High School Developing Modular Unit in South Dakota

modular hab for hum by  high school students clark county wash  steven lane thecolumbianPartnering with a modular building manufacturer, high school students in Vermillion, South Dakota are constructing a housing unit they say could be useful from the cold of the Arctic Circle to the heat of the Gulf Coast. A state grant, according to ksltv.com, will cover the building costs for the module that will be constructed behind the school. The district’s career and technical education instructor, Mark Pier, says the modular unit project is also aiming at oil field workforce housing. MHProNews understands while Vermillion is in the far southeast corner of the state, the oilfields in western North Dakota are drawing modular housing from diverse areas, some farther away than Vermillion. The name of the modular manufacturer was not immediately available. ##

(Photo credit: Steven Lane/thecolumbian.com–Clark County Washington, high school student built Habitat for Humanity home)

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