An article in Tulsa World notes that Senate Bill 91 in the Oklahoma State Senate specifies that if personal property taxes become delinquent on a manufactured home situated on property not owned by the owner of the home, and the county treasurer places a notice in the local newspaper, then notice must also be submitted to the owner of the property.

Deanna Fields, executive director of the Oklahoma Manufactured Housing Association (MHAO), said the bill is good for the MH industry and is set to be signed by the governor. She said previously, the land owner of the home site was not bound by law to be notified of the delinquency of the MH owner.
She said the land owner is not obligated to pay the tax, “..but if the home goes up for auction after 3-5 years of delinquent taxes the land owner will be notified. It’s a good bill!” ##
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