During the August 22, 2017 rally at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona, President Donald J. Trump spoke for over an hour on issues that energize his base. His topics included revised trade deals, border control, tax reform, ObamaCare “repeal and replace,” job creation, and immigration.
A key point made related to how his policies will lead to more jobs, and higher pay for workers. That was among the many lines that brought cheers from attendees.
But outside, after the event, tear gas was used to control protestors. The Phoenix rally was a microcosm of what’s been taking place since the 45th president’s inauguration.

Since the beginning, President Trump has been focused on bringing jobs back into the country. So far, as the Daily Business News has often reported, the facts show that it is working.
Unemployment is down to the lowest recorded numbers in 16 years, per the left-of-center, New York Times.

Building the Wall
During his speech, the president was adamant that the south border wall he has been speaking of since early on in his campaign is going to happen – even if it requires a government shutdown to get that done.
“The obstructionist Democrats would like us not to do it, but believe me, if we have to close down our government, we’re building that wall,” President Trump said, per the Washington Examiner.
“Let me be very clear to Democrats in Congress who oppose a border wall and stand in the way of border security,” he added. “You are putting all of Americans’ safety at risk.”
The Daily Business News has previously reported on how limiting immigration impacts issues such as the minimum wage – and how it could cost taxpayers less to deport illegal immigrants rather than continue to support them.

More Distractions
Broad parts of the media are focusing on less important aspects of the speech – such as Trump’s comments regarding Arizona’s Republican Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake, per the The Hill.

Though he did not mention them by name, it was clear who he was speaking about when he mentioned being “one vote away” from a repeal and replace of ObamaCare, and weak positions on border security
Some, like Dr. Keith Ablow, believe that the president actually uses the media’s obsession with criticizing him to get more done.

Some Believe Trump’s Presidency is over…
“I really question his ability, his fitness to be in this office and I also am beginning to wonder about his motivation for it,” said CNN contributor James Clapper. “Maybe he is looking for a way out.”
Clapper has served in the intelligence community, which is reportedly part of ‘”deep state” efforts to undermine the Trump Administration. He’s not the only one who thinks Trump has already lost his chances at re-election in 2020.

According to the New York Times, Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) believes that Trump cannot save the presidency. But Bloomberg and others – not fans of the president – believe he’s already won 2020. Fundraising totals are running strongly in favor of the GOP too, see that combination report, linked here.
What Really Works and Why the Trump Presidency Isn’t Over Yet
The Daily Business News has reported before on how tightening up immigration would benefit the economy. The laws of supply and demand are simple.

So eventually, if the policies are maintained, it will cause wages and incomes to increase naturally, rather than artificially.

“We are fully and totally committed to fighting for our agenda, and we will not stop until the job is done,” said President Trump. ##
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