It should be patently obvious that among the best possible sources for information on manufactured home living are consumers.
Unfortunately, as the Daily Business News has documented for years, the news stories found in much of the mainstream media routinely sees a negative tilt to manufactured housing, often incorrectly called “trailer houses,” “trailer parks,” and “mobile homes” by reporters. Sadly, not many in media use the correct term of manufactured home, when the factory built home as constructed after June 15, 1976 to the HUD Code standards.
The affordable housing is such a huge issue that a Google search today yielded 104 million search results.
Among the reasons why the work of pro-industry trade media can be irreplaceable are found in the two screen captures shown below.
Do the Google searches shown, and you’ll see the results as noted. By the way, click the image and you’ll Part II of our Affordable Housing Focus Group and the related video.

There are many things that must take place for manufactured housing to achieve its potential. Among them? The industry must get to the root issues that keep the industry from producing and selling hundreds of thousands of new homes.

The independence, fact-based and authentic stories and quotes are what makes MHLivingNews and MHProNews useful for the industry.
Similarly, the ability of MHProNews of holding those outside and inside of the industry to accountability for accuracy matters to discerning readers.
Weather Expert’s Surprising, Bombshell Statement on Tornado Deaths and Affordable Manufactured Homes –
An eye-opening statement from a National Weather Service (NWS) expert reveals that tornado related risk of death for residents of mobile or manufactured homes are being improperly warned, and reported. Before diving into that exclusive, written statement from NWS, it is instructive to look at the safety, durability, and quality issue about factory-built homes in a broader way.
Researchers Shake Up American Dream? Rent vs. Buy, Ken Johnson, Florida Atlantic University, Exclusive to ManufacturedHomeLivingNews –
For those who want the bottom line first, new university research reveals that manufactured homes could be a superior housing value when it comes to wealth creation. With that executive summary, let’s dig into the details of the new research, and what the co-author of the university study specifically told MHLivingNews in an exclusive on-the-record statement.
Correcting the Record on Housing Affordability, Manufactured Home Shoppers, & MHI –
Every year, millions of Americans are looking for a new place to call home. A new report on the Daily Business News states that 1 out of 9 Americans are moving a year , per the U.S. Census Bureau. People move for many reasons.
Make no mistake, this can’t be done solo, it is always done in conjunction with and thanks to the support of clients and sponsors of MHProNews and MHLivingNews.
This is an important part of how the industry can advance from low levels, to robust levels. It should be obvious that with shipments in 2017 under 100,000 when RVs are outselling manufactured homes by more than 5 to 1, that something must be done differently. What’s happened for the last 5, 10 or even 15 years is proven not to work by shipment statistics.
Google’s results – shown above – are an indicator of how this can and does, work. What’s necessary, is to scale the proven results. Positive stories must be done on MHLivingNews several times a week. Debunking negative stores must be done within hours or days, whenever possible. That must happen routinely. Pretty photos, cool websites, 3D tours, and wonderful videos are fine. But if they were the solution to the industry’s needs, manufactured homes would be selling well north of 500,000 new homes a year.
Bad news must be supplanted and challenged by the truth and good news. See the related reports, below. ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
(Third party images are provided under fair use guidelines.)
Related Reports:
“Silver Bullet,” Manufactured Housing’s Monday Morning Sales Meeting

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Soheyla is a managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and