Early Modular on Tour

A guided bus tour sponsored by the Madison (WI) Trust for Historic Preservation will explore the history of residential architecture and their neighborhoods from the 1850’s to the 1950’s in Madison, Sat., June 10. Included on the tour will be a neighborhood of modular metal Lustron houses, built for returning World War II veterans, according to madison.com. In Madison employees of the nearby Oscar Mayer plant inhabited many of these homes in Eken Park on Madison’s east side. “We’ll get to see the mansions right alongside housing for the working class that worked along the railroad corridor,” Anna Andrzejewski, Professor of art history at Madison/UW said. “Seeing all that, when rich and poor lived side-by-side together, I think will surprise people.” As MHProNews has learned, the Lustron Homes were one of the earliest modular homes in the country.

(Photo credit: John Hat/statejournal–Lustron houses in Madison, WI)

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