The principle of the “Wheat and Chaff” is a time-honored one dating back over 2000 years to ancient Israel and other parts of the Middle East. Separating “wheat from chaff” – the healthy from the unhealthy, the good from the bad – is a highly useful concept in our manufactured home related reports, fact checks, and analysis on MHProNews or The video that follows is an example of a source that on another video we reviewed from them had factual flaws and spin, but on this video posted appears to be grounded in accurate information, potent, and relevant truths useful for manufactured housing professionals, most notably industry independents and affordable advocates.
This video posted below does not cite manufactured housing, but the pattern that Robert Reich narrates in The Monopolization of America illustrated video applies to our industry too, as a report linked here documented. It is shared because the principles are worthy of being understood, and so that those spin-artists in manufactured housing can’t hide. It’s not just manufactured housing that is arguably being conquered, it is sadly part of a broader pattern in America.
Left-of-center Bloomberg said in a report previously cited by MHProNews that “The pressure to dismantle Berkshire will mount.”
More recently, Bloomberg ran another report on the same topic, namely, Warren Buffett’s encouraging his successor at Berkshire Hathaway to keep the conglomerate together. While a breakup can occur for several reasons, one of them is obviously antitrust, or related to allegations or concerns over monopolistic practices that may have crossed legal lines.
Legal Insider Information on Berkshire
A manufactured home industry focused legal source told MHProNews that there has been some shakeup in the antitrust side of Berkshire’s legal team. If so, it is an apparent signal to manufactured home industry professionals that Berkshire understands the threat of an antitrust case, and has for some time.
Manufactured housing’s relatively low ebb cannot be fully grasped without understanding the power of market dominance, monopolies, oligopolies, and the Moat. Those factors influence associations, for good or ill, as a recent example linked here reminds us, but a prior one linked here also underscores. Both of those reports were based upon tips from state associations, some of whom are towing the MHI ‘party line’ but may nevertheless disagree or even resent being dictated to by the purported Omaha-Knoxville-Arlington axis.
Monopolistic power has influenced political, media, and messaging for good or ill. The Robert Reich video hits on principles that without saying so, takes aim at some of Reich’s political party backers.
The answer to many challenges facing manufactured housing can be reduced to these notions.
- Enforce existing laws.
- The need for accurate information, authenticity in fact-checks, and follow-the-money style logic-and-evidence.
- Proper, effective advocacy. The breakaway of the states and members of the National Association of Manufactured Housing Community Owners (NAMHCO) is but one example of a de facto indictment of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) arguably failed leadership and effectiveness for independents. MHI is arguably effective at consolidation of industry players, which is precisely what the Robert Reich video is about.

There are other publishers in manufactured housing, and they have steered completely or largely clear of these issues. That is there right, which we at MHProNews respect.

But it also helps explain why all of them are reportedly close readers of MHProNews, as this is the most read and trusted independent media source in the manufactured home industry. The visual evidence doesn’t lie.
That’s this morning’s edition of “Delivering to Manufactured Home Independents & Investors Useful Intelligence for Your Professional Life.” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)

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The Masthead
They are industry professionals that currently hail from primarily south-central or southern states. They may hunt, fish, go to the honky-tonk, or go four wheeling in the mud for fun. They’re routinely patriots – people of faith, flag, and family, who love the constitution and their second amendment protected guns.
The Masthead
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