Industry Voices By Savvy Insightful Passionate MH Professional


Industry Voices By Savvy Insightful Passionate MH Professional

HUD’s William Matchneer Speaks at MHI’s Winter Meeting

William Matchneer, HUD’s Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regulatory Affairs and Manufactured Housing addressed over 100 members at MHI’s Winter Meeting on February 2 in Savannah, Georgia. Matchneer outlined the Department’s priorities for the manufactured housing program in 2010 as follows:

  • The long awaited proposed rule on the new Title I loan insurance will be published within the next few weeks.
  • A Manufactured Housing Lenders Summit hosted by FHA Commissioner David Stevens and Congressman Joe Donnelly (D-IN) will be held to find solutions to the financing issues affecting this industry.
  • Action will be taken to protect preemption of the HUD code by publishing a proposed rule on the changes recommended by the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC) and it would be in the industry’s best interest for this to be on a three year cycle of code changes consistent with other nationally recognized building codes.
  • Changes to the MHCC by-laws and rules as prescribed by the Federal Advisory Committee Act were finalized to improve the MHCC process.
  • Efforts will continue in working with manufacturers to provide technical assistance to update manufacturing plant quality assurance manuals. He emphasized that HUD is not viewing these actions as an enforcement issue, but rather an opportunity for HUD to serve as a resource to assist manufacturers in putting updated quality assurance procedures in place.
  • A proposed rule to Manufacturer Inspection and Certification Requirements and Primary Inspection Agency responsibilities (24 CFR Part 3282 Subparts E and H) will be published by this Summer.
  • Serious and thoughtful review of all comments submitted to HUD in response to its proposed rulemaking on the SAFE Act will be made. Matchneer encouraged everyone to submit comments to the proposed rule by February 16.
  • The non-career administrator position will not be filled in the next few months due to budget constraints. He assured members that we have an excellent industry advocate in FHA Commissioner David Stevens who is a highly regarded official. Matchneer is the industry’s point person at HUD. He knows how critical these issues are to the industry and is there to help. He encouraged members to continue to work through the MHI staff with which he has a great working relationship.

Other topics discussed at the Winter Meeting were weather radios, Energy Star Tax Credit extender legislation, pre-1976 replacement home legislation, FEMA emergency housing and financing issues. The two-day meeting concluded with a meeting of the MHI Board of Directors. Resolutions were passed on the SAFE Act and federal preemption. MHI will be working hard during the upcoming months on these critical regulatory and legislative issues.

MHI is the the preeminent national trade association for manufactured and modular housing industries, representing all segments of the industries before Congress and the Federal government. From its Washington, D.C. area headquarters, MHI actively works to promote fair laws and regulation for all MHI members and the industry. For more information on MHI, visit


Marty Lavin, J.D., Weighs in on Resident Complaints of Predatory Behavior by Manufactured Home Community Consolidators

Tony, I am not familiar with this situation, other than as the news account details. On the one hand I know from personal experience that …

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Karl Radde – TMHA, MHI, Southern Comfort Homes – Addressing Bryan City Leaders, Letter on Proposed Manufactured Home Ban

To All Concerned [Bryan City Officials, Others]: As the retail location referenced by Mr. Inderman, I would like to take a moment to address the …

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MHC Pro Eddie Hicks, Federal Stalemate, and the 28th Amendment Solution

If you, like me, are somewhat totally perplexed by the apparent “stalemate” our duly elected members of Congress are in, perhaps it’s because in recent …

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“Trailer Park Boys” Al Kemp, Canadian Manufactured Home Community Association, Reacts to Netflix Series

Hi Tony, The short answer is that – at least in Canada – “trailer park” connotes exactly the type of persons portrayed in Trailer Park …

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Social Media, Mass Emails vs. the Personal Touch? Field Testing Business Development Methodologies

As someone who has been selling my services globally for over forty years, I recently decided to dramatically reduce using technology, social media and mass …

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The Importance for Businesses and Investors in Manufactured Housing for Selecting the Next Supreme Court Justice

Predictability in law is the key to a prosperous Republic. Laws must be interpreted based on the language in them first and foremost. Only, when …

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Free Trade or Economic War?

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Law Allows Real Estate Personnel to Sell Homes in Your Manufactured Home Community

Real estate personnel are now allowed to sell homes in manufactured and mobile home parks without first having to be licensed as a broker under …

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Manufactured Homes – Access & Equity – a Key Cure for America’s Housing Shortages, Wealth-Building Says Activist Donald Tye, Jr.

Manufactured housing could cure most of the ills we have in this country as it pertains to the housing shortage. Why then is it not …

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State Association Quits Membership in Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), Explains in Writing, Why?

The manufactured housing industry has long been a mainstay of affordable housing in the United States.  For decades the industry has provided an unmatched quality …

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“No Greater Resource” in Manufactured Housing Industry

Dear Tony and Soheyla, Thank you for your great reporting on our industry and the challenges we face as independent retailers. There is no greater …

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McCrory Lawsuit – “Significant Victory Against Zoning Discrimination” – Manufactured Homes

The McCrory lawsuit is a significant victory against zoning discrimination that many working families in Arkansas face from cities and towns when they attempt to …

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