Mid-Week Motivation Booster from Tim Connor – 2/2/11

Weekly Quote
“Defeat should never be a source of discouragement, but rather a fresh stimulus.”
~ Robert South

Weekly TimBit
Life is moving faster and faster for more and more people today. Everyone seems to be in a rush to nowhere. We drive faster, eat faster, get upset when a plane is 15 minutes late, and get all stressed out when we have to wait in a line for anything.

What is the rush anyway? Where is everyone going? Most people are just trying to cram more into the 70 odd years they are given while they waste hours and days in the pursuit of endless and useless activities that in no way contribute to the quality of their life, career or relationships.

Patience is a relaxed state where the person trusts the process of their life regardless of how it may be unfolding moment by moment. Peace is the outcome of this outlook and philosophy.

Question for the week
On a 1-10 scale how would you rate your patience?

Recommended reading
The Power of Patience, Ryan (Second time I have recommended this book – in case you missed it the first time)