Industry Voices By Savvy Insightful Passionate MH Professional


Industry Voices By Savvy Insightful Passionate MH Professional

Highlights of 2010 Mid-Term Election

MHI logoA Republican wave on November 2, 2010 surged across much of the nation with a decisive victory. As is evident from last night’s election, this country is changing and that will have a long-term effect on our politics, political parties and policies. Republicans regained control of the House of Representatives by a margin of 239-187. The U.S. Senate split 51 (D) – 46 (R ); 3 seats undecided, and several House and Senate races are still too close to call and a number of races may require election recounts.

MHI-PAC had a successful election cycle with 84% of the pro-business candidates endorsed won their elections. Click here for the Post-Election Update of MHI-PAC’s Win/Loss Record. Thanks to hundreds of our members nationwide, MHI had the ability to support government leaders who will work to further the goals of our industry.

On a positive note, several key manufactured housing proponents retained their seats:

  • Congressman Joe Donnelly (D-IN-02), a member of the House Financial Services Committee. Through his leadership, HR 5369 the “Manufactured Housing Licensing Clarification Act of 2010” was introduced in Congress. The purpose of the legislation is to clarify and exempt certain activities conducted by manufactured home salespersons and retailers from the requirements of mortgage loan originator licensing.
  • Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA-03), Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee. On MHI’s behalf, Chairman Frank sent a letter to HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan seeking clarification of the SAFE Act and to convey the importance of the manufactured housing industry.
  • Congressman Ken Calvert (R-CA-44), 9th term member of Congress and Republican chairman of the House Manufactured Housing Caucus. Congressman Calvert will be instrumental in helping the industry navigate though the implementation process of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

We note with sadness that several key manufactured housing champions lost their re-election bids:

  • Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), a member of the Senate Finance Committee and a leading advocate in supporting legislation to require the Administrator of FEMA to implement a plan which addresses the abundance of surplus manufactured housing units stored by the Federal Government.
  • Congressman Baron Hill (D-IN-09), a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee. Congressman Hill introduced the Energy Efficient Manufactured Housing Act (H.R. 1749). The Legislation authorize the Department of Energy (DOE) to make grants to states to provide owners of manufactured homes constructed prior to 1976 with a one-time only rebate of up to $7,500 to use towards the purchase of a new Energy Star qualified manufactured home.
  • Congressman Bob Etheridge (D-NC-02), a 7th term member of Congress and Democratic chairman of the House Manufactured Housing Caucus. Congressman Etheridge supported tax extension legislation (H.R. 4213) which was approved by the House of Representative. The bill extends, section 45L, the tax credit providing $1,000 to manufacturers of Energy Star HUD Code homes and $2,000 for modular homes.

In addition, MHI looks forward to working with all new members of Congress, Republican or Democrat, who as a matter of strategic principle, MHI has sought to build relationships on both sides of the aisle in order to be well positioned whatever the electoral outcome. We could not have scripted the outcome of this year’s elections, but the wisdom of a bipartisan approach has been vindicated.

In January 2011, the 112th Congress will bring many newcomers to Capitol Hill. If a new Member of Congress represents your state or district, please make it a priority to call, write or visit these new representatives as soon as possible. Every election is a beginning, not an end; every new Member of Congress is an opportunity to win new friends for MHI.

In the coming weeks, House GOP leaders are expected to conduct leadership elections and formalize the chamber’s leadership for the 112th Congress. Following this, House and Senate leaders will begin the task of formalizing committee rosters and hiring committee staff. The new House GOP leadership will have an opportunity to begin putting its new majority to use relatively quickly. The President is slated to provide the State of the Union Address in mid-January followed by the release of the 2012 budget outline in early-February. Both are expected to garner strong resistance from the new House Republican majority and provide an opportunity to highlight key policy divisions between Republicans and Democrats.

MHI is beginning the process of reaching out to new House and Senate members in an effort to build a cohesive coalition in support of the industry’s priorities. The 112th Congress is expected to be heavily partisan and provide little opportunity for substantial policy reform. It is critical the industry begin the process of communicating policy concerns to new and existing Members of Congress now.

If you have any questions contact the MHI Government and Legislative affairs team at or 703-558-0675, or 703-558-0660.


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