What happens with jobs, businesses, stock markets, and the economy clearly have an impact on the nation, of which manufactured housing is a part.
For close readers of the Daily Business News evening market report here on MHProNews, there is a notably strong corollary between what the broader markets do, and what occurs with manufactured housing connected equities. While one could debate if that should be so or not, in rears, it is so.
Investor relations and quarterly statements by publicly trade firms involved in manufactured housing often cite the jobs market or broader economic conditions as a factor in their firm’s performance. These are among the reasons for the evolution of our evening market report plus some special reports that are “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes, and Factory-Built Housing.” © Broader economic, political, and market conditions most certainly impact manufactured, modular and prefab homes.
ICE raids on factory-builders are just one direct example of how immigration and border policies touch upon the manufactured home industry.
Another is the presence of undocumented, falsely documented, or illegal aliens at manufactured home (MH) sales centers and who are living in thousands of MH communities.
Who is Playing Politics?
The answer to this question is simple. Both major parties are playing politics.
Democrats and Republicans alike are hoping to score points for the 2020 election, since campaigns are de facto already underway. Each side has media allies that are carrying water for them.
That noted, the better question is what is the correct policy for the border and immigration? To explore that, we’ll begin with each sides claims. Here are the two videos from the President Trump’s Address to the Nation on the border issue, and the Democratic response. We’ll let the Democratic video go first. This version from the Washington Post had 988,348 views as of 4:53 PM ET on 1.11.2018.
Next video is the President Trump’s address from the Oval Office. This Fox News version of the video has had 507,544 view as of 4:57 PM ET, on 1.11.2019. The Deadline said that some 41 million Americans watched this under 9 minutes live. That same source said that the total viewers that watched the Democratic response topped that who viewed the president’s address.
Those high viewer numbers reflect what a recent AP NORC poll said, that immigration is among the top issues on the minds of Americans of all political stripes.
“The poll found that 65 percent of Republicans say immigration is one of the top five problems facing the country, up from 42 percent in 2017. Among Democrats, 37 percent cite immigration as a top issue, compared with just 2 in 10 a year ago,” said ABC 5.
“Roughly two-thirds of those who named immigration as a top priority express little confidence in the government to make progress this year, including a third who say they are “not at all” confident,” per ABC 5 on that AP-NORC poll. “About a third say they are at least moderately confident in the government to make progress on immigration.”
Facts, Figures, and Political Posturing
When former President Barack Obama’s new home in metro Washington, D.C. was acquired, the Obamas had a wall built for enhanced security. The White House is behind a fence. It is common for the rich and famous to fence or wall of their properties as part of the security.
There are videos of former Senator and President Barack Obama supporting border security that included double fencing, roads, and other measures. It is foolish for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, or former Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to argue that a border barrier is immoral, racist, or anything else, when they have all supported legislation that included fencing.
There is also no doubt that the candidate Donald J. Trump said that Mexico would pay for the wall. The President also said that he would own the shutdown of the federal government. These are indisputable. It is also true that the border barriers won’t stop all drugs or other illegal activities from occurring.
Border agents, years of actual history along fenced parts of the border, and the experiences of other nations all demonstrate that fencing and walls work. Locks on your door won’t keep out everyone that means to do you or your possessions harm. But we don’t remove doors or locks just because they are not 100 percent effective.
Illegal immigration is costly to America’s citizens. It has proven fatal or deadly to thousands harmed by the small percentage of criminals who come into the U.S. via the southern border.
A Democrat representative said this week that the calls into one of his district’s office for border control was running about 10 to 1 in favor of fencing, barriers, or a wall.
The law of supply and demand tells us that more low cost, low skill labor harms the earning power of other workers. It is worth noting that both sides claim to want to improve the flow of needed, higher skill workers.
Talk radio king Rush Limbaugh reported floated a surprising ‘solution’ to the border debate standoff. And it requires no fencing, barriers, or walls.
The solution, he opined, perhaps somewhat tongue-in-cheek “…enforce the law.”
- Mandatory eVerify. No hiring of any workers that don’t have legal status and the proper documents to go with it.
- No healthcare, education, housing assistance, or any other benefits for undocumented foreign nationals.
Style may bother some people, but facts and common sense should rule.
The video below from left-of-center CNBC explains that in 3 weeks, the shutdown could cost the nation more than the $5.6 billion that President Trump is asking for in border and related security funding.
There are good odds that President Trump will declare a state of emergency, and attempt to build the wall that way.
There are equally good odds that it will be challenged in a court by Democrats where they will expect a favorable ruling. Then a new phase of the struggle over the border issue begins in the courts.
Both sides have played politics, but the rationale for border security, immigration enforcement, and some common sense solution to those illegals who are already here should take place. The rest are details and commentary. “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
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