To follow-up on a story we published Nov. 07, 2011, The T&D tells a man from Neeses, South Carolina, was sentenced to eight years in prison after pleading guilty to six counts of breach of trust for taking money for manufactured homes never delivered. If rom Colter was arrested last Nov. after allegations began emerging in the summer of his fraudulent behavior. 18 known people gave him money for MH and received nothing in return. During the hearing Colter offered to make restitution in exchange for probation, but Circuit Court Judge Ed Dickson noted the four months the Orangeburg County man has been in jail he has not offered to repay anyone. First Circuit assistant solicitor Ted Lupton said restitution would run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, and it is unrealistic to think he would repay the money within the five years state law requires. “You can’t get blood out of a turnip but you can lock up the turnip,” Lupton said. One woman who lost money said Colter gave her a phony name.