Mid – Week Motivational Boosters

Quote for the week –
“Begin somewhere. You cannot build a reputation upon what you intend to do.”
– Liz Smith

Tim-bit for the week –
Intentions are nice but are only just that unless…
Intent is a wonderful thing but action and follow-through are what really matters. It’s not what you say that really influences others for the long term but how you behave. I have been guilty of saying and doing or not saying or doing things I didn’t mean, but I was always able to convince myself that somewhere in my consciousness I really meant them. But in the end I wasn’t fooling anyone – you or me.

I have always tried to honor my stated intentions to others or to myself but I like everyone am guilty from time to time of intentionally or subtly trying to influence others as a manipulative tool. I can only tell you that in the end this is an exhausting way to live. It takes courage, emotional congruence and inner integrity to only say and do what you really mean. But in the end truth will always rule.