A four-acre site occupied by a manufacturing plant that closed in 1990 and now owned by the Carthage Industrial Development Corp. (CIDC) in Carthage, New York is set for six homes to be built by Thousand Islands Area Habitat for Humanity. In collaboration with the village of Carthage and the Development Authority of the North Country (DANC), the CIDC will pitch in $25,000, to be matched by $25,000 from DANC for the water and sewer infrastructure. DANC ‘s board of directors will also consider a $100,000 no-interest loan to help defray construction costs of Habitat. MHProNews has learned from watertowndailytimes, board President Walter Plumley has suggested modular homes could be built with assistance from carpentry students at a local trade school. It normally costs Habitat $70k to $90k to build each house, with the funding primarily provided by local businesses and village donors. In addition, volunteers from the village will also help with construction of the homes designated for low income residents.
(Photo credit: Atlantic Bay Homes)