Cat’s Out-Manufactured Housing Institute-Housing Coalition Letter to Congress Fact Check-Analysis Reveals What MHI, NAR, NAHB, MBA, Others Did-Didn’t Request-AI Affordable Housing Surprises Await
‘With NPR’s Left-Wing Bias Again Exposed Its Taxpayer Subsidies Draw Renewed Scrutiny’ – Polemics About NPR CEO Katherine Maher-Uri Berliner – Why it Matters to MHVille – Facts and Analysis
‘Which Came First the Chicken or the Egg?’ Unveiled – Science-Reason-Faith-Business-Ethical Behavior Challenges Reveal Keen Insights on Charlie Munger, Sam Zell, Warren Buffett and Many Others
Affordable Housing Crisis Solution Made Easy – 9 Minutes of Facts with Applied Common Sense
‘Grand Canyon Sized Gap’ Between the Elites and Most of Us – Research Reveals What the 1 Percent Think of the 99 Percent – Survey Results, Facts, with Population Manipulation MHVille Analysis
Whitehead: ‘Watched – You’re Likely Already on Govt Watchlist’ – ‘2024 Is the New 1984: The Rise of the Security Industrial Complex’ – Evidence, Claims, Facts, and Analysis
Dr. William Happer Explains Science on CO2 and Climate – Happer, Other Experts on Motivation, Agenda, Psychology and Sociology Behind Agenda Driven Big Lies – Why it Matters to USA-World-MHVille
Life and Death-In Some Ways We Choose Our Own Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory – Exploring Thoughts from Bootcamp for Boomers, Gen Z Concerns, AARP-AMAC-ACRU-Akalue and Joe Biden-Realities Check
Independent Party ID Tied Record High-Democratic ID New Low per Gallup–How that Matters in Affordable Housing-Manufactured Home Advocacy and Manufactured Housing Industry Performance-Reality Checks
Happy Holidays! ‘Outrageous’-In Time for Christmas, New MHI Doc Reveals Apparent Threats to any Who Disagree w/Manufactured Housing Institute as MHI Declares Sweeping New Meeting-Event Powers
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News Analysis

My Mistake

My Mistake

I erred. Fumbled the ball. I made a mistake. Wish I hadn’t, but there it is and all that is to be done is to admit the glitch, try to make amends and hope that all will be understood and forgiven. Please let me explain…

7 Image Building Words for Manufactured Housing!

7 Image Building Words for Manufactured Housing!

The reason marketers use ‘tag lines’ and the reason politicians use short catchy phrases is they have the power to stick in the mind and create a powerful image or impression.

Let’s do something very simple, positive and creative here. Everyone who reads this, take a moment and share a maximum of 7 Image Building words for Manufactured Housing. Note that phrase was 7 words.

Pick 7 or fewer Words – that if you or others used it in the public in the context of manufactured housing, would get people thinking, make them curious or start changing people’s ideas about manufactured homes today.

As an example, let me start this off with a phrase I’ve used many times , to get this discussion started off:

Stronger, Smarter, Safer, Stylish, Savings!

Virtual Louisville Housing Show

Virtual Louisville Housing Show

The name practically says it all. Take the best of the past. Unite that with today’s technology and marketing. Offer every segment of manufactured housing a well deserved boost towards a brighter future! Announcing the Virtual Louisville Housing Show ©!

You are not Alone

You are not Alone. The facts on the largest and still fastest growing Manufactured Housing Industry trade journal and what it means for you and your factory built housing organization.

Victory is won not in miles but in inches…

“Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.” ~ Louis L’Amour

“An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.” ~ Winston Churchill

As INdividuals and as an INdustry, we face many very real challenges. We also face unprecedented opportunities. Here at Manufactured Home Marketing Sales Management, we seek to make Innovation – Information – Inspiration for Industry Professionals more than a tag line, we work to make it a reality. It is by working together, by sharing SOLUTIONS and PROVEN ideas that we can being the turn around process for one and all. Please resolve TODAY to reach out to at least one industry pro with a positive message: one of your own team members, someone you know down the road or across the country by email. Reach out to at least one public or elected official a day. Reach out to your local media and people of influence at least every other week. If you do this, it won’t take long for you and the industry to see the difference.

A Call To Action

A Call To Action

Putting American modular, pre-fab and manufactured home builders to work building strong, modest homes for Haitians.

…A rough estimate of 10 billion dollars could put thousands back to work building housing instead of tents for those 2,000,000 Haitians. Properly invested, that 10 billion could build 400,000 strong yet modest dwellings, transport and install them. Compare that to passing out billions for unemployment checks, which makes more sense? Would we rather put Americans back to work, and let American know-how team up with Haitian labor installing those homes; or would we rather see waves of refugees coming to our shores as so often happens after political or economic disasters overseas? How long will 2 million people live in tents 710 miles from Miami, Florida?…



“…put your family’s financial future behind operating a retail location in today’s economic climate. You will find that fear will quickly become your constant companion if not a driving force.”…

…See how to turn fear into positive ACTION!

Welcome – The Masthead January 2010

We are pleased to present the first TRENDS 2010 Survey responses! Owners, executives, Industry rank and file; you’ll find candid comments ranging from the tame to the bold, from common sense to the controversial!