Indiana Department Investigating for SAFE Act Compliance

The Indiana Department of Financial Institutions has been performing outreach to manufactured housing retailers and communities in order to insure compliance with the SAFE Act. Mark Bowersox, executive director of the Indiana Manufactured Housing Association (IMHA) told his organization was previously told by the state that enforcement would be complaint-driven, so the pro-active auditing was unexpected. Mark Tarpey, supervisor – Consumer Credit Division the Indiana Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) told the department has a certain responsibility as the regulator to insure compliance. In general, Tarpey says the outreach has found compliance to be  good. “Some people are in the process of figuring out what they are going to do moving forward, how they are going to structure transactions, etcetera,” Tarpey says. “We’re there to help people figure it out.” The DFI has agreed to meet with IMHA members December 16th for a SAFE Act roundtable. A Q&A on the SAFE ACT from the DFI is available at Read the full Industry in Focus Report by Eric Miller at

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