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It’s “Fair Warning,” not “I Told You So”


The written word, or the spoken word has its limits.  Words can be misunderstood.


Duly Warned

What follows is a reminder that we gave MH Industry readers a fair warning just days ago as to what was about to happen on S. 2155.

Once someone understands how ‘their game is played,’ what happens is utterly predictable with scary accuracy.

MHI pushed the inclusion of part of their MLO language from Preserving Access into S 2155. Fine.

But they failed to give you the all-important history. That we did, in the report linked below.

Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Asks Industry Members to Ask Senators to Support S 2155, Behind the Scenes Details

They – MHI – are either inept, or brilliant –  take your pickdepending on if your firm is a small to modest sized one, that needs this bill, OR if you’re a big one –> that wins if it the measure passes or if it fails.

There are two publishing voices you can routinely trust in MHVille, ours or MHARR’s. At times we see something modestly different, but on the big issues, we come to very similar conclusions; often completely independent of each other.


Supporting Preserving Access…but…

MHARR has no dog in the Preserving Access hunt. Some years back, when this writer was still under part of the MHI spell, MHARR’s then president told me if anyone calls and asks, do they support Preserving Access, ‘yes we do,’ said MHARR.

But what they only told a few in the industry is that MHARR felt MHI’s bill had no chance.  Preserving Access was a waste of time, it was window dressing. Years later, they proved to be 100% correct.

My industry colleagues, with humble hat in hand,  this Masthead writer bought what MHI was selling — not all of it, but enough of it as recently as two years ago. No more.  It was Voices Inside and Outside of MHI that convinced me Preserving Access was a sham.

So we did our own homework.

Those disgruntled MHI members, MHARR and others were right.  Which once more means, this writer admits to having been duped. No more. 

This anti-MHI amendment to S. 2155 was utterly predictable. It is irrelevant if they win or lose on this, see the commentary to understand.

It’s my turn – MHProNews’ turn – to say, if this S 2155 bill passes with or without MHI’s desired phrase, select big manufactured home industry players win either way.

Don’t waste a second on it. But watch, see for yourself, and learn as we did.

There are good reasons why MHI staff – or their big players behind them – are hiding from a public discussion of key issues (see resources, below).

The industry’s total numbers of independents are shrinking at an alarming rate.


21stMortgageCorpTimWillamsJune112009LetterBerkshireHathawayWarrenBuffettClaytonHomesManufacturedHousingIndustryDailyBusinessNewsMHProNews-704x768 (1)

The Atlantic, IBISWorld some years back on manufactured housing, and just last month – the Nation on Buffett and Clayton – recently pointed out why.

Monopolistic forces.


Fair Warning

We all ignore reality at your own peril.  We can deny gravity, but jump off a cliff, and gravity proves that it exists.

State associations quit MHI because they aren’t getting the job done (see resources, below).

Some businesses are quitting MHI, because it is a waste of time and money.

We said last year what an insider told us then. The big boys figured out how to get small to medium size companies to pay for – Via MHI – what the big boys wanted done.

And the big boys have it planned where win or lose on any given issue, the big boys win. The ‘moat’ gets bigger.

That’s a pretty good reason why Richard ‘Ducking Dick’ Jennison is not only still president, but gets a raise and bonuses (see resource and related links, below).

Imagine giving a losing quarterback a raise and bonuses? To a QB that has not a single winning season?  But you extend the contract, and give bonuses?

It’s absurd on its face, unless you see this painful (‘all of this alleged’) reality.

*** The big boys keep everyone via MHI, etc. busy, chasing whatever. Go to a meeting. Send an email. Make a phone call.  Do whatever! Meanwhile, win or lose on that issue or action, the powers that be behind MHI win.  That’s the scam in a nutshell. ***

When the big boys win, odds are good many little ones lost money or it all along the way. Meanwhile, the industry shrinks “consolidates” into the hands of some of those same big players.  Very convenient?

Time to smell the coffee? Time for a new, national post-production – retailers, communities, lenders, vendors -association? ## (News, analysis, commentary.)


Let’s make this simple.  If Duck, Dodging, Distraction Dick Jennison could make a good case in public, then why has he ducked out, each and every time?  The same question applies to Rick Robinson.  If they could disprove these and related concerns, why haven’t they just done so? 

Here’s another invitation, let’s do it at Tunica, later this month.  MHI, BH, got the guts?




State Associations, Companies Quit Membership in Manufactured Housing Institute, (MHI), One Explains in Writing, ‘Why?’

Busted! “Failure Bonus” Paid-Richard “Dick” Jennison, CEO Manufactured Housing Institute-per MHI Document$

‘Over Target’ Reactions, WHA Exec (ret) Ross Kinzler, Won’t Defend MHI Policies & Points to Prior MHI Failure

2012 Election Results and Coming Lame Duck Session

Inside Scoop Mulvaney-CFPB and MHI, Berkshire Hathaway Company Meeting Detail$

Finance Related:

Besides Preserving Access, there are the maneuvers that have taken place for years on the important Duty to Serve (DTS) issue.  Thankfully, the Washington, D.C. based trade group – as opposed to Arlington based MHI – has their eyes on the problematic issues emerging behind the curtain on that topic.

Plot Twist – Duty to Serve – Freddie Mac CEO Layton Called to Accountability w/Congressional, Administration Leaders Over New Manufactured Home Lending Revelations

Progressive “Nation” Reports on Monopolies Cites Buffett, Clayton, Others – MH Industry Impact?

(Third party images, cites are provided under fair use guidelines.)

ThereAreOnly2WaysToLearnOwnOthersExperiencesLATonyKovachManufacturedHousingIndustryMHProNews-575x235By L. A. “Tony” Kovach,
award-winning consulting, publisher, web, video, recruiting, sales training, business development service provider. | | Office 863-213-4090 |

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