Before diving into the video and headline issue, some background on tiny houses will be useful.
Those in manufactured housing for at least a few years know that the media seems enamored with tiny houses.
So, while there are mainstream news stories that point out that tiny house living is often “illegal,” and that the homes are not easily placed for code and zoning reasons, the bulk of the media coverage has been positive.
Tiny Houses Owners face Big Legal Trouble? – manufacturedhomelivingnews.com
Tiny houses are considered cute and TV shows such as Tiny House Nation have made them seem cool and trendy. But before making a commitment to invest, would-be owners should be aware of the possible legal and practical implications that could follow, as well as other options that may make better sense for some home-seekers.
If You Can’t Beat Them…
Because of all the media “love,” several HUD Code manufacturers have begun building their versions of ‘tiny houses.’ Some of those are built to the HUD Code, but others are built to ANSI standards. Or no formal code standards at all.
Comparing Tiny Houses vs Manufactured Homes – Function and Value vs. Fashion – manufacturedhomelivingnews.com
Jim Weiker at the recently told MHLivingNews about their take on the growing popularity of “Tiny Houses,” and compared them to the manufactured home (MH) market. Tiny houses are a hit on TV, but their numbers are small in terms of actual homes being built, while the cost per square foot is every bit as high as their designs may be cute.
Sources tell the Daily Business News that the tiny factory built homes haven’t all taken off at retail, to put it politely. Others say they are doing well with them.
Against that backdrop, the video posted in the report is a tiny house resident who explains why he and his family are quitting tiny house living.
This video is far from alone.
It seems to be an emerging counter trend. How strong will this trend become? Time will tell.
But producers and retailers alike should be familiar with this trend, thus the video and this Daily Business News report. ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
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Soheyla is a managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.