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‘Smoking Gun’ Deal by Gary A. Shiffman Used by Tipster to Assert Insurance Fraud Scheme Involving Dr. William “Bill” Gonte; Sun Communities, CEO Shiffman, and Manufactured Housing Institute Silent


The document that follows has been referred to by a tipster to MHProNews as “smoking gun” evidence that Gary A. Shiffman, President and CEO of Sun Communities, is involved in a purported fraudulent insurance scheme with doctor William “Bill” Gonte, M.D. The insurance policies in question were owned by Shiffman and were on Lois Shiffman, Gary’s mother. The document was produced in the context of a deposition of Dr. William Gonte on 3.27.2023 in the case Selonke v. Shiffman, per the stamp marking the following document as Dep[osition] Ex[hibit] 1. in Selonke v. Shiffman, a case in Oakland County [MI] Circuit Court, case number 2022-197858-CK. The context of the case and the various ways that Shiffman is asserted to be involved are found in the report linked here.

Part I

The Detroit News reported that in the context of a lawsuit “filed by [Brian] Benderoff’s wife, Amy Mosher, said Shiffman worked with Gonte to fraudulently sell life insurance policies covering Shiffman’s mother. Shiffman, who was the beneficiary, received higher payments after Gonte made his mother seem unhealthy.”

MHProNews exclusively reported on 6.22.2023 another document which purports to substantiate the authenticity of this document which was received into evidence during a civil deposition of Dr. Gonte in the case cited above. The screen capture of the document is shown below.


Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.

See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

Experts have remarked on the document above in the various legal issues involving Sun Communities’ CEO Gary A. Shiffman and William “Bill” Gonte, M.D. This appears to be the first time this document has been published online, per a Google search. MHProNews Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report can be clicked to expand. or example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection, you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts.


The text of the document, purportedly written by Gary Shiffman, appears to say the following.

QuoteMarksLeftSideI hereby Grant Bill Gonte [M.D.] an unassignable interest in the proceeds of a sale of life insurance policies on Lois Shiffman I [i.e.: Gary Shiffman, Lois’ son] own, up to 30% of the proceeds shall be owned and given to Bill Gonte provided that:

  • the policies are sold within 24 months of this date Feb 1st 2009
  • the polices are sold in excess of premiums pad on those policies and
  • for not less than a total of $3 million which shall be personally guaranteed by G
  • all transaction and payments conform with all state and Federal regulations.

In no event or under any circumstances is Bill Gonte entitled to or does he have any interest whatsoever from or in any death benefits from or related to these referenced to life insurance polices on Lois Shiffman.

X —- signed —–

Gary A. Shiffman

X —- signed —-

William Gonte


Part II

Related to the above and previously published exclusively by MHProNews is a polygraph test connected to these legal controversies involving claims of fraud purportedly perpetrated by Shiffman and Gonte. The emailed copy of the document below is provided here, as promised in our Saturday 6.24.2023 report linked here. The TIN number and the email address of JDH Consulting Services, LLC has been edited out below, but the information that follows is per the text of the polygraph report provided as a news tip to MHProNews. The text of the document speaks for itself.


JDH Consulting Services, LLC

PO Box 943 • Troy, Michigan 48099 • 586 404 8354 • TIN ——-

April 22, 2022

Report of Polygraph Examination


Examination Date:  4-21-2022

Background:  Brian Benderoff is a 55 year old male in good health who was referred for testing by his attorney, Michael Bullotta, in connection with an investigation and prosecution for fraud being conducted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHHS) and the United States Attorney.  Benderoff and his co-defendant, Dr. William

Gonte, have been indicted in connection with a scheme to sell life insurance policies of Lois Shiffman by falsely representing Lois Shiffman’s health.  Dr. Gonte falsely represented the health of Lois Shiffman by falsifying her blood test in order to make it appear that she was in poor health.  In 2010 or 2011 Benderoff learned that in February, 2009 Gonte and Gary Shiffman, son of Lois Shiffman, executed an agreement wherein Gary Shiffman agreed to pay Gonte a large amount of money when the policies were sold.  Benderoff maintains that he was not present when this agreement was executed and he was not aware of the agreement until Gonte told him in 2010 or 2011.

Pretest Interview:  In 2006 or 2007 Gary Shiffman, a wealthy real estate investor, purchased over $60 million in life insurance policies on the life of his mother, Lois Shiffman.  Benderoff believes that Shiffman purchased these policies in hopes of selling them at a profit after a two year waiting period.  In 2008-2009 Shiffman was actively attempting to sell the policies through broker Jonathon Polter however buyers were not interested because Lois Shiffman’s life expectancy was too long.  Gonte misrepresented Lois Shiffman’s health by falsifying her blo0d tests in an effort to reduce her life expectancy thus making the life insurance policies more marketable. In return for his role Gonte received approximately $1.6 million from Gary Shiffman after the policies were sold.

Benderoff and Gonte have been close friends since childhood.  In the past Benderoff and Gonte used the same accountant for the preparation of their tax returns and in fact each year Benderoff and Gonte went together to the accountant to have their tax returns prepared.  It was on one such visit that Gonte produced an agreement dated 21-2009 that was handwritten by Gary Shiffman in which Shiffman promised to pay Gonte up to 30% of the proceeds of the sale of the life insurance policies.  Shiffman maintains that Benderoff was present when the agreement between Shiffman and Gonte was executed.  Benderoff denies that he was present and maintains that he only became aware of the agreement when it was disclosed to him by Gonte in the office of their accountant.

Benderoff agreed to submit to a polygraph examination in order to demonstrate that he is being truthful when he states that he was not present when the handwritten agreement between Shiffman and Gonte was executed and that he first learned of this agreement when he and Gonte were in the office of the accountant in 2010 or 2011.


During the examination a Lafayette LX 4000 computerized polygraph instrument was used.  The control question technique was utilized.

Relevant Questions:

Benderoff was thereafter afforded a polygraph examination consisting of the following relevant questions:

  1. Were you present when the agreement between Shiffman and Gonte was signed? Answer: No
  2. Did you know about the handwritten agreement before Gonte told you about it? Answer: No


In the opinion of the examiner the recorded responses to the above questions were truthful and not indicative of deception.








Polygraph Examiner

Michigan License # 6001000346


A funeral home website says that “Lois Shiffman, 90, of Birmingham, Michigan, died on 22 January 2022.” “Gary (Lisa) Shiffman” are listed among the family of Lois in that obituary notice. So, it would appear that Lois lived far longer than some were allegedly led to believe in the ‘buy-sell’ transaction of Gary’s insurance policies on his late mother.

A download of the above case exhibit is linked here and another copy without the exhibit marking is linked here. As previewed and as ‘promised’ on Saturday 6.24.2023, the download of the document that references this ‘smoking gun’ evidence that follows is linked here.


Part III – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary

Numbers of manufactured housing professionals, including this writer, have met Gary A. Shiffman in person. It would be fair to say that Shiffman doesn’t, at a glance, appear to be the type of person who might engage in an insurance connected scheme to defraud others involving his own (now departed) mother.  That said, looks can be deceiving. People have a presumption of innocence in this country under the law. That said, evidence is how courts, judges, and juries move from a presumption of innocence that may ultimately reach of verdict of “guilty.”

To grasp the importance of what the tipster described as “smoking gun” documents above, one should be well versed with the various issues in the report linked below. Points pro- and con are provided.


It should also be noted that MHProNews has once more provided Shiffman, Sun, and MHI with an opportunity to comment on the evidence-based allegations. They have remained silent.

Why does this matter to manufactured housing professionals? Several possible reasons come to mind.  Among them are the following.

  • Shiffman led Sun have been hit by public officials about several concerns that Sun settled.

‘Keeping Our Mobile Home Communities Safe, Well-Maintained, Affordable is Vital’ – Attorney General Wm Tong Testimony, More Follow Probe of Sun Communities (SUI) Issue–Latest MHI Member Scandal?


The New York Attorney General's previously office hit Sun and other MHI member brands with other charges that they collectively settled.

Without defending or prosecuting the point of Shiffman's guilt or innocence regarding the evidence-based allegations against him, Shiffman would obviously not be the first prominent MHI leader to get hit with charges that eventually resulted in millions of dollars in fines, settlement, and related costs.

MHI increasingly appears to be engaged in a scheme to dress up the predatory, and in some instances, arguably illegal behavior of several of MHI's leading brands.

True Tale of Four Attorneys Research into Manufactured Housing – What They Reveal About Why Manufactured Homes Are Underperforming During an Affordable Housing Crisis – Facts and Analysis


Sun has made several interesting statements that ought to be more carefully scrutinized in the light of the evidence-based concerns from their corporate leader, Shiffman. It should be noted that Sun Communities board ought to take a leading role in investigating these concerns and making such a probe as public, evidence-based, and unbiased as possible.




MHProNews is editorially on record in calling for state and federal level probes of some of the manufactured housing industry's various purportedly corrupt leaders and their practices. There are numerous evidence-based reasons to believe that Shiffman, Sun, and MHI ought to be included in such investigations.

Programming notice: MHProNews is in possession of more documents related to Shiffman et al.  Watch for follow up reports on this and other manufactured housing connected topics. ##



Prof. Lee Ohanian Testimony Boost Affordable Housing Supply and Manufactured Homes, More Manufactured Housing Research – What Senator Tim Scott and ROAD to Housing Act Supporters Should Consider

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Our son has grown quite a bit since this photo above was taken. All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested with the discussion of manufactured housing related issues on our trip and 12.3.2019 meetings. But Texas Congressman Al Green's (D) office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son's hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States and other goodies. As political independents, MHProNews has worked with people and politicos across the left-right divide.

By L.A. "Tony" Kovach - for

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.

For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He's a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and

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