There is so much that tens of millions of Americans, and our industry, have to be grateful for this Thanksgiving.
There are also so many threats, scandals, and possible disruptions of our society, industry, and the world, that this Thanksgiving ought to be a time for knee-mail, vs. email.
Scandals, lies, deception, threats, murders, smears – all these and more are symptoms of a deeper problem.
From nuclear war, to fears over AI/robotics, terrorism, crime, chemical, biological weapons — to the simple concerns that most are no longer able to deal with day to day matters properly, due to the ‘rigged system.’ Each of these are symptoms of a greater problem.
That problem has a three-letter description.
It may sound old-fashioned to speak of sin in an age where some claim that biblical literacy is at a multi-decades-low, where atheism, and sadly the Satanic are on the rise. Still, some 90 percent believe in a Creator here in America, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary.
Which of the problems our nation, industry, or world faces can’t be boiled down to one or more of the “7 Deadly Sins”…?
Which of our professional, economic, political, or social ills couldn’t be improved by applying the lessons of the “7 Cardinal Virtues”…?
“What’s wrong is that we don’t ask what’s right,” quipped the brilliant scholar, and believer, G.K. Chesterton.
This Thanksgiving, let’s each ponder and pray about what we can be grateful for, but also what we can do personally – to lead by example – to make our home and business – and thus the community, the MH Industry, nation, and the world a better place.
It always starts with one willing to be faithful, to step out, and be willing be the change.
We are not helpless, or hopeless, so long as we strive to do what that inner voice calls us to live up to…
Doesn’t change often start with the humility to bend the knee, and admit our need for the highest Power? To beg the Creator for mercy, courage, strength, and wisdom to do what’s right day-by-day?
Back to basics. The promise, and potential 0vercoming the problems, it all boils down to fundamental truths being learned, loved, and lived.
From all of us, to all of you…my you be richly blessed by this Thanksgiving. ##