The latest edition of an annual wholesale event for manufactured home communities, retailers, and developers is just weeks away.
In a press release to MHProNews, Legacy Housing Corporation said the following.
Join Legacy Housing Corporation (NASDAQ:LEGH) at our flagship factory in Fort Worth, Texas this September 16-18 for our biggest manufactured home sale of the year. Wholesale buyers will have the opportunity to save thousands below dealer cost on our line-up of over 80 home models, including our hugely popular Tiny Home series.
The show will display over a dozen new 2020 models, many featuring a multitude of new color and home options. Based on early feedback, our fall production slots will be going like hot-cakes! Wholesale buyers, dealers, and community owners across the US should secure their slot so they can ensure their fall and spring home orders are in before production gets booked up.
This year – in a first — Legacy will have over 5 dozen dealer repos & pre-built units ready for walk-through & purchase — all are ready to roll and available first come, first serve starting on Sept. 16th.
All home buyers that attend this year’s show receive a free hotel room (minus incidentals), $250 in travel credits if from outside Texas, a free dinner banquet catered by area institution Babe’s Chicken Dinner House, and tickets to 7 educational training seminar Q&A sessions led by mobile home selling experts.
The Legacy Home Show is located just 20 minutes from DFW International Airport and 10 minutes from the legendary Fort Worth Stockyards. Our fun, informative show is a favorite of independent dealers & park-community owners across America to have a Texas vacation, order their home product for the next year, and to meet our team, including the ability to have a one-on-ones with our leadership team, including CEO Kenny Shipley and our Executive Chairman, Curt Hodgson.
To sign-up, wholesale buyers need to RSVP at
More information can be viewed at the official website at, by emailing our Fall Show concierge,, or by calling Kira at (817) 799-4905.
— End of Legacy release —

A link to their show is found on the banner ad, above.
Legacy’s Casey Mack has thoughtfully praised the response that they have historically had from their marketing, learn more at the link below.

That’s a wrap on this installment of manufactured home “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
Soheyla is a managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and Connect with us on LinkedIn here and here.
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