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America – the Story of US – Declaration of Independence


Millions of Americans were taught or acquired a sanitized or weaponized view of American history. Even those of us who focused on history in high school and at university were to varying degrees tainted by the perspective of instructors, pop culture, or textbooks.

All of human history, not just American history, can be oversimplified as a struggle for increased freedom by some against the efforts of conquest or oppression by others. That’s a tonyism you may not find anywhere else. Keep that in mind, test it, and see if it proves useful time and again in understanding the past or current events.

Some never ponder conquering or oppressing others, just as some have a hard time imagining how individuals who have options might opt for a life of crime. For those, the notion of con men or manipulative forces doesn’t come readily. Thus, it might need additional information and evidence for that reality to be accepted. Mindful of it, there are times regular and longtime readers know this writer has admittedly been surprised by the truth too.

Every person or generation that opts not to accept oppression has their own unique fights for liberty and freedom.

It’s sad that millions of youth don’t fully appreciate, for example, how unique the American revolution, the abolition movement, and the Civil War were. True, other nations had their own struggles with slavery and indentured servitude. There are several other examples in world history of a dominated people of a country fighting off the occupation forces of others.

But the Declaration of Independence nevertheless stands apart from much of humanity’s story.

The first four-minute video helps sets the table for the Declaration. Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers were well versed in history, literature, and matters of faith. None were perfect. So, it is no surprise that their declaration and the aftermath were imperfect too.



But from an objective view of history, perhaps the most famous part of the Declaration reflects a unique vision for humanity, and we should be mindful that the term ‘men’ could easily be construed in this context as humans both male and female.

We hold these truths to be self-evident. That all men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights. That among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” The first draft read ‘life, liberty and property.’ The notion of privately-owned property was not new, nor were legal protections for property ownership novel. Those can be found in ancient biblical and other texts.

But stating them in such a political document as the premise for rebellion against the British monarch, that was notable. Enumerating the various ways that the English king violated those rights, that was meant to help rally support among the colonists for American Independence.

There is a stark contrast between using law as a means of safeguarding rights including property, vs creating laws that gave rulers rights and powers over the masses.

It is not a slam to say that America has never been perfect, that is just reality.

But it is useful and inspiring to ponder that slow march and the uneven rise and retreats over the years for people striving for freedom and self-government.

The history of America’s battle against not only British rule, but also against monopolistic power in the U.S. are useful to ponder for members of our industry.

We never tire of celebrating the good already achieved, mindful of the traps and swindles that have also existed, past and present.

Freedom is never free. It always comes at a price. It always requires effort and vigilance. But freedom is arguably worth the effort.

George Orwell had socialistic beliefs, so his insights were arguably somewhat flawed. But he nevertheless grasped that understanding history was important. Being detached from history makes the misinformed or the ignorant vulnerable.

Day by day we strive to authentically tell what’s occurring in manufactured housing from the perspective of industry professionals, investors and affordable housing advocates on MHProNews. On our sister site, MHLivingNews tells the tale of America’s most proven form of affordable homes in a way that makes sense for a broader audience.

In both the public and professional instances, we are using information, evidence, and reason to combat misinformation. MHProNews | MHLivingNews are fights for economic, legal, evidence-based pride, and thus socially accepted independence.

The second video – which is a ballad – tells a tale that may technically not seem to be related to Independence Day, or is it? It has over 8.9 million views.



In a sense, independence day began on July 2, when the draft of the declaration was done. But it was formalized on July 4, which is the official holiday. The words on the Liberty Bell say, “Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land Unto All the Inhabitants Thereof.” (Lev 25:10). Personal, economic, political, and religious freedom all go hand-in hand. Happy Independence Day, an important part of the story of U.S.

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LATonyKovachQuoteManufacturedHousingIndustryWontReachPotentialAddresscoreIssuesArtificallyholdingitback466By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for

Tony earned the Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma. He has earned multiple awards in manufactured housing and in history. He’s a managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and

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