No, not that kind of tease.
An investor and industry professional wrote the Daily Business News on MHProNews recently to say in part, ‘please, don’t tease me.’
To be VERY clear, his was a generic statement, not a specific tease ‘aimed’ at him, as his own message to MHProNews explained.
Rather, that MHPro was referring to a ‘teaser’ in this sense of the term exemplified by short clips that ‘tease’ a movie. Or more to the point, the teasers found on radio, TV, or even in digital/print media – that announce or signal an upcoming feature(s).
Put differently for those who don’t yet know the term, most news media, and many businesses use teasers. MHProNews has periodically used ‘coming attractions‘ too. Here’s an example of a teaser one might here on their local news.
- ‘Man dies in unusual circumstance in a mobile home, details on the evening news at 10’ is a hypothetical example of a news teaser.
Once you tease, you better be able to deliver the goods, or the audiences’ trust will eventually wane.
Here on MHProNews, we’ve delivered – year after year. The growing audience and other third party items proves that to be true. As a competitor put it, this is the factory-built home industry trade-focused content that others are talking about.
Teaser 1 – CSPAN and MHI
A recent news tip tied to CSPAN with specific implications for the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and their members came into MHProNews. That will be a featured post in the days ahead.
This first tease might be a good time to remind readers that a tip is just the start of a process, don’t expect immediate action on certain kinds of tips. But some news tips get a quicker response – it just depends on the complexity and time-sensitivity of the topic.

Teaser 2 – Exclusive RV Horizons Report Upcoming

Mobile Home University, Mobile Home Park Store and RV Horizons.
Yes, it’s a shameless tease for now. But the Daily Business News will – as usual – deliver the goods in an upcoming report on a manufactured home community controversy.
We have word-in-hand from inside RV Horizons – the Frank Rolfe, Dave Reynolds and associates operation – on a story noteworthy for the community sector, plus others in MHVille too.
Teaser 3 – HUD’s FHA Commissioner Brian Montgomery on the Hot Seat
The Brian Montgomery story will go live later today, here on the Daily Business News on MHProNews.
The Montgomery story will reflect this reality. We will hold Republicans and Democrats alike to account for performance, or mere lip service.
Professionals don’t want empty promises. They want measurable results. That lack of measurable results is partly why MHI’s rep is arguably suffering, right?
Teaser 4 – Clayton Homes MH Teaser
Perhaps the biggest story is the fourth one in the headline. It’s the latest about Clayton and their sister operations in manufactured housing.
And it comes from a well-placed source inside the industry giant that ‘documented’ their claim.
Furthermore, in providing the Clayton-connected news tip, it further underscores prior allegations and issues that MHProNews and others in mainstream media have previously reported on. It’s just what the Omaha-Knoxville-Arlington axis wanted – not – for the New Year. Our thanks for that tip, and whistleblowers and others can always pass them along via the link below.

Note to the axis and their surrogates. There have already been ‘false’ tips sent, we check these out, and strive not to bite on claims that aren’t real. We’ll leave the unsubstituted claims, spin, and lying to others.
Readers can smell BS.
Teaser 5 – Berkshire MH Lending in the Era of Waters?
Last for now, but not least – is an upcoming insider insights about 21st and Vanderbilt Mortgage.
Maxine Waters is likely to take the reins at the House Financial Services Committee early in the 2019 new year.

As it develops, that one could prove to be a bombshell. Representative Waters and her Democratic colleagues have already charged the Berkshire brands in MHVille with purportedly racist businesses practices, and predatory lending. With the Democrats in charge of that House in 2019 and 2020, this will be one to watch. Since no other trade media sources ‘go there’ on ‘hot topics,’ count on MHProNews to do this for you.
That developing report will include a well-placed source from a competitive lender who explained that ‘21st is overcharging.’ Meaning, overcharging o their loans. Really?
That highly-placed competitor’s source is serious. The Daily Business News on MHProNews has that story in development.
That in turn will be tied to the brewing controversies involving the GSEs, and the Omaha-Knoxville-Arlington Axis.
All of these planned reports noted above are herein are in various stages of preparation, to be mixed in with other ‘breaking’ or noteworthy developments in MHVille. It’s what’s ahead in 2019. Happy New Year reality checks.

Dare to Compare. Often First, But Always the Best MH News and Analysis
Some in MHVille send out an email with a link to a mainstream news story, which is of course everyone’s right. We respect people’s rights here.
But for an industry leader to send out to a link to a mainstream news story to others without sound commentary and analysis, an uncritical forward can actually be misleading to receivers, especially if the original news report has problematic elements.

That said, some in MHVille do send a commentary with a news item. But if the facts or logic of the commentary is flawed, that can compound the problem of an errant report.

There are reasons why third-party MailChimp says MHProNews’ has one of the most active and engaged email lists in the industry. Already in the thousands, that list is growing by the dozens in a small industry. Why?
Isn’t it obvious? Professionals want news, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary relevant to them.
MHPros don’t want to be bored.
If ‘straight news’ without any filters is all that people wanted, CSPAN would be #1. But CSPAN coverage aren’t on top in mainstream news by a long shot.
Buzzfeed, Breitbart, Axios, and Zero Hedge are among the emerging and/or popular news sources across the left-right divide that have drawn significant readers in their niche. MHProNews gets that, and we deliver that news with zest, analysis, and gusto.

We dominate in MHVille trade media because we give you what you need and crave.
- Industry-Relevant News.
- The Fact-Checks you don’t find from others in MHVille trade media (not knocking them, but facts are facts). Most are in an ‘amen corner’ for whatever Arlington-Knoxville-Omaha wants. How does the ‘Amen Corner’ benefit majority of MH industry professionals? Given the final HUD Code shipment performance anticipated for 2018, even some of the bigger boys ought to ask if the Amen Corner is working out as hoped for by the large players?
- Evidence and citations. We connect the dots and cite on-the-record sources.
- ‘Follow the Money’ Trails.In 2018, by following-the-money, surprising connections between Buffett, Berkshire, Clayton and others impacting the MH industry were revealed. That in turn paints a richer, fuller picture of why manufactured housing is underperforming.

Compare to Mainstream – Not One MHProNews Report Debunked
In mainstream media, a number of stories in 2018 had to be pulled as fatally flawed or significantly corrected. Not so on MHProNews. We’re proud of that record, and its arguably a reason why industry pros surf-in by the thousands daily.
No one from the Omaha-Knoxville-Arlington axis, nor any of their part-time pawns, nor their purported attorney with apparent ties to Nathan Smith- and his BBB ‘F’ rated SSK Communities – have debunked a single researched report on MHProNews.
If MHI and their part-or-full time surrogates could debunk our research, wouldn’t they have already done so?

You can join the thousands who follow us on headline e-news update, by clicking the link above. Our thanks to faithful readers, and of course, to our sponsors and business development clients too.
Sugar can rot teeth, but ‘meat and potatoes’ are what industry pros crave. Polling reveals that millions are tired of BS news.

You’ll find the sugary MHI-Amen Corner tooth rot elsewhere. Here we’ll pledge to give you “MH Industry News, With Zest, Gusto and Analysis That You Need and Crave.” ©
MHProNews is where “We Provide, You Decide,” on the “Industry News, Tips, and Views That Pros Can Use.” In 2019, and beyond. It will be an exciting ride. That’s a promise, not a tease. ## (News , analysis, and commentary.)

NOTICE: You can get our ‘read-hot’ industry-leading emailed headline news updates, at this link here. You can join the scores who follow us on Twitter at this link. Connect on LinkedIn here.
NOTICE 2: Readers have periodically reported that they are getting a better experience when reading MHProNews on the Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari browser than with Google’s Chrome browser. Chrome reportedly manipulates the content of a page more than the other two.
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