Ala. City Ordinance Limits Siting of Manufactured Homes

mh foreclosure   gfhomesandland creditThe Courtland (Alabama) City Council’s proposed zoning ordinance limits the siting of manufactured homes (MH) to the R-1 district, and prohibits manufactured home communities from siting within the city limits, as moultonadvertiser informs MHProNews. MH are also prohibited from being sited in the Historic District.

Pre-existing MH within the city will be grandfathered in provided they are inhabited and comply with all the codes and regulations of the city, county and state health departments.

Following an extensive definition of an MH—”any structure intended for, or capable of, human habitation, no less than eight feet in width and 40 feet in length; a structure designed as a movable dwelling, built upon its own permanent chassis, transported on its own chassis (normally by towing) in one or more sections; occupiable with or without a foundation, and containing within it all of the normal utility systems, etc.–” the ordinance states recreational vehicles and travel trailers and other units used for travel are not included in the definition.

Courtland is in northern Ala., near Muscle Shoals. ##

(Photo credit: gandfhomes–manufactured home)

matthew-silver-daily-business-news-mhpronews-comArticle submitted by Matthew J Silver to Daily Business News-MHProNews.

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