Time for a mid-year checkup?

Words of wisdom for this week

“Expecting different results from the same repeated behavior is a mild form of insanity.”
~ Yogi Berra

It’s the end of June and your year is half way over. What are you going to do to ensure the balance of the year is more productive, successful and enjoyable than the first 6 months? Here a few assignments that will get you started:

1. If a prospect said to you – You have 30 seconds to tell him/her why they should do business with you. – what would you say?

2. If an excellent prospect said to you – We have no intention of changing suppliers in the next year, what would you do?

3. Your best 15 prospecting questions are?

4. Why are your prospects doing business with your competitors and not you? List 10 reasons.

5. What are 5 significant trends that will impact your business positively or negatively in 2010 0r 2011?

6. Are your organization’s policies/procedures customer friendly or are they opening the door for your competition?

7. At what level are you selling: product/service, transactional, solution oriented, relationship focused, shared fate, other. If you don’t have a clue as to what I am talking about – you should attend my next sales boot camp in September.

8. Are your competitors poised to take market share away from you in the near future? How and why?

9. Have you already set, refined, written and set in motion your 2011 goals? If not, what are you waiting for?

10. What one question could you ask or statement could you make that would capture a prospect’s attention instantly?

11. What are your prospect’s needs/wants that your competitors cannot provide?

12. If you could/would to do one thing different in 2010 that you didn’t do in 2009 that would have the greatest impact on your success, what would that be?

Now it’s your turn. I challenge you to come up with at least 20 more questions to ask yourself to get ready for the second half of 2010.