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Manufactured Home Pros and Community Owners-Management Unite for Better Performance!

ron-thomas-sr-rv-mh-hall-of-fame-mmhf-chairman-mhpronews-MH Community (MHC) owner, Hall of Famer and MMHF Chairman Ron Thomas Sr. says there is a hunger in the ranks of MHPros for knowledge. We happen to agree. For those in the MHC world who are within a day’s drive or flight of Louisville, KY, if you want great insights from real-world veterans who know how to get the job in MHCs done!

Last year it was Standing Room Only (SRO) at most of our Business Building Seminars at the 2014 Louisville Show. This was one of those packed room sessions!  Ross_Kinzler_credit_Community_Connections_posted_on_MHProNews

So we asked award-winning Ross Kinzler to reprise his role as moderator for a panel that will feature the following MHC  pros, who span the gamut from “mom and pop” to a big publicly traded company and more!

Bob-Van-Shyuver-umhproperties-posted-masthead-blog-mhpronews-Bob Van Schuyver – UMH Properties. Bob’s experiences in MH include years of successful MH street retailing as well more recent years in management at UMH, which is one of the fastest growing companies in the MHC sector.maria-horton-newport-pacific-posted-masthead-blog-mhpronews-

Maria Horton Newport Pacific Family of Companies. Newport Pacific owns and fee manages manufactured home communities, has a stand alone company, Cirus Development and does unique near-net-zero super-energy saving factory built homes and more..

mary-o'hara-roc-usa-posted-mashtead-blog-mhpronews-com-Mary O’Hara – ROC USA. ROC USA is a clear leader in the resident owned community space, and had a record year in 2014. A recent ROC conversion story, is linked here.

Tammy Fonk – now with CBRE, but who began her MH career at the family MH retail center tammy-fonk-cbre-posted-masthead-blog-mhpronews-com-and well run MHCommunity.

Expect a brief opening statement from each member of this all-star panel, with questions from Ross or audience attendees and discussion by the pros you see here. The audience interaction last year was tremendous, so expect that again next week! See date/time, linked here.


Program Change

Ever want to ask questions or meet with some MH Industry Leaders? The first program on Wednesday has morphed into a series of leader comments to Louisville Show attendees. See the revised first session line up, linked here.

Finance Panels – Communities and Home Lending, including the new 2015 appraisal rule discussion link here!

Growing your Marketing and Sales Results

L A Tony Kovach - Dominate Your Local Market presentation at NYHousing Assoc 2011 Annual Meeting posted MHProNews.comYours truly will be doing presentations on this subject, with a special guest who is flying in from Texas to tell you his experiences. See Dwayne’s story, linked here. The presentations and profitable business building topics, are linked here.  Here’s what others say about what my presentations and handiwork.

Come meet Tamas – Mr Popular! – The Youngest Exhibitor!The youngest exhibitor at the Show was Tamas (pronounced tah-mash) Kovach, right front.  Soheyla Kovach, Jeff Templeton and Matthew Silver (L-R) all with (

Pardon the parental pride, but our little son Tamas (pronounced like “Tah Mash,” Thomas in Magyar) will be back in 2015, along with his lovely mom Soheyla (hey, my better half – we make Louisville an annual family affair! :-) will be at Booth #115. I’ll be there, or at the Seminar Room or walking the exhibits and home show floor with our videographer.

If you want to see growth in 2015, want to compare factories, service providers, etc. then come to Louisville. We hope you’ll stop by next week, drop off your card so we can keep you posted on the news of a new lender entering MH and otherIndustry News, Tips and Views You Can Use.  © ##

(Photo credits: MHProNews)

l-a-tony-kovach-us-supreme-court-washington-dc-posted-masthead-blog-mhpronews-com-By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach.

