Manufactured and Modular Home Sales Rise in the North

Growing faster than any other segment of the housing industry, the Building Systems Council in Nova Scotia, Canada says manufactured and modular home sales comprise 7-8 percent of the total housing market, having increased in sales by 50 percent the last 15 years. Trevor McKay of the North Grant Park manufactured home community in Antigonish says, “Our brand new homes come fully set up on a spacious lot complete with a beautiful front deck for those summer BBQ’s, a ductless heat pump for ice cold air conditioning in the summer and ultra efficient heat in the winter. They also feature a gourmet chef’s kitchen complete with sink tip-out trays, lighting over the sink, pantry cabinets, lazy susans, crown mouldings and even an ice-maker supply line for the fridge.” Owned by Treban Developments, Ltd., operators of multi-unit residential properties since 1991, North Grant Park is a 66-site mini manufactured home community, as SBWire tells MHProNews.

(Photo credit: North Grant Park)

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