Questions and Support for a Manufactured Housing Image Campaign

For over a decade, our Industry has 'talked' about doing a manufactured housing image and marketing campaign.  Let's look at what others are asking and saying about the approach we have developed in consultation with industry leaders.

Before we get to some public support statements, let's look at the type of questions and concerns that are the most common.

“We have a lot to do as an industry before we can do an image and marketing campaign. Lending is too limited. We need to correct the lack of professionalism by so many in sales, leasing and management who deal with the home seeking public. We have legislative issues that need to be tackled, such as Dodd-Frank. Why not fix what is needed first, and then do your proposed manufactured home image campaign?”

                           – privately submitted comment.

While most people who have written or called have favored the idea of an industry Image and Marketing campaign, the one above is pretty common among those who do hesitate about starting such an effort at this time. Let me circle back below to his fellow's concern.

Let's look at three more public comments in support.

“MHS statement of support for the Phoenix Project…

This project is tremendously great and much needed. To bring the MH industry together to better our image, reputation, products, and business is long overdue. Will it be easy? Of course not, but then nothing that is truly worthwhile ever is. I applaud Tony and everyone at MHMSM for spearheading and managing this effort. We will be more than happy to participate in any way needed.

                           – Derrick Hachey, Manufactured Home Source

Or here is another:

“Hello Tony,

We here at the national trade association for the rent-to-own trade association are looking into the same type of image campaign. We have had PR initiatives for nearly two decades and have been successful but need to take it to the next level. Any unified industry PR/Marketing/Image campaign is a great achievement in of itself and I believe we can learn much from each other."

Richard May
APRO Public Affairs Director

All support is valued, but I find the one above to be very insightful.  Here is an example of another industry – the rent to own housing industry – which is looking to do what we are proposing.  So besides the GoRVing example we hear about so often, here is an industry that has had a PR effort, but wants to move it ahead and take it to the next level.

Or this one from a gentlemen connected to both the Manufactured Home Communities world and with web initiatives:

When sent you email had not read about exciting initiative
described. I salute your alliance plan. Count me in as well as let me
know how I can truly get behind it. It's VITAL to our industry.
Cheers, Craig"

                              – Craig Bollman”

It should be noted that the support for moving ahead with something as soon as possible is running far more than 3 to 1 vs. those who say we should delay.  That said, let's take a closer look at the statement of questions/concerns above.

The first owner/professional brings up noteworthy questions. My reply to him or others would be:

  • We don't have a lending problem, we have a problem with attracting the prospects with good credit. Who says?  Statistics and Our Industry's chattel lenders!  Our Industry's current chattel lenders can loan far more to those who have good credit. So in essence, this is a marketing issue.
  • MHI's statistics reveals that the manufactured housing industry hovers between 8%-21% of the total housing market penetration in the last decade plus. Too often we attract less credit worthy customers. As last week's blog post demonstrated there are plenty of Americans who could qualify for our product. We need to attract them!
  • Attracting better credit prospects, and learning how to handle them in a customer friendly fashion so they will return with their friends, family and professional associates is one key.This is one reason why those who will be a part of this process will receive sales 'coaching' on a marketing and sales process that will lead to more customers with better credit scores or cash.
  • We agree that Dodd-Frank is important, but the answer is to engage on the issue not wait and hope. The MH Alliance will be a tool to do just that for the Industry, supporting existing associations with support from manufactured home owners.

Sitting in on the next GoToMeeting (webinar) will help answer your questions.

While we appreciate all the positive comments, above and on our previous post on this subject,

what should be emphasized is that the easiest way to answer your questions is to set the time aside to learn the plan! Remember, we are not looking for everyone to be involved in this project, while 10% would be more than enough, even 5% of the Industry's businesses involvement would make for a very solid start.

u-turn sign credit Wikimedia Commons posted on Manufactured Home Marketing Sales Management

We need to make a U-Turn from Industry shrinkage to Industry growth.  Our research indicates we could rapidly return to 6 figure new home shipment levels, up from the current under 50,000 annual shipment levels on new home sales.  This will happen when enough professionals take the logical steps to make it happen.

Be the 1 out of 20 who is ready to make a positive change that will bring positive profits and more sales. We should have the next GoToMeeting session next week, so In the subject line of your email, please put  MH Alliance/Phoenix Project of your email to me,  Or if you prefer to post a comment below, you don't have to publicly show your email, I can access it via our Disqus system. # #

Blog post submitted

by L. A.  Tony Kovach
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