“Keep our Rights,” “Come Hell or High Water” says Resident


A recent story involving MHVille included a threat to life and limb directed at a manufactured home (MH) resident.


The MH resident – per local media – decided to prepare.  He was “locked and loaded,” when the alleged perp approached the manufactured home with the stated intent to do harm. The home owner opened fire, killing the man.  At last check, after an investigation, no charges have been filed against the manufactured home owner, presumably a case of self-defense.


In the wake of shootings like Parkland, Vegas, and YouTube incidents, perhaps the most serious push in years is underway to limit the use of firearms, including – but not limited to – AR15s.

Passions run high on both sides of the topic. Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, per MarketWatch and numerous other media, has gone so far as to urge the repeal of the Second Amendment. Ouch.

That’s a bridge too far for millions.

Against that backdrop, the Daily Business News takes a look at one of the biggest controversies rocking the country, guns.  The video below features two speakers, both of which make interesting points.  The seemingly slow starting second speaker on the video – once he gets going, has a dramatic finish – attendees at the meeting break into applause. The video below was suggested by a veteran industry reader asked for an example about the passions tied to the 2nd Amendment/gun control topic.



Pickup Trucks, Gun Racks and Manufactured Homes…?

MHProNews notes what retailers and some communities in various parts of the U.S. have said.  Home shoppers coming to MH sales centers sometimes come in pickup trucks, which may include gun racks and weapon(s) on proud display.  Naturally, industry pros include gun owners who are pro-2nd Amendment too.  Clearly, there are those in the industry who promote gun control.

In doing home owner videos for MHLivingNews, several manufactured home owners have had:

  • gun racks,
  • gun safes,
  • visible firearms on a table or dresser,
  • bows and arrows,
  • hunting trophies,
  • gun related photos,
  • military, law enforcement or other examples of how deeply the ties are between gun ownership and millions of manufactured home owners.
One of several gun owners – and an avid hunter – interviewed for the MHLivingNews Inside MH Road Show series.  Note the batten strip below the bear’s left forearm.


How Hot Topics Like Guns Can Create Useful Connections for the MH Industry

There isn’t a single issue that one can think about that doesn’t find an echo among manufactured home professionals and/or MH home owners. Guns are just one of them. The gun issue is – potentially – one with far more practical importance to the industry than many professionals may first realize.

Part of the purpose of the MHLivingNews Inside MH Road Show series of videos was crafted precisely with the idea of helping potential buyers connect with others “like them.”

When you see a retired Pfizer executive – a proud gun owner, and along with his wife, an avid hunter – talk in a matter-of-fact-manner about their interest(s), connections with potential home owners are created.  Note the bear in the photo that the gun-toting couple proudly display, above.


That type of interview is best done, as millennial and 3rd generation manufactured home community professional Tom Fath said, by third party trade media. Otherwise, it comes off as staged and as a commercial.

The bottom line is that whatever your views on the gun and 2nd Amendment issue, it offers an opportunity in disguise for savvy professionals

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in the manufactured housing industry. Whatever side of the topic you happen to be, there are millions like you who would self-select and be drawn like a magnet to your place of business. That’s “News through the lens of Manufactured Housing.” © “We Provide, You Decide.”  © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)

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SoheylaKovachManufacturedHomeLivingNewsManufacturedHousingIndustryDailyBusinessNewsMHProNews-Submitted by Soheyla Kovach to the Daily Business News for MHProNews.com.

Soheyla is a managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.

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