We the Economy

we-the-economyWhere do federal tax dollars go? CNN Money provides some insights, in their 6 minutes video, “We the Economy.”

As you’ll see in their report, three big items dominate 70% of all federal spending. So the balance of the federal budget makes up 30% of the spending.

What this specific report doesn’t look at are areas of waste, inefficiency, places where tax or where regulatory policies harm or help various sectors.

Congressman Stephen Fincher, co-sponsor for HR 1779, said:

The government has an incredibly poor track record of picking winners and losers, and it needs to stop doing it. Instead, we need for Congress and the Administration to get out of the way and allow businesses and industries to make decisions that will allow them to thrive and create more jobs.

Fincher elaborated, “I share a vision with the Founding Fathers of this country, where a more efficient and effective government is what it takes to make America the greatest country in the world.” See the full Congressman Stephen Fincher interview at this link. ##

(We the Economy)

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