunity for you to lay out your plans. I also sent you a 13-page letter with 75 questions earlier this week. I trust that you will give me answers to those detailed questions before we vote on your nomination. General principles are not enough the nuts and bolts of how to make real change matter.
Mr. Turner, I’m looking forward to your testimony today – and I hope you will give the American people a clear sense of your plans to run HUD.
(MHProNews Notes: PDF of Senator Elizabeth Warren’s (MA-D) formal remarks as prepared and obtained from the U.S. Senate by MHProNews are found at this link here. Questions and concerns raised by Senator Warren are found in Part V, including her entire linked inquiries for Turner, who per reports, is expected to respond by Sunday).
Part III
Chairman Tim Scott (R-S.C.)
Opening Statement
Full Committee Hearing
January 16, 2025 at 10:00 AM
First, I’d like to take the time to say I’m very grateful to my Republican colleagues for allowing me to serve as the chairman for this 119th Congress.
I’d like to welcome our new members to the United States Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs. Let me suggest that this is not simply the Banking Committee. Without any question, urban affairs and housing are critical to meeting the needs and the objectives of the American people. Our new members include Senator Pete Ricketts, Senator Jim Banks, Senator Bernie Moreno, Senator Dave McCormick, Senator Andy Kim, Senator Gallego, Senator Lisa Blunt Rochester, and Senator Angela Alsobrooks.
I look forward to working with our Ranking Member, Elizabeth Warren, on addressing some of the issues that our nation will face. Without any question, my hope is that in many ways, we’ll have an opportunity to have a bipartisan conversation, looking for bipartisan solutions to many of the issues. That will probably not likely be the case all the time, but it can’t be the case some of the time.
And when it is, we should look for ways to achieve that objective for the American people.
The American people seen their economic fortunes turned to dust. The devastation of the Biden administration’s policies led to mortgage rates going from 2.65 percent in January 2021 to 7.79 percent by October 2023, crushing dreams of millions of Americans wanting to be homeowners. Draining savings of so many people. Devastating hope around the greatest country on the planet.
Reckless spending was literally stealing the spending power of so many Americans. I remember these similar days when I was growing up as a poor kid in a single parent household. Homeownership was just so far away for me and my mom – it just wasn’t an option. Housing isn’t just about shelter – housing is about opportunity, and it is about stability. Housing creates the foundation for achieving the American Dream.
It’s about creating strong communities where families can thrive and build a better, brighter future. Under the Biden administration and progressive leadership, HUD spending at the same time soared to record levels. And yet the latest homelessness survey found an 18 percent increase in just the last 12 months, 33 percent increase since 2020. Since President Biden took office, mortgage rates have ballooned by 150 percent and rents by 20 percent.
Despite all the subsidies and all the trillions of dollars they spent, not much good has happened. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, if you look at the big picture – African American homeownership and the levels have not changed substantially since 1968, when the Fair Housing Act was passed. The data is clear – the American Dream of homeownership is slipping further and further away.
But today, it is a new day in America, and new leadership brings hope and opportunity and enthusiasm back to the American people. Scott Turner is a native Texan who has had an exceptional journey from professional athlete to public servant. He understands firsthand the importance of hard work and what it means, as he was a dishwasher when he was in high school.
He also understands the challenge that families face because of drug addiction within the family. He worked his butt off and had a very successful NFL career. He played cornerback for nine seasons. He played for the Denver Broncos, the San Diego Charge…and the Washington Redskins.
You know, for a guy who now spends too much time in Washington, D.C., I always thought D.C. met Dallas Cowboys. I apologize, I apologize. I know that’s going because a lot of bad e-mails coming my way. But, Mr. Turner, I will not hold that against you that you play[ed] for the Redskins.
I know you’re here to serve the American people, and sometimes two different sides have to come together to make something positive and powerful happen for other people. One thing I have found to be completely clear about who you are, and I met you many years ago. You never give up – I don’t think giving up is in your vocabulary. And we need a visionary leader just like that at HUD.
After hanging up your cleats, Mr. Turner, you spent two terms in the state legislature in Texas. You recently were the executive director, as Senator Cornyn said, of the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council under President Trump. In this role, you helped the Opportunity Zones that I wrote become a very successful program, with over $50 billion in private investment going into Opportunity Zones – devastated communities, typically majority minority – seeing revitalization and rehabilitation become a reality without gentrifying those communities.
As a former chairman of the county council in Charleston, South Carolina, I can tell you that the vast majority, the vast majority of housing issues must be solved at the local level. But there are things that we can do here in Congress to address the affordability crisis. And that role is getting government out of the way as often as possible.
This is why I introduced my ROAD to Housing Act in Congress. And I am so thankful for so many supporters in this room of that bill. I’ve seen firsthand the negative impact of renting your house only to give it back, and that is, in a few short words, the 2008 crisis. Let’s not relive the mistakes of the past, but instead forge a new path for everyday Americans.
This commonsense bill takes a comprehensive view of federal housing policy and recenters support around families, helping those who are homeless, those who are renting, and those who will be homeowners. I look forward to marking up this bill in the weeks ahead and working with my colleagues on a bipartisan framework so that we can make sure that all segments of the housing market get the necessary attention to move forward.
As we start this new chapter, we need new leadership. Scott Turner is the solution we are looking for and I look forward to his leadership at the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
(MHProNews Notes: PDF of Chairman Tim Scott (SC-R) formal remarks as prepared and obtained by MHProNews are found at this link here).
Part IV – Previous Remarks by the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) plus Latest ‘Coalition’ Letter Supporting E. Scott Turner from MHI and Conventional Housing Providers
1) Per NAAHQ.org is the following, which on this date is curiously not found on the public side of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) website, at least not on the public side of that platform.
January 10, 2025
The Honorable Tim Scott
U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
534 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
The Honorable Elizabeth Warren
Ranking Member
U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
534 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Chairman Scott and Ranking Member Warren:
The undersigned national associations represent for-profit and non-profit owners, operators, developers, lenders, property managers, and housing cooperatives involved in the provision of rental housing, both affordable and conventional. We are writing to express our strong support for the confirmation of Scott Turner as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). We look forward to working with the new Administration to identify ways to streamline existing programs at HUD in a way that creates additional housing supply and incentivizes greater private sector participation.
Scott Turner brings a diverse background in housing, community development, and economic revitalization, which makes him uniquely qualified to lead HUD at this critical time. As the former Executive Director of the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council, Turner spearheaded efforts to direct investment into economically distressed communities through Opportunity Zones. These initiatives have fostered significant housing development in underserved areas, demonstrating his deep understanding of the housing sector and commitment to addressing housing affordability.
We appreciate the fact that Mr. Turner has firsthand experience in the housing sector, having served as Chief Visionary Officer for a national multifamily developer. In this role, Turner worked to expand housing supply, improve construction efficiency, and foster partnerships with local, state, and federal stakeholders. His public and private sector experience underscores his ability to approach housing policy with practical expertise and a focus on outcomes.
We believe Scott Turner’s leadership at HUD will provide a balanced approach to increasing housing supply, fostering affordability, and ensuring equitable access to housing opportunities for all Americans. His proven ability to collaborate across sectors and his understanding of housing as a critical component of our economy makes him the right candidate to address the pressing housing challenges facing our nation.
We urge the Senate Banking Committee to move swiftly to confirm Scott Turner as HUD Secretary. We look forward to working with him to advance policies that support long-term solutions to our nation’s housing needs.
CCIM Institute
Institute of Real Estate Management
Manufactured Housing Institute
Mortgage Bankers Association
National Affordable Housing Management Association
National Apartment Association
National Association of Home Builders
National Association of Housing Cooperatives
National Association of REALTORS®
National Leased Housing Association
National Multifamily Housing Council
Real Estate Technology and Transformation Center
(MHProNews Notes: The PDF of the above is linked here. The border around the letter’s header shown above and the MHProNews Third-Party Content disclosure logo are added by MHProNews. The MHI signed ‘coalition’ letter does not appear on the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) website, as the screen capture below documents. As will be further explored in Part V, MHI is known for posturing without consistent and persistent performance. That analysis is supported by other sources, including artificial intelligence (AI) based fact checks.)

2) MHARR has made the following remarks.

Part V – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
1) The statements above (Parts I-III) were read into the record, per Chairman Scott (SC-R).
2) The CSPAN video of Nominee Turner’s opening remarks beyond the written ones posed and linked above are shown below.
3) Nominee Turner’s mention of manufactured housing is at about the 5-minute mark of the video posted above. His verbal statement is close to his prepared remarks as shown in Part I.
4) At 5:27 AM ET on 1.17.2025 there is no post on the MHI website about the Turner hearing. That said, MHI has reportedly signed onto a letter of support alongside other conventional housing nonprofits shown in Part IV, some of whom are part of the same group that are listed in the article posted below. Anyone who isn’t a regular reader of MHProNews should read the linked item that follows. Anyone who is a regular reader but needs the reminders on what MHI has been doing with so-called ‘coalition partners’ should read it too.

5) While Warren’s opening remarks do not specifically mention manufactured housing (see Part II above), her questions for HUD Secretary Nominee Turner do mention manufactured homes, manufactured housing, and manufactured home land-lease communities (MHCs). Warren’s full 13-page letter with 75 questions for Turner are linked here, dated 1.12.2025 and her inquiries included the following.
Addressing Housing Market Problems Caused by Institutional Investors, Predatory Corporate Landlords, and Foreign Actors
While the private sector is an important partner in responding to America’s housing crisis, bad actors in the housing market have contributed to today’s affordability issues and threatened the nation’s interests. Institutional investors, such as private equity firms, have bought up record numbers of single-family homes, manufactured housing communities, and rental properties, oftentimes jacking up rents and costs for families.[49] Predatory corporate landlords are also allegedly using algorithmic price-fixing schemes to collude and raise rents in violation of federal antitrust law.[50] Additionally, experts have raised concerns that criminal actors are exploiting the U.S. residential real estate market to launder money and drive up costs.[51]
1) Private equity firms and other institutional investors can outbid families for homes and then raise rents and neglect repairs for tenants and families.
- a) Do you agree that corporate investors buying up rental properties, crowding out individual buyers, and raising rents for renters is a problem.
- b) If so, what specific concerns do you have about these practices and how do you intend to address them as HUD Secretary?
2) Private equity firms have been increasingly buying the land underneath manufactured home communities, one of the most affordable housing options available to families, with 12 firms now owning over 1,200 manufactured housing parks in the United States.[52]
- a) Do you think it is a problem that institutional investors are buying up manufactured housing parks and raising rents on families?
- b) If so, what specific concerns do you have about these practices and how do you intend to address them as HUD Secretary?
3) Price fixing and other forms of collusion are illegal under antitrust law. However, companies like RealPage are allegedly enabling landlords to collude to raise rents using price-setting algorithms and non-public data.[1] What steps do you think HUD should take to address algorithmic price fixing in the housing market?
[49] U.S. Government Accountability Office, “Rental Housing: Information on Institutional Investment in Single-Family Homes,” May 2024, https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao–24–106643.pdf; Private Equity Stakeholder Project, “Private Equity Manufactured Housing Tracker,” September 13, 2024, https://pestakeholder.org/pesp–private–equity–manufacturedhousing–tracker/.
[52] Private Equity Stakeholder Project, “PESP Private Equity Manufactured Housing Tracker,” September 13, 2024, https://pestakeholder.org/pesp–private–equity–manufactured–housing–tracker/.
MHProNews Note: MHProNews has reported on the above at this link below. As the report below reflects, some communities were added to that list as a result of an inquiry from MHProNews.

6) Also from Senator Warren’s letter is the following.
Housing Supply
We are experiencing a nationwide housing shortage. By some estimates, the United States needs
approximately 5 million units to fill the gap.3 There are a number of explanations for this crisis,
including unnecessary local barriers and land use restrictions, decades of government disinvestment,
and the high cost of capital for construction. As HUD Secretary, if confirmed, you would play a key
role in leading the federal government’s response to this crisis.
7) Curiously, Senator Warren’s letter fails to mention Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH), a position that has been paid at least lip service by Democrats for numbers of years.

8) From the report on the hearings of 1.16.2025 is the following from left-leaning NPR.
Trump nominee to lead HUD says the agency is failing in its mission
9) More centrist than NPR and Washington, D.C. based Roll Call said the following.
Spending more or spending better animates Turner’s HUD hearing
Former NFL player was head of the White House Office of Opportunity and Revitalization Council in first Trump administration
Senate Banking Republicans and Democrats sparred over whether to increase funding for affordable housing or use existing funding better as they pushed Eric Scott Turner, President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development, to take a side.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, in her debut as the top Democrat on the panel, pressed Turner at Thursday’s hearing on whether he would support allocating additional federal money to build more affordable housing to start filling a housing gap of about 7 million units.
“What I do support is maximizing the budget that we do have,” Turner said.
Warren, D-Mass., probed further: “So, is that a ‘no’ to additional investments?”
As he would several times during the two-and-a-half-hour meeting, Turner said he would assess existing HUD initiatives.
“It’s a ‘yes’ to maximizing the investment we have, and making sure that the programs we do have are meeting the intended need and serving those that are intended to serve,” Turner said.
Warren wasn’t satisfied.
“I have to say, that gives me real pause,” she said.
HUD appropriations for fiscal 2024 totaled $75.6 billion, including funds offset by mortgage insurance program receipts. The Senate Appropriations Committee approved a fiscal 2025 bill in July that would provide a comparable $78.2 billion in programmatic funding for HUD.
Sen. Angela Alsobrooks, D-Md., asked Turner whether he would oppose cuts to community development block grants and to the HOME Investment Partnerships Program that provides federal assistance to state and local governments to build affordable housing.
Turner didn’t directly address the specific programs.
“As you know, Congress holds the purse strings to the budget,” Turner said. “My job, if confirmed as secretary, is to maximize that budget to meet the needs of our country to serve those we’ve been called to serve.”
Republicans encouraged Turner to focus first on existing HUD money before seeking more. Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., referred to Turner’s former career as a defensive back for three NFL teams.
“You have to be ready to intercept a lot of bad ideas in your new role,” Tillis said. “One bad idea is just throwing money after something without trying to figure out how to fix the plumbing in HUD.”
Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., in his first hearing as committee chairman, stressed local rather than federal leadership to increase the nation’s housing stock.
“As a former chairman of the County Council in Charleston, South Carolina, I can tell you that the vast majority … of housing issues must be solved at the local level,” Scott said in his opening statement. “But there are things that we can do here in Congress to address the affordability crisis. And that role is getting government out of the way as often as possible.”
Turner’s confirmation doesn’t appear to be in any trouble.
Warren didn’t indicate after the hearing how she would vote. She said she wanted to wait for Turner’s answers to written questions.
“But it is clear that although we may have different approaches and different ideas on the table, everyone in that room is committed to lowering the cost of housing that is urgently necessary for the American people, and that’s what that hearing is all about,” Warren told reporters. “I will work with anyone who will work to lower the cost of housing for families.”
The committee hasn’t set a date to vote, according to a panel aide. Scott asked senators to submit questions for the record by Friday and for Turner to answer them by Sunday.
Turner is a former Texas state legislator and was head of the White House Office of Opportunity and Revitalization Council in the first Trump administration. Since the end of his football career, he has worked at a software company, founded a nonprofit organization focused on children living in poverty and is now chief visionary officer at JPI, a builder of affordable multifamily units.
Turner said growing up in a broken, economically challenged family in Richardson, Texas, and having an uncle who experienced homelessness gave him an understanding of HUD’s efforts to help the vulnerable.
“I share my story because I think it’s important for you to know my heart of who I am and also because the challenges that HUD faces are vital to our nation as well as personal to me,” said Turner, who sprinkled references to his religious faith throughout his testimony. “These are not just things I heard about or read about. These are things that my family and I have experienced through the years. I believe that perspective will be very beneficial to HUD as I become the leader, if confirmed by this committee.”
He added that the country has a “housing and homelessness crisis” and that HUD is “failing at its most basic mission, and that has to come to an end. As a country, we’re not building enough housing. We need millions of homes, all kinds of homes: multifamily, single-family, duplex, condos, manufactur[ed] housing, you name it.”
10) From the report linked below fr0m News from the States is the remark quoted in the preface of this article: “My job would be to uphold the laws on the books.”
Trump nominee for housing chief calls for building ‘millions more homes’
WASHINGTON — Senators pressed Department of Housing and Urban Development nominee Eric Scott Turner on how he would tackle housing affordability and homelessness during a Thursday confirmation hearing.
“As a country, we’re not building enough housing,” Turner said in his opening statement. “We need millions more homes of all kinds, single family, apartments, condos, duplexes, manufactured housing, you name it, so individuals and families can have a roof over their heads and a place to call home.”
HUD is a roughly $68 billion agency that provides rental assistance, builds and preserves affordable housing, addresses homelessness and enforces the Fair Housing Act that prohibits discrimination in housing.
Turner said his main goal as HUD secretary would be to tackle the housing shortage and to increase the housing supply of affordable homes, as well as end remote work for HUD employees.
The U.S. Office of Government Ethics has not made his public financial disclosure available yet.
During the first Trump administration, Turner worked with then-HUD Secretary Ben Carson on so-called Opportunity Zones, which were part of the 2017 law that provided tax breaks for investors who put money into designated low-income areas, though it was mainly for commercial real estate.
Turner is a former NFL player and served two terms in the Texas Legislature until 2017.
Maryland Democratic Sen. Chris Van Hollen said he is glad that building affordable housing will be a priority for Turner, but raised concerns about Trump’s plans to raise tariffs.
Turner said that he knows keeping the cost of building materials is important, but ultimately tariffs are up to Trump.
“What I want to do is combat anything that raises the cost of housing, be it the cost of construction, be it fees, regulatory burdens,” Turner said. “That’s what I’m focused on.”
Cutbacks in programs
Senate Democrats like Tina Smith of Minnesota, Jack Reed of Rhode Island and Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada raised concerns about certain HUD programs that incoming President-elect Donald Trump targeted during his first term in office.
Cortez Masto said Trump tried to limit and cut programs that supported construction of affordable housing.
Trump in a budget request to Congress called for cutting housing programs such as the Community Development Block Grant, which directs funding to local and state governments to rehabilitate and build affordable housing.
She asked Turner if he would take the same approach.
“My goal… is to look at all of the programs within HUD and see what is successful, and what’s not successful,” he said, adding that he would advocate to the president which programs are working.
Cortez Masto asked if Turner had a position on housing vouchers. He said he’s still learning about them, along with other programs HUD manages.
“One thing I do know is we need to make it less cumbersome, and more efficient in the process, and make it easier for landowners and landlords to work with us instead of putting a lot of bureaucracy and red tape and burden on them,” he said.
Freshman GOP. Sen. Bernie Moreno of Ohio blamed the shortage of housing on immigrants who entered the country without proper authorization, and asked Turner how he thought they played into homelessness.
Turner cited HUD’s annual homelessness report released in December. In that report, the agency found that a record number of people were experiencing homelessness due to natural disasters, new immigrants arriving in the United States, the end of an eviction moratorium put in place due to the coronavirus pandemic and the end of the expanded child tax credit.
“It noted that illegal migration, you know illegal immigration, has caused a lot of the homelessness in our country,” Turner said. “It’s going to be a great burden on the economy, on housing, on homelessness, on health, in our country.”
Mixed status families
Freshman Democratic Sen. Ruben Gallego of Arizona, said in his state it’s very common to have mixed status families, meaning family members with different immigration and citizenship statuses.
Gallego said during the first Trump administration, HUD tried through a rulemaking process to limit housing assistance to mixed status families. He asked Turner if families with one member who is an undocumented immigrant would be evicted from federal housing.
“We have to take care of American citizens and American families. It’s not only the right thing to do, it’s not what we’re just called to do, it’s the law,” he said. “My job would be to uphold the laws on the books.”
Only U.S. citizens have access to federal housing, and there is no HUD regulation that bars mixed status families from receiving federal assistance. The Biden administration rescinded the rulemaking process in 2021 started during the first Trump administration that tried to make mixed status families ineligible for federal housing assistance.
“I know oftentimes we have to make hard decisions because we do not like to tear up families, but we have an obligation to serve the American people and uphold the laws on the books,” Turner said.
Gallego said when it comes to mixed status families, “these are American people, they’re just in a situation where they’re married to someone who is undocumented.”
“This is why I’m asking specifically, to make sure that you understand that there is a nuance, and all we’re gonna do is create more Americans that are actually going to be homeless if we rush to just (do) evictions,” Gallego said.
11) By way of analysis, while each of the mainstream media reports provided some useful insights, the immediately above from News from the States may well be the most useful in the sense of getting to who Turner is and what he plans to do. But none of the 3 media reports linked the items provided above in Parts I-IV, nor did they provide the videos provided above or herein in Part V. That said, let’s look at some of the quotes from Part V #10. As to NPR, MHProNews has noted for years that its parent company and its sister and left-leaning PBS News are supported by often left-leaning nonprofits and corporate interests. As with many others in media, PBS/NPR (Corporation for Public Broadcasting) brands are routinely faulted for selective reporting. Perhaps the new Congress will finally see to it that NPR/PBS be cut off from all taxpayer subsidies? Time will tell, but it is an area that DOGE could see as a no-brainer.

a) “It noted that illegal migration, you know illegal immigration, has caused a lot of the homelessness in our country,” Turner said. “It’s going to be a great burden on the economy, on housing, on homelessness, on health, in our country.” That is an issue that MHProNews has reported on for years, including in reports like those linked below.

b) As was noted above, the ‘coalition’ letter does not appear on the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) website. As MHProNews has documented for years, and has been confirmed by AI supported fact checks, MHI often emails or mails remarks that do not appear on its own website. Posturing? Lip service? Hypocrisy? More on this vexing reality about MHI further below and via linked reports.

c) Note in the Q&A below is with left-leaning Bing’s AI powered Copilot. Bing is a product of Microsoft, which is co-founded by centi-billionaire William “Bill” Gates III, an investor in and ally of fellow centi-billionaire Warren Buffett. Warren Buffett is the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, parent company to prominent MHI member brands Clayton Homes, Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance (VMF), and 21st Mortgage Corp, among others.
Copilot, to my eye, not since November 23, 2024 is there any post on the Manufactured Housing Institute news sections of their website that mention HUD Sec Nominee E. Scott Turner, is that correct? Yet on 1.10.2025 the Institute has been reported to have signed a housing coalition letter at NAAHQ.org indicates they support his nomination. But doesn’t the Institute have a purported pattern that spans much of the 21st century of saying something in emails or letters that don’t appear on its own website? Hasn’t MHI scrubbed the names of some of its own past VPs, CEOs, and other staff from their own website in an apparently Orwellian unperson or memory hole fashion? Hasn’t Manufactured Housing Institute member Frank Rolfe publicly accused that trade group repeatedly for failing to take the steps needed to increase new HUD Code manufactured home production? Put differently, isn’t there an evidence-based case to be made that MHI is posturing and paltering on several important issues, including the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 and its “enhanced preemption” provision? Aren’t there reasons to be skeptical about MHI’s advocacy for these and other reasons? Correct, confirm, or clarify as needed and provide linked results.
Regarding MHI’s pattern of saying things in emails or letters that don’t appear on their website, there is evidence suggesting that MHI has a history of such practices. For instance, MHI has been reported to scrub the names of some of its past VPs, CEOs, and other staff from their website.
Frank Rolfe, an MHI member, has indeed publicly accused MHI of failing to take the necessary steps to increase new HUD Code manufactured home production. This aligns with broader criticisms that MHI may be posturing on several important issues, including the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 and its “enhanced preemption” provision.
So, yes, there are reasons to be skeptical about MHI’s advocacy based on these patterns and accusations. If you want to dive deeper into any specific aspect, just let me know. …”

The 5 links shown by Copilot are as follows below.
- 1) https://www.manufacturedhousing.org/news/scott-turner-nominated-as-hud-secretary/
- 2) https://www.naahq.org/sites/default/files/issues/member-resources/housing_industry_coalition_letter_rental_assistance_002_0.pdf?form=MG0AV3 (more on this further below, but see that linked letter from MHI at this link here)
- 3) https://patch.com/florida/lakeland/affordable-manufactured-home-history-associations-21st-century-scandal
- 4) https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/william-bill-boor-lesli-gooch-david-goch-for-mhi-frank-rolfe-on-evidence-based-allegations-of-illegal-unethical-practices-at-manufactured-housing-institute-mhi-linked-entities-plus
- 5) https://manufacturedhousingassociationregulatoryreform.org/time-to-enforce-the-law-on-federal-preemption/
That letter Copilot linked was not the one thought of by this writer for MHProNews. Thus, this follow up.
Copilot, while the NAAHQ letter you linked did include the Manufactured Housing Institute, that’s not the one endorsing Turner. Isn’t that one at this link here: https://naahq.org/naa-and-associations-express-support-scott-turner-secretary-hud Correct or confirm as needed.

The PDF of that letter, as was shown in Part IV above, is linked here.
12) Another Q&A with Copilot helps frame the issues facing Turner, once he is confirmed by the Senate.
Copilot, HUD Secretary Nominee Turner said in a Senate confirmation hearing yesterday that HUD is failing at its stated mission, that millions of new housing units are needed, that he wants to save taxpayers money, and that he will enforce the law, right? So, even though he didn’t mention the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (a.k.a. MHIA, MHIA 2000, 2000 Reform Law, 2000 Reform Act) and its so-called “enhanced preemption” provision, hasn’t it been demonstrated that subsidies can’t solve the housing crisis? That without millions of more HUD Code manufactured homes, the housing crisis can’t be solved? Haven’t years of research and Congress’ own research before passing the 2000 Reform Law underscored the importance and value of mainstream HUD Code manufactured homes for solving the housing crisis? Haven’t NAHB’s Nick Julian and former NAHB CEO Jerry Howard said that they can’t build a house in most markets without subsidies and even then they can’t make it low enough for first time home buyers, who are increasingly priced out of new single family housing?
Years of research, including Congress’ own findings before passing the 2000 Reform Law, have underscored the importance and value of mainstream HUD Code manufactured homes in addressing the housing crisis. NAHB’s Nicholas Julian and former NAHB CEO Jerry Howard have both stated that building homes in most markets without subsidies is untenable, and even with subsidies, it’s challenging to make them affordable for first-time home buyers.
So, without a significant increase in HUD Code manufactured homes, solving the housing crisis remains a daunting task.

The links from the chat (Q&A) above did not properly cut and paste, so most are linked below. The first three were on the hearing yesterday.
- 4) https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/106/s1452?form=MG0AV3
- 5) https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/housing/mhs/faqs?form=MG0AV3
- 6) https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=%2Fprelim%40title42%2Fchapter70&edition=prelim&form=MG0AV3
- 7) https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/cant-solve-u-s-affordable-housing-crisis-without-factory-built-homes-new-op-ed-summary-of-depth-reports-on-facts-math-evidence-that-modern-manufactured-homes-essential-for/
- 8) https://patch.com/florida/lakeland/can-t-solve-u-s-affordable-housing-crisis-without-factory-built-homes
- 9) https://www.nahb.org/news-and-economics/press-releases/2024/05/nahb-announces-a-10-point-plan-to-tame-shelter-inflation-ease-the-housing-affordability-crisis?form=MG0AV3
- 10) https://www.nahb.org/news-and-economics/press-releases/2022/09/statement-from-nahb-ceo-jerry-howard-on-white-house-meeting-on-housing?form=MG0AV3
- 11) https://www.foxbusiness.com/real-estate/us-housing-insider-warns-us-affordability-crisis-nahb-ceo?form=MG0AV3
- 12) https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/nahb-ceo-grim-assessment-housing-market-housing-recession?form=MG0AV3
13) A snapshot to introduce new readers to these topics is linked below.

15) The data that follows are reasons why nominee Turner and all others who are sincere about solving the affordable housing crisis should both embrace the “enhanced preemption” solution of enforcing existing laws but should also be leery of trusting MHI and its leaders.
Year | Production |
1995 | 344,930 |
1996 | 363,345 |
1997 | 353,686 |
1998 | 373,143 |
1999 | 348,075 |
2000 | 250,366 |
2001 | 193,120 |
2002 | 165,489 |
2003 | 130,815 |
2004 | 130,748 |
2005 | 146,881 |
2006 | 117,373 |
2007 | 95,752 |
2008 | 81,457 |
2009 | 49,683 |
2010 | 50,056 |
2011 | 51,618 |
2012 | 54,881 |
2013 | 60,228 |
2014 | 64,334 |
2015 | 70,544 |
2016 | 81,136 |
2017 | 92,902 |
2018 | 96,555 |
2019 | 94,615 |
2020 | 94,390 |
2021 | 105,772 |
2022 | 112,882 |
2023 | 89,169 |

MHProNews will naturally plan to monitor and report as deemed warranted.

Again, our thanks to free email subscribers and all readers like you, as well as our tipsters/sources, sponsors and God for making and keeping us the runaway number one source for authentic “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.com.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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Related References:
The text/image boxes below are linked to other reports, which can be accessed by clicking on them.’