One of those involved the following.
We recruited an individual who said that they ‘wrote in’ Bernie Sanders for president. That person had the typical level of understanding of the following topics:
- economics,
- politics,
- trade,
- domestic and foreign policy,
- deductive reasoning,
- manufactured, modular and prefab housing,
and other issues that impact the factory-built housing industry. Which to be polite, that experience was next to none.
Within 60 days of the inception of that very part-time effort, we had someone that began to not only understand manufactured homes and the #MAGA agenda, but could explain it reasonably well to others.
Not News? Au Contraire
A successful manufactured housing industry veteran told MHProNews recently that some “47 percent of the voters were getting some form of direct federal payment” and/or benefits.
Pre-election, another equally successful MH Industry veteran – one with a reasonable financial background – told MHProNews that defeating Secretary Hillary Clinton was “virtually impossible.”
The nation, and the world are in a cultural and economic upheaval. It’s a multi-trillion-dollar race to see who wins enough of the minds and hearts of enough motivated individuals to determine the future of this nation, and thus in time, the world.
There are those who believe that voters can be bought with certain level of federal payments, and those Saul Alinksy disciples have billionaires such as George Soros working for them. They recruit, delude, manipulate, and pay for thugs who take to the streets who say that they are anti-fascist, but are sadly more like the brownshirts of the Nazi era. They likely don’t realize the historic contradictions that they sadly have been deceived into espousing.
Those anti-fascist – who ought to oppose actual fascism – don’t understand real American and world history.
The Second American Civil War
No less a figure than former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential hopeful, has said during her book tour that she and others who believe as she does are in a culture war. That culture war is clearly a political struggle for American domination. Ms. Clinton stated that somewhat differently, as she also explained all of the reasons she failed at becoming the 45th president of the United States. But cultural, economic, and political warfare were her core messages.
The Daily Business News on MHProNews has been reporting for about 2 years on the political, economic, and industry struggles pre-and-post 2016 election. Some media pundits – across the political spectrum – are calling this struggle the second American Civil War.
There’s nothing civil about this war. Some might say it is the next American revolution. Some say, Abraham Lincoln, the founders and others predicted its coming.
It’s a struggle for the minds and hearts of millions, like that prior Bernie voter, mentioned above.
The Manufactured Housing Revolution
Among the many opportunities in America, few are as potentially promising as manufactured housing. The affordable housing crisis solution is hiding in plain sight.
So it is no surprise that MHProNews has been contacted by a wide range of financial and political interests.
Some of those contacts already understand the basic promise of manufactured, modular and prefab housing. But they are often at a loss as to why factory home building isn’t already roaring in the U.S. Why aren’t there 500,000 (+/-) new HUD Code homes being sold a year? Why not another 500,000 (+/-) new modular/prefab housing units?
There are domestic and international sources eager to tap this industry’s potential. They have eyes on projects and housing needs from coast-to-coast.
There are several great experiments and projects underway. That Bernie supporter project was a successful failure – successful as noted – but a failure in the sense that personal factors for that individual resulted in their drop out of our project.
But if past experience is any indicator, once someone gets a real understanding and taste for free enterprise, constitutionally-limited government, and similarly faithful principles and opportunities, there are seeds in that individual that will not easily be uprooted or removed.
Success and Process
All success is a matter of duplicable processes that can routinely achieve a certain desired outcome. We are industry consultants who are engaged in the communication and story telling business. The future success of manufactured housing – the rebirth of our industry and this great nation – are underway.
The truth is hiding in plain sight.

But the fullness of truth must be properly explained to others, who for too long have been the victims of misinformation, outright propaganda, and manipulation.
Stick around for the ride. Trillions of dollars, some of that going to markets like the one you are in, are at stake. Merchants and Crusaders, arise! ## (News, announcements, commentary, analysis.)
(Image credits are as shown above, and when provided by third parties, are shared under fair use guidelines.)