What’s in a name?

A few weeks back we introduced the concept of the Louisville Manufactured Housing Show. We had been thinking of this a long time and wanted to pay tribute to the actual Louisville Manufactured Housing Show.

It has come to our attention that the name regionalizes an event that needn’t be regionalized. Also, there is a chance that the original Louisville Manufactured Housing Show may return – a possibility that we surely hope will come to fruition.

Having two events with names that similar may cause confusion. And it may be in the best interests of the industry to de-regionalize our virtual show.

Our plan is not to supplant live shows, but to augment them. Our plan is to give a preview of what to expect at upcoming lives shows and to present more information and seminars than the usual live show has time or space for.

So what’s in a name?

We are thinking about renaming our event Virtual Housing Show 2010. That name opens the door to more possibilities, don’t you think? In fact, we are in discussions with association and industry leaders on what would make the best sense.

When Editor Tony Kovach posted his “Haitian Disaster Relief and American Factory Built Housing: Crisis meets Opportunity?” post on the Masthead, it drew responses from interested persons involved in the factory-built housing industry from around the world. So maybe – for our purposes – using a city name in the title of our event is too limiting.

If our industry is going to grow in the 21st Century and take it’s rightful place as America’s Quality Affordable Housing Choice, having a title that presents the event as more universal seems appealing.

There has been a tremendous amount of interest in this virtual show and your feedback is important to us as we determine it’s shape and vision.

What do you think?

To Louisville or not to Louisville? If we make this change, do you think that will help or hurt our prospects for bringing you the best Virtual Show in the Manufactured Housing universe?

Links to other articles on the Virtual Housing Show:

Virtual Louisville Housing Show

Virtual Louisville – the Future is Now!
Virtual Louisville Housing Show – Truth, Technology, Trumpets, Timing and The Turn-around!

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