August 2018 new home shipment data is in.
Let’s be clear, it’s not a disaster. But it continues to signal issues and challenges that the Daily Business News on MHProNews has led-the-charge in spotlighting. Because during an affordable housing crisis, manufactured home should be doing much better than it is. RVs are outperforming manufactured homes by a wide margin. Clearly, something is missing in the leadership of the post-production side of the manufactured home industry.

A report will be published tomorrow that will reflect the national manufactured home shipment numbers, which are down a bit. Some states are still rising, but others are sliding.
A source with ties to the OMHA has provided the information shown in the graphic above. Michigan is one of the top ten manufactured housing states in the nation, as data from the product-focused independent producers Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) has reported. Michigan is the home to a number of large community operators, among others.

MHProNews highlighted last summer the trend in the same 5 states.
Winners and Losers, 5 Midwestern States, Manufactured Home Shipment Breakdown
This is a trend that MHProNews alone has tracked and raised the cautionary flags on in reports to manufactured housing industry professionals for some years.
While Manufactured Housing Overall Rises, Some Slip Sliding Away
Today is the November 6, 2018. Regulations, financing, placement, and politics are all among the issues that keep manufactured housing artificially limited at a time of a growing affordable housing crisis.
Manufactured Housing Institute Shipment Data, FEMA, an Inside Look
But tomorrow, whatever the outcome of voting, there will need to be plans forged and put into motion that will address the root cause of these issues.
Today, if you haven’t already vote wisely. Make sure your colleagues do the same. Tomorrow, the Daily Business News will bring more data, and much more about the next steps for forward-looking and honest-success minded industry professionals. That’s manufactured home “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
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The following are not the only purported purveyors of monopolistic moats, manipulating misinformation, or harmful policies and practices. But they are a good start. The companies listed ought to broken up under federal antitrust laws. Not regulated. Broken up. Don’t worry, the world didn’t stop when the AT&T monopoly was broken up in the 1980s, America benefited.