Saratogan reports Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley is suing the owners of Saratoga Springs NY based Morgan RV Resorts, alleging the company is intimidating members to collect exorbitant fees in their Cape Cod manufactured housing community. According to Coakley’s press release, the company’s sales team “aggressively solicited homeowners at Peters Pond to pay up to $16,000 as a membership fee to remain in the community.” The fee was allegedly on top of the $6,000 annual fee owners paid for their land lease at the Sandwich, Mass., housing community. AG Coakley’s lawsuit seeks to end the collection and also return the fees already paid by residents. Coakley alleges the practices are a violation of the Consumer Protection Act and the Manufactured Housing Act. According to the lawsuit, nearly 100 homeowners have paid to join the club out of fear that they would lose their home. Morgans RV Resorts officials did not respond to a message seeking comment by the reporting publiser’s press time.