In a notice titled “Pressure Continues for Federal Sprinkler Standard”, the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) reports the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee’s telephone conference July 20 did not result in any voting. Discussion centered on the the federal sprinkler standard which is still before the Technical Structure and Design Subcommittee. Proponents of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI)’s “where required” regulation say it is just a technical issue about the sprinklers. One committee member said the issue of federal preemption of any sprinkler standard still needs to be addressed. MHARR maintains that any sprinkler standard in the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations regarding manufactured housing could become an across-the-board standard. Henry Czauski, the new acting head of the HUD Manufactured Housing program, said the scope of federal preemption is being studied and he expects to have an answer for the MHCC “soon.” Czauski said the subcommittee is analyzing the costs and benefits of the sprinkler standard. These issues will be discussed at the in-person meeting of the MHCC October 18-10, 2011.
For a link to a related story from MHARR to its members obtained by MHMSM.com, click on this link: http://www.mhmarketingsalesmanagement.com/latest-news-from-mharr/1768-pressure-continues-for-federal-fire-sprinkler-standard-at-mhcc-meeting
(image courtesy HUD)