How would you like 2011 to be different?

Weekly Success Tips

Words of wisdom for this week.

“I shall not believe that God plays dice with the world.”
~ Albert Einstein

OK, so 2010 is almost to a close. The celebrations and food fests will soon be over and it’s back to the grind of trying to achieve, improve, accomplish and move toward your 2011 goals (if you have them).

At the end of 2011:

How would you like your life to be different?
How would you like your life to be better?
What have you accomplished?
What goals have you achieved?
What new skills have you developed?
What habits have you added or eliminated?
What relationships have you improved?
What positive have you created?
How have you served your fellow man?

I could go on with these but the answer to all of then lies in five areas.



Intent – Everything starts with your intentions. When you fail at something, like it or not, your intent was to fail. All positive intentions have opposing negative intentions. When you achieve, your positive intentions are stronger than your negative ones and vice versa.

Action – Talking about doing is not the same as doing. Doing is doing, it’s that simple. Don’t tell me what you are going to do, do it.

Discipline – Discipline is nothing more than sticking with what you planned to do or said you were going to do with no lame excuses.

Courage – Everyone faces adversity. No one is immune to the trials and tribulations that life brings on a daily basis. True courage is the desire to overcome no matter what is going on outside of you or inside you.

Will – The will, perseverance or persistence to face life’s challenges is what will separate you from the also-rans in life.

Simple answers to these five areas, I know, but my purpose is to get you thinking as you begin your new year.

If you want next year to be better or different I’ll leave you with one simple question.

What are you willing to learn or do better or different to accomplish the above?

Have a prosperous, healthy, safe, satisfying and wonderful year but if you are going to accomplish all of these you won’t do it turning them over to anyone or anything. You will accomplish them because you took full responsibility for your life and it’s outcomes.