Ron Thomas, Sr., Chairman of the Midwest Manufactured Housing Federation (MMHF), said: “I’m happy to tell you the Louisville Show is scheduled for January 11, 12, and 13. Everyone I talk to is very pleased the show is moving forward in 2012.” As if to underscore Thomas’ point, Wally Comer, President of Adventure Homes, told that: “I went to the (January 2011) show very skeptical; prepared for the worst and hoping for the best. Was I surprised! We had lousy weather on day one and still entertained a good crowd. On day two, the crowd got larger and business got better. Adventure is having a very good 2011 and I attribute our strong start to our participation at Louisville 2011.” Granger’s Shawn Cravens stated: “Granger Plastics is extremely pleased that the Louisville Manufactured Housing Show is returning to Louisville in 2012, after a great return show in 2011….(The)…2011 show in Louisville showcased an overwhelming number of sales opportunities for us to capture after missing out on the 2010 show. “ Comer added: “Adventure took 5 homes last year; however, this year we will have 6 homes in the show! We are expecting a larger more enthusiastic crowd …(in 2012).” Ron Thomas wrapped up his comments to by saying: “This year’s show is in a growth mode and we expect the show to be bigger and better than last year. I would like to invite everyone to come to Louisville 2012, a true “cornerstone event” in our industry.”