DCcitybizlist reports that modular home builder Nationwide Homes expects a net increase in the strength of the modular housing as the nation slowly climbs out of recession. Nationwide recently celebrated construction of its 35,000th home. The firm’s sales activity is picking up since last year, when Nationwide became the country’s first modular homebuilder to be featured on ABC’s “Extreme Makeover.” “As we look to the future, we believe demographics are on our side,” said Dan Goodin, Nationwide’s vice president of sales and marketing. “Demographic trends already show that most new buyers in the next decade will prefer smaller structures to the large ‘McMansions’ typically built in the last housing boom.” “Land use challenges that didn’t plague the last housing boom will put a cap on the pace at which new development will be started,” Goodin said, adding, “There are considerable obstacles to planned housing developments. Towns faced with fiscal issues also won’t be as eager to build roads, services and schools in outlying areas where all of the development occurred before. Lending institutions are also restricting financing for large projects. As a result, we have a unique opportunity to market the high quality and speed of construction of modular housing to growing numbers of families who will be looking to build their own homes on infill sites or other scattered lot and rural properties. Modular construction is not only faster, but is considerably less disruptive to the build site and surrounding areas.” Nationwide was acquired by Phoenix, Ariz.-based Cavco Industries, a firm tracked on MHProNews.com factory built housing business daily stock market report.